An MPI version of SCATCI
MPI-SCATCI Documentation

Ahmed Al-Refaie (University College London), Jakub Benda (Open University)

MPI-SCATCI serves for construction and diagonalization of the molecular Hamiltonian.

The program source is implemented in mpi_scatci and uses a lot of modules that implement various molecular integral formats and diagonalization approaches.


MPI-SCATCI can be run as a serial application in the similar way as SCATCI,

mpi-scatci < scatci.inp 1> scatci.out 2> scatci.err

but is also parallelized using MPI,

mpiexec -n 4 mpi-scatci scatci.inp 1> scatci.out 2> scatci.err

For this purpose it uses the MPI module present in the UKRmol+ GBTO library. In the MPI mode, MPI-SCATCI can optionally use the MPI-3 shared memory for storage of molecular integrals. This is automatically enabled when GBTOlib is compiled with MPI-3 support and it helps to reduce memory requirements of large calculations.

Program operation

The program starts by initialization of the MPI module and redirection of non-master process outputs to log files (named log_file.X, where X stands for the rank of the process). The output of the master process is not redirected and goes to the standard output.

The input can be passed to MPI-SCATCI in the original SCATCI namelist format, or as a concatenation of several SCATCI inputs. The module Options_module then also reads the data from the binary output of CONGEN.

With the input read, all orbitals are constructed using the object Orbital_module::OrbitalTable (based on original SCATCI subroutines). These are then used for construction of all configurations by CSF_module::CSFObject. First, configurations are read from CONGEN binary output file. Then they are transformed to an internal bit field representation used by MPI-SCATCI. In MPI-3 shared memory mode there is just one array with the CSF data, populated by the master process. In non-shared memory mode all processes populate their own copies. Determinants are stored as bit fields and processed by bit operations, which reduces the memory needed and generally offers better performance.

Next stage is the loading of molecular integrals. If we are dealing with non-abelian group (for diatomics), ALCHEMY integrals are necessary (ALCHEMY_module). Otherwise, the code uses either SWEDEN or UKRmol+ integrals, depending on the switch used in the input configuration (SWEDEN_module, UKRMOL_module). Both ALCHEMY and SWEDEN reading routines are implemented directly in MPI-SCATCI. UKRmol+ integrals, on the contrary, are read using the interface subroutines of the GBTO library.

Two different Hamiltonian matrices can be diagonalized: uncontracted and contracted. Uncontracted Hamiltonian is a regular Hamiltonian, typically used for calculation of eigenstates of the target (see Uncontracted_Hamiltonian_module). Contracted Hamiltonian (see Contracted_Hamiltonian_module) is such Hamiltonian, where the so-called "CI target" states are employed. This is used in "scattering", or (N + 1)-electron, runs. It is also possible to avoid any diagonalization at all, forcing MPI-SCATCI to just write out the Hamiltonian to disk, together with information file ham_data (Options_module::ham_pars_io_wrapper) that can be used for further processing of the Hamiltonian elements.

If the contracted ((N+1)-electron) Hamiltonian diagonalization is requested, MPI-SCATCI first prepares the (N-electron) target states (see Target_RMat_CI_module). Again, depending on the user setup, these are either loaded from disk (as a result of previous target-only, uncontracted diagonalization), or obtained by diagonalization on the fly; the same method is used for this diagonalization as for the subsequent (N+1)-electron one. Target eigenstates are then use to constrain the contracted Hamiltonian so that it only uses these as the "target part" of the eigenstates containing continuum orbitals; for details see [1,2].

Once the diagonalization is done, eigen-energies and eigen-values are written to disk in the SCATCI fort.25 format using the object from SolutionHandler_module. Most of the writing is done from inside the diagonalizer type and the calculated eigenvectors are deallocated immediately, unless the calculation of derived quantities is requested.

Various input parameters allow MPI-SCATCI to perform further tasks, like exclude a specific row and column from the Hamiltonian, or pass the eigenstates to CDENPROP for calculation of transition dipole moments. See Postprocessing_module.

Diagonalization methods

The available diagonalization methods are listed in the following table:

Method Available in serial Available in parallel Dependency Module
direct (dense) yes LAPACK LapackDiagonalizer_module
direct (dense) yes ScaLAPACK SCALAPACKDiagonalizer_module
iterative (Davidson) yes DavidsonDiagonalizer_module
iterative (Davidson) (unfinished) SLEPc + PetSc SLEPCDavidsonDiagonalizer_module
iterative (Arnoldi) yes Arpack ARPACKDiagonalizer_module
iterative (Krylov-Schur) yes SLEPc + PetSc SLEPCDiagonalizer_module

As indicated in the table, at the present moment the parallel version of Davidson method is not available. MPI-SCATCI uses Krylov-Schur method instead.

Input namelist options

The following table lists all members of the namelist &input:

Option Default Description
icidg 1 Diagonalize: 0 = no, 1 = yes, 2 = yes with no restart.
icitg 0 Use contracted target: 0 = no (target run), 1 = yes (scattering run).
iexpc 0 Assume that CSFs contains continuum prototypes: 0 = no, 1 = yes.
idiag -1 Hamiltonian matrix evaluation flag. See below for details.
nfti 16 File unit with molecular integrals.
nfte 26 Hamiltonian scratch file unit.
lembf 5000 Number of matrix elements per record in the Hamiltonian scratch file.
megul 13 File unit with CSFs from CONGEN.
nftg 0 File unit with target eigenstates for phase consistency.
ntgsym 0 Number of different spin-symmetries for target eigenstates.
numtgt 0,0,... Number of target eigenstates per spin-symmetry.
notgt 0,0,... Number of continuum orbitals used with given target spin-symmetry.
nctgt 1,1,... Number of CI components per target spin-symmetry. (Not used in UKRmol+.)
ntgtf 0,0,... Input dataset in nftg per target eigenstate.
ntgts 0,0,... Position of the eigenstate in the input dataset.
mcont 0,0,... Continuum M-value (spatial symmetry) per target eigenstate.
ncorb -1 Phase correction by neglecting continuum: -1 = no, 0 = yes.
iord 1 ALCHEMY molecular integrals ordering flag. (Not used in UKRmol+.)
name Textual description of the run.
scalem 0 Exotic mass flag. (Not used in UKRmol+.)
scfuse 0 ALCHEMY molecular integrals control flag. (Not used in UKRmol+.)
qmoln .false. Write additional data for use in Quantemol-EC.
ukrmolp_ints .true. Assume UKRmol+ molecular integral format.

The Hamiltonian matrix evaluation flag idiag can have the following values:

  • 0: Matrix is evaluated as a difference from the first element.
  • 1: Matrix is evaluated as full.
  • 2: Same as 0 but don't evaluate integrals belonging to the target state.
  • 3: Same as 1 but don't evaluate integrals belonging to the target state.

Typically, one uses idiag = 0 (default) for target runs, but idiag = 1 (or idiag = 2) for scattering.

The following table lists all members of the namelist &cinorn:

Option Default Description
nftw 25 Output unit for eigenpairs.
nciset 1 Dataset to write in the output file nftw.
npcvc 1 Print dataset header when reading through the nftw file: 0 = no, 1 = yes.
name Textual description of the run.
nstat 0 Number of eigenstates to obtain.
eshift 0.,0.,... Energy shifts to be applied to target state (in atomic units)
igh -10 Algorithm to use: 0 = Davidson, -1 = Arpack, 1 = dense.
critc 1e-10 Arpack control tolerance.
critr 1e-8 Arpack control tolerance.
ortho 1e-7 Arpack control tolerance.
crite 1e-12 Arpack control tolerance.
maxiter -1 Limit for iterative diagonalizers (Davidson, Arpack, SLEPc).
memp 2.5 Memory limit per process in GiB.
forse 0 Force serial diagonalizer even in parallel mode. (For debugging.)
exrc -1 Exclude row & column. (For debugging.)
vecstore 5 Eigenvector storage and processing flag, see below.
ecp 0 Effective core potential to use. (Not fully implemented.)

The keyword vecstore conveys more information than a single true/false flag. Its value expected to be the sum of a subset of the following flags:

Flag Value
store continuum coeffs 1
process in CDENPROP 2
store L2 coeffs 4

The default value (5 = 4 + 1) tells MPI-SCATCI to store all coefficients (as done by SCATCI) and to not include that particular spin-symmetry in CDENPROP post-processing.

The keyword eshift accepts a list of energy shifts which are applied to the eigenvalues in numerical order starting from the lowest (most negative) state. The shifts should be given in atomic units.

For example, if a calculation obtains energies (in a given symmetry e.g., A1)

E_calc = -0.490,-0.220,-0.075

but the experimental data is

E_exp  = -0.500,-0.250,-0.125

then eshift would be set as follows:

eshift =  0.000,-0.020,-0.040

This would ensure that the theoretical vertical excitation energies of the calculation match those derived from experiment or more accurate ab initio theory. It is normally advised not to shift the ground state because only the vertical excitation energy is important for a fixed-nuclei calculation and the ground state energy gives a useful indication of the accuracy of the calculation.

The following table lists all members of the namelist &outer_interface:

Option Default Description
write_amp .true. Write channel data (fort.10) and boundary amplitudes (fort.21).
write_dip .false. Calculate and write transition dipole moments (fort.624).
write_rmt .false. Compose the input file for RMT; see [3] and [4].
all_props .true. Compute also IRR-with-itself properties and sort states by energy.
luprop -1 Property file for CDENPROP if different than nfti (for all IRRs).
nfdm 18 Number of in-sphere evaluation radii for RMT data.
delta_r 0.08 Spacing of in-sphere evaluation radii for RMT data.
rmatr -1.0 R-matrix radius.
ntarg 0 When non-zero, the number of targets to use in the outer region.
idtarg 0 Comma-separated list of target IDs to use in the outer regions.
cform ‘'F’\ilinebr </td> <td class="markdownTableBodyNone"> Formatted/unformatted output flag for the channel info file.\ilinebr </td> </tr> <tr class="markdownTableRowEven"> <td class="markdownTableBodyNone">rform\ilinebr </td> <td class="markdownTableBodyNone">'U'` Formatted/unformatted output flag for the boundary amplitudes file.

As always, namelist keywords are case-insensitive.

CDENPROP post-processing

When evaluation of properties (multipole moments) are desired between states of some irreducible representations, one needs to add the switch

    vecstore = 2,  ! or 7 (= 1 + 2 + 4) to also write all eigenvectors

The property file (in DENPROP format) will be written to fort.624. However, there are some important caveats to point out: In case of a scattering diagonalization, CDENPROP assumes that the target eigenvectors are present in file fort.26 and—presently—there is no option to change this from MPI-SCATCI. However, fort.26 is also the default Hamiltonian output file name. So, to avoid collision, in a scattering diagonalization one needs to use a different unit for the Hamiltonian by defining the nfte keyword to some available number, e.g.

    nfte = 80,

Also, in the scattering mode, CDENPROP requires the target properties (fort.24), so these need to be present, too. When all_props is set to .true. (default), properties are calculated between all eigenvector sets, including elements between the eigenvectors of the same Hamiltonian. This is necessary for RMT or when using CDENPROP stage in place of DENPROP. However, when running a photoionization calculation, only matrix elements between eigenstates of distinct Hamiltonians are required. This can be achieved by setting all_props to .false., which will also inhibit automatic sorting of all eigenstates by energy when writing them to the property file.


[1] Tennyson J, A new algorithm for Hamiltonian matrix construction in electron–molecule collision calculations, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 29 (1996) 1817–1828.

[2] Al-Refaie A F, Tennyson J, A parallel algorithm for Hamiltonian matrix construction in electron–molecule collision calculations: MPI-SCATCI, Comput. Phys. Commun. 221 (2017) 53–62.

[3] Brown A C et al., RMT: R-matrix with time-dependence. Solving the semi-relativistic, time-dependent Schrodinger equation for general, multi-electron atoms and molecules in intense, ultrashort, arbitrarily polarized laser pulses, Comput. Phys. Commun. 250 (2020) 107062.

[4] Mašín Z et al., UKRmol+: a suite for modelling of electronic processes in molecules interacting with electrons, positrons and photons using the R-matrix method, Comput. Phys. Commun. 249 (2020) 107092.