Polarization to the end of elmag field
Special theory of relativity
Hi, I'll be right with you, just sit down and fix yourself a drink...
Now, this is me:
Oops, no... It's a friend of mine. But I'm here.
I'm sorry I am late - didn't expect YOU to come!
But once you're here I invite you for a short walk through my favourite
spots on the Internet.
My name is Martin Žofka (a Czech or
in other words a Bohemian name) and it is one of my hobbies to pursue my
links. In short - my mother Helena is an architect. She used to work in
several state owned companies before she with another two people founded
However, after two years she left and found a job at a company Ateliér
arch. Mezřického. Since July 1999 she is retired and enjoying life
at our cottage in Southern Bohemia near the town of Třeboň. My brother
Jiří is a sales manager in charge of the incoming orders in one of the
biggest companies in the plastic windows market in the Czech Republic -
OKNA. My sister Kristina works
for various film and TV commercials production companies mainly for the
Connection. To be accurate, by now I have collected data on about
1000 of my relatives going all the way back to 1400!
Right now I am at the third year of my PhD studies - physics.
I specialize in general
relativity - thin disks. I did
my diploma thesis on scalar waves propagation on curved black-hole background
with non-zero cosmological constant (Reissner-Nordstroem-de
Sitter). Besides I take interest in gamma
ray bursts. Two years ago while studying in Albuquerque,
New Mexico (The Land of Enchantment) I did some computations
to thermal conductivity.
I live in a beautiful and ancient city in central Europe. I live in Prague,
Czech Republic. You probably have heard of my city and it is no wonder.
It belongs to the cultural treasures of the Old Continent. Visit us in
If you already are here then you might want to know what's going on here
culture-wise - try this cultural guide.
What else do I do? I like studying languages - currently I study Italian
and thus I welcome anyone wishing to communicate in this stacatto language.
If you can advice me of any cool Italian homepages, please, do. By the
way, I do lots of translations Czech->English or the other way round, if
you have something to be translated, please, contact me. When doing this
the following dictionary
comes quite handy.
The last but not the least - karate. I began in 1988 and
did not grow tired of it yet - I hope it will last for a couple of years
to come yet.
Oh, by the way - if anyone wants to hire a REAL AMERICAN car my sensei is
ready to help you. Check out his beautiful Ford Crown Victoria
here. |
My girlfriend Veronika and me just got back from the Slovakian Tatra
mountains. We made a lot of pictures of which several can be found here.
I was stupid enough to leave planning for the total eclipse until the last
(im)possible moment. And it came back upon me. Look here.
As I said I am a student. You might want to visit my university - Charles
University of Prague. It is the oldest university in Central Europe.
Charles IV founded it in 1348. It's buildings are scatterred all around
Prague (unfortunately). I live at the southern edge of Prague while the
building where the Department
of Theoretical Physics is lies on the opposite side. When visiting
here, please, don§t forget to check out the homepage of my colleague Vojta
Here I offer you some of my favourite links:
I like travelling. Before going anywhere I always try to get as much info
on the place in question as I can. City.Net
proved to be very useful here. Right before embarking on a journey I need
to know about the weather there - try this weather
Another thing which I consider very useful is getting the latest news on
the Internet. Check out CNN if you're
an American. Or read through my favorite Czech Internet newspaper České
When looking for something on the Internet I take advantage of the following
sites: Seznam českého Internetu and
comprehensive page. My advice for people looking for some particular
info in the Czech Republic - local engines are more efficient when dealing
with our alphabet...
When looking for my friends' E-mail addresses (which I keep losing) I usually
go to Liberec University of Economy Netfind
If you want to ask me anything or would like to tell me something or
just want to say hi, here is my E-mail address: zofka@mbox.troja.mff.cuni.cz.
Bye now, your Martin
If some of the characters don't show up right on the screen
change to the Central European encoding (Options, Document Encoding, Central
European (Win1250)). If that doesn't work either then simply remember that
my name is spelled pretty close to Zofka...
Green color indicates links which I intend to include
in the near future as soon as I find the corresponding places in my bookmarks
while the red ones are two links which I wanted to include originally but
then realized that would be too commercial for an academic network like