scattering database
The database is represented as a single SQLite file and the user interface hex-db uses the C/C++ API of SQLite to access the data. The whole database can also be easily reconstructed using hex-db from the published data:
> hex-db --database <path-to-DB-file> --new --import Hex-170205.sql --update
The most recent data pack can be obtained below. You will need to decompress it first. The file is compressed by LZMA2 (xz), which can be decoded e.g. by 7zip (Windows) or using the standard xz-tools (Linux). Expect the resulting file to inflate approximately ten times!
Hex-170210.sql.xz - 7.5 MiB

Please cite the following articles when using Hex:
Benda J., Houfek K.,
Collisions of electrons with hydrogen atoms I. Package outline and high energy code,
Comput. Phys. Commun. 185 (2014) 2893-2902.
Benda J., Houfek K.,
Collisions of electrons with hydrogen atoms II. Low-energy program using the method of the exterior complex scaling,
Comput. Phys. Commun. 185 (2014) 2903-2912.
Benda J., Houfek K.,
New version of hex-ecs, the B-spline implementation of exterior complex scaling method for solution of electron–hydrogen scattering,
Comput. Phys. Commun. 204 (2016) 216-217.
Benda J., Houfek K.,
Reducing the dimensionality of grid based methods for electron-atom scattering calculations below ionization threshold,
Comput. Phys. Commun. 213 (2017) 46-51.

Data contained in the database:
Insertion date Transition Energies [Rydberg] Notes
10.2.2017 All \(n_i,l_i,m_i \rightarrow n_f,l_f,m_f\), where \(1 \le n_i, n_f \le 3\)
fine, up to \(n = 4\) threshold
Hex-ecs v2.01. All previous data replaced; these are radially converged.
Jakub Benda © 2017