doc. RNDr. Robert Švarc, Ph.D.
prof. RNDr. Pavel Krtouš, Ph.D.
fall: 2/2 Ex C
Tensor calculus. Differentiable manifolds, tangent bundles. Maps of manifolds, diffeomorphism, Lie derivative. Exterior calculus. Riemann and pseudo-Riemann geometry. Covariant derivative, parallel transfer, geodesics. Torsion and curvature, space of connections. Metric derivatives, Levi-Civita derivative. Relation of Lie, exterior, and covariant derivatives. Submanifolds, integrability, Frobenius theorem. Integration on manifolds, integrable densities, integral theorems.
The lectures are aimed at students interested in theoretical physics at the end of their bachelor's or the beginning of their master's study.
This course is followed by the course NTMF060 – Geometrical Methods of Theoretical Physics II.
The course is taught by Doc. R. Švarc and Dr. I. Kolář.
Lectures are scheduled each Monday at 10:40–12:10 in lecture room T2.
Practicals are scheduled each Thursday at 13:10–14:40 in lecture room T1.
Recordings of the lectures from previous years are available on a special page, the address of which was sent to enrolled students.
If anyone is interested in watching recordings of the lectures without enrolment, please contact the lecturer by email.
This year, the lectures are given in Czech. However, the recordings of lectures in English are also available.
The praticals, consultations, and examination can be both in Czech or English.
Zkouška se koná v následujících termínech:
Další termíny po domluvě s prof. Bičákem nebo prof. Krtoušem.
Zkouška se skládá z písemné (na základě odevzdaných domácích úkolů) a ústní části (2 otázky z vyložené látky).
Zkouška se skládá z písemné (výpočet křivosti metriky formalismem forem) a ústní části (2 otázky z vyložené látky).
Vedle literatury uvedené níže jsou k dispozici texty speciálně k přednášce NTMF059: