Introduction to the Loop Quantum Gravity


Otakar Svítek

spring 2024: 2/0 Ex


A brief introduction to loop quantum gravity and spin networks states.

Individual lectures: 90 minutes.

Recommended background: classical general relativity, Hamiltonian structure of gauge theories, basics of group representation theory, quantum field theory.

Intended for advanced graduate and postgraduate students.

Information about the schedule:

The lectures take place on Thursdays at 15:40 in the seminar room A1032UTF of the Institute of Theoretical Physics.


Exams will be oral. The list of questions is available here.


Loop Quantum Gravity is one of the candidates for the theory of quantum gravity, which is background independent and does not require renormalization. The main aim of these lectures is to understand its kinematical formulation. Starting from the gravitational Lagrangian we perform its classical Hamiltonian analysis. Ashtekar-Barbero variables, loop representation and spin networks states are introduced. Holonomy-Flux algebra is described. Volume and area operators possessing discrete spectra are constructed.

Recordings of lectures by Prof. Speziale

In fall of 2022 the course was delivered by Prof. Simone Speziale (CNRS, CPT, Marseille) and the recordings of those lectures can be found here.
