Configuration generation for SCATCI
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 ! Copyright 2019
2 !
3 ! For a comprehensive list of the developers that contributed to these codes
4 ! see the UK-AMOR website.
5 !
6 ! This file is part of UKRmol-in (UKRmol+ suite).
7 !
8 ! UKRmol-in is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
9 ! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
10 ! the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
11 ! (at your option) any later version.
12 !
13 ! UKRmol-in is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14 ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16 ! GNU General Public License for more details.
17 !
18 ! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
19 ! along with UKRmol-in (in source/COPYING). Alternatively, you can also visit
20 ! <>.
25  implicit none
27  ! module entry point
28  public distrb
30  ! internal support routines
31  private assign
32  private cplea, cplem
33  private cgcoef
34  private getsa, getsm, getso
35  private packdet
36  private print1, print2, print3, print4, print5
37  private state
38  private wfn
40 contains
53  subroutine assign (nshl, ndist, nused, refcon, excon, qnstor, nx, nftw)
55  ! Reminder of some used global variables:
56  ! pqn(1,nshl) 0 for pseudoshell, sequence number for real shell
57  ! pqn(2,nshl) starting index for pseudoshell
58  ! pqn(3,nshl) ending index for pseudoshell
59  ! occshl(nshl) occupation
60  ! sshl(nshl) sym-values per shell
61  ! nst(m,n) pointer to shell index and order count
62  ! nshsym(nsym) counter for number of shells in s symmetry
63  ! qnshlr(nshl) work area stores index of shells
65  use congen_data, only : ntcon, test, nrcon, nobt, nst, nshsym, nobi, ift, occshl, pqn => pqnst, sshl => sshlst, qnshlr
67  integer :: ndist, nftw, nshl, nused, nx
68  integer, dimension(nobt) :: excon
69  integer, dimension(*) :: qnstor
70  integer, dimension(nobt,max(ntcon,1)) :: refcon ! JMC changing the 2nd dimension from 2
71  intent (in) nftw, nshl, nx, refcon
72  intent (out) nused, qnstor
73  intent (inout) excon, ndist
75  integer, save :: allow, i, ic, it, ita, itest, j, ks, kss, mrun, mt, nav, navm1, ndrop, nrep, nshrun, nt
77  ! workspace limits
78  if (ift /= 0) then
79  nav = nx
80  navm1 = nav - 1
81  ift = 0
82  end if
84  ! categorize shells by symmetry (into NST array)
86  mrun = 0 ! 1-based index of current symmetry being processed (-> number of symmetries processed)
87  nshrun = 0 ! 1-based index of current shell being processed (-> number of shells proccessed)
89  do while (nshrun /= nshl) ! process all NSHL shells
90  mrun = mrun + 1
91  ita = 0 ! index of shell within symmetry (-> number of shells within symmetry)
92  do i = 1, nshl
93  if (mrun == sshl(i)) then
94  ita = ita + 1
95  nst(mrun,ita) = i
96  end if
97  end do
98  nshrun = nshrun + ita
99  end do
101  ! initializations
103  nshsym(1:mrun) = 0 ! number of shells processed so far per symmetry
104  ndist = 0 ! number of distributions generated (since the start of the program)
105  ndrop = 0 ! number of distributed shells stored (since the start of the program)
106  ks = 0 ! 1-based index of the current shell
108  ! ???
110  100 ks = ks + 1 ! next shell, please!
111  mt = sshl(ks) ! get symmetry number of the current shell
112  it = nshsym(mt) ! get number of shells with the same symmetry processed before the current one
113  nshsym(mt) = it + 1 ! update number of processed shells with that symmetry
114  qnshlr(ks) = pqn(2,ks) ! starting orbital of the set of orbitals this shell belongs to
116  ! skip to 200 if any of the previous orbitals for this symmetry violate rules below
117  120 do i = 1, it
118  kss = nst(mt,i)
119  if (qnshlr(kss) == qnshlr(ks)) go to 200
120  if (occshl(kss) == occshl(ks) .and. &
121  qnshlr(kss) >= qnshlr(ks) .and. &
122  qnshlr(ks) >= pqn(2,kss) .and. &
123  qnshlr(kss) <= pqn(3,ks)) go to 200
124  end do
126  if (ks < nshl) go to 100
128  ! take into account possible constraints
129  if (ntcon /= 0) then
130  excon(1:nobt) = 0
131  do i = 1, nshl
132  j = nobi(sshl(i)) + qnshlr(i)
133  excon(j) = occshl(i)
134  end do
136  allow = 0
137  itest = 0
139  do ic = 1, ntcon
140  nrep = 0
141  do i = 1, nobt
142  nt = excon(i) - refcon(i,ic)
143  nrep = abs(nt) + nrep
144  end do
145  if (test(ic) /= 1) then
146  if (nrep <= nrcon(ic) + nrcon(ic)) go to 200
147  else
148  if (nrep <= nrcon(ic) + nrcon(ic)) allow = 1
149  end if
150  itest = itest + test(ic)
151  end do
153  if (allow == 0 .and. itest /= 0) go to 200
154  end if
156  ! allowed assignment is to be stored - check that there is enough space
157  if (ndrop + nshl >= navm1) then
158  write(nftw,'("1",31("*"),/," ",31("*"),"STORAGE OVERFLOW IN ASSIGN:",I8, " WORDS AVAILABLE")') nx
159  stop 70
160  end if
162  ! store the assignment
163  ndist = ndist + 1
164  do i = 1, nshl
165  ndrop = ndrop + 1
166  qnstor(ndrop) = qnshlr(i)
167  end do
169  ! ascend in assignment loops
170  200 do while (ks > 0)
171  mt = sshl(ks) ! get symmetry number of the current shell
172  it = nshsym(mt) - 1 ! get number of shells with the same symmetry processed before the current one
173  qnshlr(ks) = qnshlr(ks) + 1
174  if (qnshlr(ks) <= pqn(3,ks)) go to 120
175  nshsym(mt) = it
176  ks = ks - 1
177  end do
179  nused = ndrop
181  end subroutine assign
197  subroutine cgcoef (j1, j2, j3, m3, n, ms, c, intpfg)
199  use precisn, only : wp
200  use consts, only : xzero, xone
201  use congen_data, only : binom, ind, nftw, thresh1
203  integer :: intpfg, j1, j2, j3, m3, n
204  real(kind=wp), dimension(*) :: c
205  integer, dimension(2,*) :: ms
206  intent (in) intpfg, j1, j2, j3, m3
207  intent (inout) c, ms, n
209  real(kind=wp) :: a, b, t
210  integer :: i, i1, i2, ii, jj, js, lb, lb1, lb2, lbh, lbl, m, m1, m2
211  integer, dimension(3) :: j, k, l
213  js = (j1 + j2 + j3 - 1) / 2
214  j(1) = j1
215  j(2) = j2
216  j(3) = j3
217  k(1) = js - j2
218  k(2) = js - j3
219  k(3) = js - j1
220  n = 0
221  m = m3
222  if (j3 - 1 < abs(m - 1)) return
223  if (any(k < 0)) return
224  a = xone / (binom(ind(js+1)+k(2)) * binom(ind(j3)+k(1)))
225  l(3) = (j3 + m3 - 2) / 2
226  m1 = j1
228  do jj = 1, j1
229  m2 = m3 - m1 + 1
230  if (abs(m2 - 1) <= j2 - 1) then
231  n = n + 1
232  ms(1,n) = m1
233  ms(2,n) = m2
234  l(1) = (j1 - m1) / 2
235  l(2) = (j2 + m2 - 2) / 2
236  b = a
237  do ii = 1, 3
238  b = binom(ind(j(ii)) + k(ii)) / binom(ind(j(ii)) + l(ii)) * b
239  end do
240  b = sqrt(b)
241  i1 = max(l(1) - k(1), l(2) - k(3), 0)
242  i2 = min(l(1), l(2), k(2))
243  t = xzero
244  if (i2 >= i1) then
245  lbl = ind(k(2) + 1) + i1
246  lbh = ind(k(2) + 1) + i2
247  lb1 = ind(k(1) + 1) + l(1) - i1
248  lb2 = ind(k(3) + 1) + l(2) - i1
249  do lb = lbl, lbh
250  t = binom(lb) * binom(lb1) * binom(lb2) - t
251  lb1 = lb1 - 1
252  lb2 = lb2 - 1
253  end do
254  end if
255  c(n) = b * t * (-xone)**i2
256  if (abs(c(n)) <= thresh1) n = n - 1
257  end if
258  m1 = m1 - 2
259  end do
261  if (intpfg /= 0) then
263  write(nftw,'(" J1 =",I4," J2 =",I4," J3 =",I4," M3 =",I4,/)') j1, j2, j3, m3
264  write(nftw, '(/(E25.15,2I5))') (c(i), ms(1,i), ms(2,i), i=1,n)
265  end if
267  end subroutine cgcoef
289  subroutine getsa (ne, l, is, isz, m, nc, c, iso)
291  use precisn, only : wp
292  use consts, only : one => xone
293  use congen_data, only : root2
295  integer :: is, isz, l, m, nc, ne
296  real(kind=wp), dimension(*) :: c
297  integer, dimension(*) :: iso
298  intent (in) is, isz, l, m, ne
299  intent (out) c, nc
300  intent (inout) iso
302  nc = 1
303  c(1) = one
304  if (ne == 0) return
305  if (ne /= 4) then
306  if (ne < 2) then
307  iso(1) = 1 - isz / 2
308  if (l == 0) return
309  if (m < 0) iso(1) = iso(1) + 2
310  return
311  else if (ne == 2) then
312  if (l == 0) then
313  iso(1) = 0
314  iso(2) = 1
315  return
316  end if
317  if (isz + m /= 1) then
318  if (m /= 0) then
319  iso(1) = 1 - (l + l) / m
320  iso(2) = iso(1) + 1
321  return
322  end if
323  iso(1) = (3 - isz) / 4
324  iso(2) = iso(1) + 2
325  return
326  end if
327  nc = 2
328  iso(1) = 0
329  iso(2) = 3
330  iso(3) = 1
331  iso(4) = 2
332  c(1) = root2
333  c(2) = root2
334  if (is == 1) c(2) = -root2
335  return
336  else
337  if (m < 0) then
338  iso(1) = 1 - isz / 2
339  iso(2) = 2
340  iso(3) = 3
341  return
342  end if
343  iso(1) = 0
344  iso(2) = 1
345  iso(3) = 3 - isz / 2
346  return
347  end if
348  end if
350  iso(3) = 2
351  iso(4) = 3
352  iso(1) = 0
353  iso(2) = 1
355  end subroutine getsa
374  subroutine getsm (ne, isz, nc, c, iso)
376  use precisn, only : wp
377  use consts, only : one => xone
379  integer :: isz, nc, ne
380  real(kind=wp), dimension(*) :: c
381  integer, dimension(*) :: iso
382  intent (in) isz, ne
383  intent (out) c, iso, nc
385  nc = 1
386  c(1) = one
387  iso(1) = 0
388  iso(2) = 1
389  if (ne == 1) iso(1) = 1 - isz / 2
391  ! So the results will be:
392  !
393  ! isz ne iso(1) iso(2)
394  ! ---------------------------------
395  ! any /= 1 0 1
396  ! 1 == 1 1 1
397  ! 2 == 1 1 1
398  ! 3 == 1 0 1
399  ! 4 == 1 -1 1
401  end subroutine getsm
416  subroutine getso (ns, intpfg, nti, iqns, ci, nd, id, cd, last)
418  use precisn, only : wp
419  use congen_data, only : nes => occshl, ms => mshl, iqn => qnshl, ne => nnlecg, symtyp, nftw
421  integer :: intpfg, last, nd, ns, nti
422  real(kind=wp), dimension(*) :: cd, ci
423  integer, dimension(*) :: id
424  integer, dimension(2,ns,*) :: iqns
425  intent (in) ci, intpfg, iqns, last, ns, nti
426  intent (inout) cd, id, nd
428  real(kind=wp), dimension(100) :: c ! JMC change dimension to ns*(max nc=2) ??? (an overestimate, for safety).
429  real(kind=wp), dimension(ns) :: cs ! JMC changing the dimension from 50
430  integer :: i, ie1, ie2, is, isz, iti, kc, ke, kso, ld, ld1, ld2, ml, nc
431  integer, dimension(200) :: iso ! JMC change dimension to (max nc=2)*sum(nes(i),i=1,ns) ??? (an overestimate, for safety).
432  integer, dimension(150) :: jso ! JMC change dimension to max(ne, sum(nes(i),i=1,ns)) ???
433  integer, dimension(ns+1) :: lc, lso ! JMC changing the dimension from 51. Think LSO could be (NS) not (NS+1)...
434  integer, dimension(ns) :: lcs, lsos ! JMC changing the dimension from 50
435  real(kind=wp) :: t
437  if (intpfg /= 0) then
438  write(nftw,'(" GETSO : NTI =",I10,/," IQNS :",/)') nti
439  do iti = 1, nti
440  write(nftw,'(20I5)') (iqns(1,is,iti), is=1,ns)
441  write(nftw,'(20I5)') (iqns(2,is,iti), is=1,ns)
442  end do
443  end if
445  nd = 0
446  ld = 1
448  do iti = 1, nti
450  kc = 1
451  kso = 1
453  do is = 1, ns
454  isz = iqns(1,is,iti)
455  if (symtyp <= 1) then
456  ml = iqns(2,is,iti)
457  call getsa (nes(is), ms(is), iqn(1,is), isz, ml, nc, c(kc), iso(kso))
458  else
459  call getsm (nes(is), isz, nc, c(kc), iso(kso))
460  end if
461  lc(is) = kc
462  lso(is) = kso
463  kc = kc + nc
464  kso = kso + nc * nes(is)
465  end do
467  lc(ns + 1) = kc
468  is = 1
469  t = ci(iti)
470  ie2 = 0
472  300 cs(is) = t
473  lsos(is) = lso(is)
474  lcs(is) = lc(is)
476  if (nes(is) == 0) go to 415
478  400 ie1 = ie2 + 1
479  ie2 = ie2 + nes(is)
480  kso = lsos(is)
481  do ke = ie1, ie2
482  jso(ke) = iso(kso)
483  kso = kso + 1
484  end do
486  415 lsos(is) = kso
487  t = cs(is) * c(lcs(is))
488  lcs(is) = lcs(is) + 1
489  is = is + 1
490  if (is <= ns) go to 300
492  nd = nd + 1
493  if (nd > last) then
494  write(nftw,'("0storage overflow")')
495  nd = 0
496  return
497  end if
499  do ke = 1, ne
500  id(ld) = jso(ke)
501  ld = ld + 1
502  end do
504  cd(nd) = t
506  do while (is > 1)
507  is = is - 1
508  ie2 = ie2 - nes(is)
509  if (lcs(is) < lc(is + 1)) go to 400
510  end do
512  end do
514  if (intpfg /= 0) then
515  write(nftw,'(" GETSO : ND =",I6,/," CD, ID :",/)') nd
516  ld2 = 0
517  do i = 1, nd
518  ld1 = ld2 + 1
519  ld2 = ld2 + ne
520  write(nftw,'(E25.15,20I5)') cd(i), (id(ld), ld=ld1,ld2)
521  end do
522  end if
524  end subroutine getso
574  subroutine cplea (nncsf, nadel, x, nftw)
576  use iso_c_binding, only : c_loc, c_f_pointer
577  use precisn, only : wp
578  use congen_data, only : lg, next, nx, icdi, iexcon, indi, inodi, iqnstr, irfcon, ndel, confpf, ndist, nshl, &
582  integer :: nadel, nftw, nncsf
583  real(wp), dimension(*), target :: x
584  integer, dimension(:), pointer :: int_ptr, irfcon_ptr, iexcon_ptr, iqnstr_ptr, nodi_ptr, ndi_ptr, ndel_ptr, nnext_ptr
585  integer, dimension(2,3,lg) :: qntmp
587  integer :: gutry, i, idumm, iidis1, iidist, iocc, kc, kclim, kcs, kcsp, ks, &
588  m, mtry, nav, nnext, nused, shl1, shl2, spntry, z1=1
590  real(wp), pointer :: x_ptr
592  nstate = 0 ! number of states which may be formed with current distribution into shells
593  iidis1 = 0 ! number of the current shell distribution
595  ! perform gross checks on symmetries allowed for dist
597  if (gutot /= 0) then
598  gutry = 1
599  do i = 1, nshl
600  if (gushl(i) > 0) cycle
601  if (iand(occshl(i), z1) /= 0) gutry = -gutry
602  end do
603  if (gutry /= gutot) return
604  end if
605  spntry = 1
606  mtry = 0
607  do i = 1, nshl
608  m = mshl(i) + 1
609  if (gutot /= 0 ) m = m + m
610  iocc = occshl(i)
611  if (iocc > shlmx1(m) / 2) iocc = shlmx1(m) - iocc
612  spntry = spntry + iocc
613  mtry = mtry + iocc * mshl(i)
614  end do
615  if (spntry > qntot(1)) return
616  if (mtry - qntot(2) > 0 .or. iand(mtry - qntot(2), z1) /= 0) return
618  ! initialize third shell coupling
620  kclim = nshl - 1
621  do i = 1, kclim
622  qntmp(1,3,i) = 0
623  qntmp(2,3,i) = -1
624  end do
626  ! initialize shell quantum numbers and loop limits for shell coupling
628  spntry = 1
629  mtry = 0
630  do i = 1, nshl
631  m = mshl(i) + 1
632  if (gutot /= 0) m = m + m
633  qnshl(1,i) = 1
634  qnshl(2,i) = 0
635  qnshl(3,i) = 1
636  kslim(2,i) = 1
637  if (occshl(i) == 0 .or. occshl(i) == shlmx1(m)) cycle
638  spntry = spntry + 1
639  mtry = mtry + mshl(i)
640  qnshl(1,i) = 2
641  qnshl(2,i) = mshl(i)
642  qnshl(3,i) = 0
643  if (mshl(i) == 0) qnshl(3,i) = 1
644  if (occshl(i) /= 2) cycle
645  kslim(2,i) = 3
646  spntry = spntry - 1
647  mtry = mtry - mshl(i)
648  end do
650  ! begin to decend into loops
652  ks = 1
653  100 kslim(1,ks) = 1
654  if (kslim(2,ks) == 1) go to 120
655  qnshl(1,ks) = 3
656  qnshl(2,ks) = 0
657  qnshl(3,ks) = -1
658  spntry = spntry + 2
659  120 ks = ks + 1
660  if (ks < nshl) go to 100
662  if (spntry < qntot(1) .or. mtry < qntot(2)) go to 600
663  kc = 1
664  kcs = nshl + 1
665  if (kclim /= 0) go to 300
666  if (qnshl(1,1) /= qntot(1) .or. qnshl(2,1) /= qntot(2)) go to 500
667  if (qnshl(2,1) == 0 .and. qnshl(3,1) /= qntot(3)) go to 500
668  go to 420
669  300 shl1 = cup(1,kc)
670  shl2 = cup(2,kc)
671  qnshl(1,kcs) = qnshl(1,shl1) + qnshl(1,shl2) - 1
672  spnmin(kc) = abs(qnshl(1,shl1) - qnshl(1,shl2)) + 1
673  qntmp(1,1,kc) = qnshl(2,shl1) + qnshl(2,shl2)
674  qnshl(2,kcs) = qnshl(2,shl1) + qnshl(2,shl2)
675  qntmp(1,2,kc) = abs(qnshl(2,shl1) - qnshl(2,shl2))
676  qntmp(2,1,kc) = qnshl(3,shl1) * qnshl(3,shl2)
677  qnshl(3,kcs) = qnshl(3,shl1) * qnshl(3,shl2)
678  qntmp(2,2,kc) = 0
679  mclim(1,kc) = 1
680  mclim(2,kc) = 1
681  if (qntmp(1,1,kc) == qntmp(1,2,kc)) go to 320
682  mclim(2,kc) = 2
683  if (qntmp(1,2,kc) /= 0) go to 320
684  mclim(2,kc) = 3
685  qntmp(2,2,kc) = 1
686  320 kc = kc + 1
687  kcs = kcs + 1
688  if (kc < kclim) go to 300
690  ! test if the final coupling is in the range permitted
692  kc = kclim
693  kcs = kcs - 1
694  if (qnshl(1,kcs) < qntot(1) .or. spnmin(kc) > qntot(1)) go to 500
695  qnshl(1,kcs) = qntot(1)
696  if (qnshl(2,kcs) /= qntot(2) .and. qntmp(1,2,kc) /= qntot(2)) go to 500
697  qnshl(2,kcs) = qntot(2)
698  qnshl(3,kcs) = qntot(3)
699  if (qntmp(1,1,kc) /= 0) go to 420
700  qnshl(3,kcs) = qntmp(2,1,kc)
701  if (qnshl(3,kcs) /= qntot(3)) go to 500
703  ! for R-matrix calculations: reject couplings which do not preserve the target quantum numbers
705  420 if (qntar(1) >= 0) then
706  kcsp = kcs - 1
707  if (kcs == 3) kcsp = 1
708  if (qnshl(1,kcsp) /= qntar(1)) go to 500
709  if (qnshl(2,kcsp) /= qntar(2)) go to 500
710  if (qnshl(3,kcsp) /= qntar(3)) go to 500
711  end if
712  nstate = nstate + 1
713  if (nstate /= 1) go to 400
715  ! convert some real pointers to integer pointers for use in ASSIGN
716  x_ptr => x(irfcon) ; call c_f_pointer (c_loc(x_ptr), irfcon_ptr, (/1/))
717  x_ptr => x(iexcon) ; call c_f_pointer (c_loc(x_ptr), iexcon_ptr, (/1/))
718  x_ptr => x(iqnstr) ; call c_f_pointer (c_loc(x_ptr), iqnstr_ptr, (/1/))
720  ! Assign pqn value and print type and distrib data for allowed state
721  call assign (nshl, ndist, nused, irfcon_ptr, iexcon_ptr, iqnstr_ptr, nx, nftw)
723  if (ndist == 0) then
724  nstate = 0
725  return
726  end if
728  nav = nx - nused
729  nnext = next + nused
730  if (nndel /= 0) go to 405
731  call print1 (iqnstr_ptr)
732  400 if (confpf >= 10 .and. nndel == 0) call print2 (0)
733  405 continue
735  ! convert some real pointers to integer pointers for use in WFN
736  x_ptr => x(inodi) ; call c_f_pointer (c_loc(x_ptr), nodi_ptr, (/1/))
737  x_ptr => x(indi) ; call c_f_pointer (c_loc(x_ptr), ndi_ptr, (/1/))
738  x_ptr => x(ndel) ; call c_f_pointer (c_loc(x_ptr), ndel_ptr, (/1/))
739  x_ptr => x(iqnstr) ; call c_f_pointer (c_loc(x_ptr), iqnstr_ptr, (/1/))
740  x_ptr => x(nnext) ; call c_f_pointer (c_loc(x_ptr), nnext_ptr, (/1/))
742  call wfn (nncsf, nadel, iidist, iidis1, nodi_ptr, ndi_ptr, x(icdi), ndel_ptr, iqnstr_ptr, x(nnext), nnext_ptr, nav)
744  if (nndel > 0 .and. nadel > nndel .and. iidis1 == 0) return
745  if (nndel == 0) go to 500
746  if (iidist == 0) go to 500
747  if (nstate == 1) call print1 (iqnstr_ptr)
748  if (confpf >= 10 .and. iidis1 /= 0) call print2 (iidis1)
750  ! ascend in coupling tree - ascend in the shell to shell coupling loops
752  500 kc = kc - 1
753  kcs = kcs - 1
754  if (kc == 0) go to 600
755  mclim(1,kc) = mclim(1,kc) + 1
756  if (mclim(1,kc) <= mclim(2,kc)) go to 520
757  qnshl(1,kcs) = qnshl(1,kcs) - 2
758  if (qnshl(1,kcs) < spnmin(kc)) go to 500
759  mclim(1,kc) = 1
760  520 qnshl(2,kcs) = qntmp(1,mclim(1,kc),kc)
761  qnshl(3,kcs) = qntmp(2,mclim(1,kc),kc)
762  go to 320
764  ! ascend in the loops which couple shells to themselves
766  600 ks = ks - 1
767  if (ks == 0) go to 900
768  kslim(1,ks) = kslim(1,ks) + 1
769  if (kslim(1,ks) > kslim(2,ks)) go to 600
770  if (kslim(1,ks) == 3) go to 625
772  ! couple to 1(2*l) and adjust spntry and mtry
774  qnshl(1,ks) = 1
775  spntry = spntry - 2
776  qnshl(2,ks) = mshl(ks) + mshl(ks)
777  mtry = mtry + mshl(ks) + mshl(ks)
778  qnshl(3,ks) = 0
779  go to 120
781  ! couple to 1(s+) and adjust spntry and mtry
783  625 mtry = mtry - qnshl(2,ks)
784  qnshl(2,ks) = 0
785  qnshl(3,ks) = 1
786  go to 120
788  900 if (nndel /= 0 .and. iidis1 /= 0) call print3 (iidis1, 1)
789  if (nndel == 0 .and. nstate /= 0) call print3 (idumm, 2)
791  end subroutine cplea
801  subroutine cplem (nncsf, nadel, x, nftw)
803  use iso_c_binding, only : c_loc, c_f_pointer
804  use precisn, only : wp
805  use global_utils, only : mprod
806  use congen_data, only : lg, next, nx, icdi, iexcon, indi, inodi, iqnstr, irfcon, ndel, confpf, ndist, nshl, &
809  ! Reminder of some used global variables:
810  !
811  ! occshl(nshl) compressed shell occ's / all zeros deleted and pseudo shells expanded
812  ! mshl(nshl) symmetry number from zero to n-1 (mvalue)
813  ! qnshl(3,2*nshl-1) 1 -- mult / 2 -- symmetry / 3 -- +- (not used)
814  ! cup(3,nshl-1)
815  ! qntot(3) total qn's
816  ! qntmp(2*nshl-1) temp storage for true molecule sym values -- zeros passed to bowen in qnshl
817  ! spnmin(nshl-1) temp storage for lowest spin coupling
818  ! x(nx) real work area
819  ! nshl number of true shells occupied
820  ! nstate number of couplings (computed)
821  ! ntype proto-type number (input)
822  ! ndist number of pqn assignments
823  ! ncsf running csf number
824  ! symtyp >= 2 for molecule
825  ! conpf print flag
827  integer :: nadel, nftw, nncsf
828  real(wp), dimension(*), target :: x
829  integer, dimension(:), pointer :: int_ptr, nodi_ptr, ndi_ptr, ndel_ptr, irfcon_ptr, iexcon_ptr, iqnstr_ptr, nnext_ptr
830  real(wp), pointer :: x_ptr
832  integer :: i, idumm, iidis1, iidist, kc, kclim, kcs, kcsp, mtry, mu1, mu2, nav, nnext, nused, spntry
833  integer, dimension(2*lg) :: qntmp ! JMC increasing the dimension from LG to match 2nd dimension of QNSHL
835  ! initialize
837  nstate = 0 ! ?
838  mtry = 0 ! combination of IRRs of all shells
839  spntry = 1 ! maximal combination of spins of all shels
840  iidis1 = 0 ! ?
842  do i = 1, nshl ! loop over all shells in the current set of orbitals
843  qnshl(1,i) = 1 ! default to singlet (2S+1)
844  qnshl(2,i) = 0 ! default to maximal symmetry (IRR = 1)
845  qnshl(3,i) = 1 ! default to +1 inversion symmetry
846  qntmp(i) = 0
847  if (occshl(i) == shlmx1(mshl(i) + 1)) cycle ! fully occupied shells do not contribute anything valuable -> skip
848  qnshl(1,i) = 2 ! but shells not fully occupied are doublets
849  spntry = spntry + 1 ! compose maximal possible total spin
850  qntmp(i) = mshl(i) ! the symmetry number of the shell
851  mtry = mprod(mtry + 1, qntmp(i) + 1, 0, nftw) - 1 ! combine IRR of all shells so far
852  end do
854  if (spntry < qntot(1)) return ! jump out if impossible to compose the wanted total spin
855  if (mtry /= qntot(2)) return ! jump out if the combined IRR of all shells is not the wanted one
856  if (nshl == 1 .and. qnshl(1,1) /= qntot(1)) return ! jump out if the *only* shell violates spin requirement
858  ! complete M-values for coupling of shells to each other
860  kc = 0
861  kcs = nshl + 1
863  if (nshl == 1 .and. qnshl(1,1) == qntot(1)) go to 360 ! trivial combination -- one contributing shell
865  do i = 1, nshl - 1
866  qntmp(kcs) = mprod(qntmp(cup(1,i)) + 1, qntmp(cup(2,i)) + 1, 0, nftw) - 1
867  qnshl(2,kcs) = 0
868  qnshl(3,kcs) = 1
869  kcs = kcs + 1
870  end do
872  ! begin to descend into shell to shell coupling tree
874  kcs = nshl
876  300 do while (kc < nshl - 1)
877  kc = kc + 1
878  kcs = kcs + 1
879  mu1 = qnshl(1,cup(1,kc))
880  mu2 = qnshl(1,cup(2,kc))
881  qnshl(1,kcs) = mu1 + mu2 - 1
882  spnmin(kc) = abs(mu1 - mu2) + 1
883  end do
885  ! test for allowed state
887  if (qnshl(1,kcs) < qntot(1) .or. spnmin(kc) > qntot(1)) go to 500
888  qnshl(1,kcs) = qntot(1)
890  ! for R-matrix calculations: reject couplings which do not preserve the target quantum numbers
892  360 if (qntar(1) >= 0) then
893  kcsp = kcs - 1
894  if (kcs == 3) kcsp = 1
895  if (qnshl(1,kcsp) /= qntar(1)) go to 500
896  end if
898  nstate = nstate + 1
900  ! first iteration: assign pqn value and print type and distrib data for allowed state
902  if (nstate == 1) then
903  iexcon = 1
905  ! convert some real pointers to integer pointers for use in ASSIGN
906  x_ptr => x(irfcon) ; call c_f_pointer (c_loc(x_ptr), irfcon_ptr, (/1/))
907  x_ptr => x(iexcon) ; call c_f_pointer (c_loc(x_ptr), iexcon_ptr, (/1/))
908  x_ptr => x(iqnstr) ; call c_f_pointer (c_loc(x_ptr), iqnstr_ptr, (/1/))
910  call assign (nshl, ndist, nused, irfcon_ptr, iexcon_ptr, iqnstr_ptr, nx, nftw)
912  if (ndist == 0) then
913  nstate = 0
914  return
915  end if
917  nav = nx - nused
918  nnext = next + nused
919  if (nndel == 0) call print1 (iqnstr_ptr)
920  end if
922  if (confpf >= 10 .and. nndel == 0) call print2 (0)
924  ! convert some real pointers to integer pointers for use in WFN
925  x_ptr => x(inodi) ; call c_f_pointer (c_loc(x_ptr), nodi_ptr, (/1/))
926  x_ptr => x(indi) ; call c_f_pointer (c_loc(x_ptr), ndi_ptr, (/1/))
927  x_ptr => x(ndel) ; call c_f_pointer (c_loc(x_ptr), ndel_ptr, (/1/))
928  x_ptr => x(iqnstr) ; call c_f_pointer (c_loc(x_ptr), iqnstr_ptr, (/1/))
929  x_ptr => x(nnext) ; call c_f_pointer (c_loc(x_ptr), nnext_ptr, (/1/))
931  call wfn (nncsf, nadel, iidist, iidis1, nodi_ptr, ndi_ptr, x(icdi), ndel_ptr, iqnstr_ptr, x(nnext), nnext_ptr, nav)
933  if (nndel > 0 .and. nadel > nndel .and. iidis1 == 0) return
935  if (nndel /= 0 .and. iidist /= 0) then
936  if (nstate == 1) call print1 (iqnstr_ptr)
937  if (confpf >= 10 .and. iidis1 /= 0) call print2 (iidis1)
938  end if
940  ! ascend in coupling tree
942  500 do while (kc > 1)
943  kc = kc - 1
944  kcs = kcs - 1
945  qnshl(1,kcs) = qnshl(1,kcs) - 2
946  if (qnshl(1,kcs) >= spnmin(kc)) go to 300
947  end do
949  if (nndel /= 0 .and. iidis1 /= 0) call print3 (iidis1, 1)
950  if (nndel == 0) call print3 (idumm, 2)
952  end subroutine cplem
994  subroutine distrb (nelecp, nshlp, shlmx, occshl, nslsv, kdssv, loopf, ksss, pqn, occst, shlmx1, pqnst, mshl, mshlst, &
995  gushl, gushst, cup, cupst, ndprod, symtyp, confpf, sshl, sshlst, ncsf, nncsf, nadel, nndel, x, nftw)
997  use precisn, only : wp
998  use congen_data, only : ntyp, ndist, nstate, ncsft => ncsf, confpt => confpf, nshrun => nshl
1000  integer :: confpf, nadel, ncsf, ndprod, nftw, nncsf, nndel, symtyp
1001  integer, dimension(3,*) :: cup, cupst, pqn, pqnst
1002  integer, dimension(*) :: gushl, gushst, kdssv, ksss, loopf, mshl, mshlst, nelecp, nshlp, nslsv, occshl, &
1003  occst, shlmx, shlmx1, sshl, sshlst
1004  real(kind=wp), dimension(*) :: x
1005  intent (in) confpf, cup, gushl, mshl, ncsf, ndprod, nelecp, nndel, nshlp, pqn, shlmx, shlmx1, sshl, symtyp
1006  intent (out) gushst, mshlst, pqnst, sshlst
1007  intent (inout) cupst, kdssv, ksss, loopf, nslsv, occshl, occst
1009  integer :: i, ibias, ic1, id, idd, it, it1, it2, ita, j, kds, kdsb, kdst, kprod, krun, ksi, kss, nadd, nadd2, ncrun, &
1010  nela, neleft, ninitx, nshlw, nslots
1012  confpt = confpf ! Print flag.
1013  ntyp = 0 ! Prototype number ...?
1014  nstate = 0 ! Global number of couplings computed (later) in "cplea" or "cplem".
1015  ndist = 0 ! Number of distributions generated from set of shells (set in "cplea"/"cplem" via "assign").
1016  ibias = 0 ! Offset in the list of shells.
1017  kprod = 0 ! Set of orbitals currently being processed.
1018  ninitx = sum(nshlp(1:ndprod)) ! Total number of shells in all sets of orbitals.
1020  orbital_set_loop: do
1022  kprod = kprod + 1 ! Move on to the next set of orbitals.
1023  kds = 0 ! Shell index within the set of orbitals.
1024  neleft = nelecp(kprod) ! (Remaining) number of movable electrons in the current set of orbitals.
1025  nshlw = nshlp(kprod) ! Number of shells in current set of orbitals.
1026  nslots = sum(shlmx(ibias + 1 : ibias + nshlw)) ! Total number of spin-orbitals in the current set of orbitals.
1027  occshl(ibias + 1 : ibias + nshlw) = 0 ! All shells in this set are un-occupied at the beginning.
1029  shell_loop: do
1031  kds = kds + 1 ! Move on to the next shell (orbital) within the current set of orbitals.
1032  kdsb = kds + ibias ! Global index of the current shell.
1033  occshl(kdsb) = min(neleft, shlmx(kdsb)) ! Put all available electrons in that shell, if possible.
1035  neleft = neleft - occshl(kdsb) ! Electrons that still did not fit into any shell.
1036  nslots = nslots - shlmx(kdsb) ! Number of free spin-orbitals for redistribution of remaining electrons.
1038  if (neleft /= 0) then
1039  if (nslots >= neleft) cycle shell_loop ! Enough room to redistribute the remaining electrons.
1040  do while (nslots <= neleft .and. kds /= 0) ! Repeat until there is either enough space, or all shells are empty.
1041  neleft = neleft + occshl(kdsb) ! Get back electrons from the last populated shell.
1042  occshl(kdsb) = 0 ! Its occupancy is now zero.
1043  nslots = nslots + shlmx(kdsb) ! The number of slots accordingly rises.
1044  kds = kds - 1 ! Return before the last shell.
1045  kdsb = kdsb - 1 ! Return before the last shell (global index).
1046  end do
1047  go to 130
1048  else if (kprod /= ndprod) then ! Not all sets of orbitals processed?
1049  nslsv(kprod) = nslots ! Store the number of free spin-orbitals (of the current set of orbitals).
1050  kdssv(kprod) = kds ! Store the last processed shell (of the current set of orbitals).
1051  ibias = ibias + nshlp(kprod) ! Move the global shell index offset to the beginning of the next set of orbitals.
1052  cycle orbital_set_loop ! Next set of orbitals, please!
1053  end if
1055  ! No electrons left and all sets of orbitals processed here...
1057  where (occshl(1:ninitx) == 0 .or. pqn(1,1:ninitx) /= 0)
1058  loopf(1:ninitx) = 1 ! Un-occupied or movable-to real shells.
1059  elsewhere
1060  loopf(1:ninitx) = 0 ! Occupied and non-movable shells.
1061  end where
1063  ksss(1:ninitx) = 0 !
1064  kdst = 0 !
1065  ksi = 0 ! Orbital set index.
1067  ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1068  ! expansion of pseudoshells and delete of zeroes follow the "st" arrays but for cupst are set up
1070  ksi_loop: do
1072  if (ksi == ninitx) then
1074  ! expand and compress the coupling scheme
1075  nshrun = ninitx
1076  ncrun = nshrun - 1
1077  cupst(1:3,1:ncrun) = cup(1:3,1:ncrun)
1078  krun = 0
1080  all_shell_loop: do i = 1, ninitx
1081  krun = krun + 1
1082  if (ksss(i) < 1) then
1083  ! delete section
1084  do id = 1, ncrun
1085  if (cupst(1,id) == krun) then ; it1 = cupst(2,id) ; it2 = cupst(3,id) ; exit ; end if
1086  if (cupst(2,id) == krun) then ; it1 = cupst(1,id) ; it2 = cupst(3,id) ; exit ; end if
1087  end do
1089  ncrun = ncrun - 1
1091  do idd = id, ncrun
1092  cupst(1:3,idd) = cupst(1:3,idd+1)
1093  end do
1095  do idd = 1, ncrun
1096  if (cupst(1,idd) == it2) then ; cupst(1,idd) = it1 ; exit ; end if
1097  if (cupst(2,idd) == it2) then ; cupst(2,idd) = it1 ; exit ; end if
1098  end do
1100  do idd = 1, ncrun
1101  do j = 1, 3
1102  if (cupst(j,idd) <= krun) cycle
1103  cupst(j,idd) = cupst(j,idd) - 1
1104  if (cupst(j,idd) >= it2) cupst(j,idd) = cupst(j,idd) - 1
1105  end do
1106  end do
1108  nshrun = nshrun - 1
1109  krun = krun - 1
1110  else if (ksss(i) > 1) then
1111  ! add section
1112  nadd = ksss(i) - 1
1113  nadd2 = nadd + nadd
1114  do idd = 1, ncrun
1115  cupst(3,idd) = cupst(3,idd) + nadd2
1116  do j = 1, 2
1117  if (cupst(j,idd) == krun) then
1118  cupst(j,idd) = nshrun + nadd2
1119  else if (cupst(j,idd) > krun .and. cupst(j,idd) <= nshrun) then
1120  cupst(j,idd) = cupst(j,idd) + nadd
1121  else if (cupst(j,idd) > krun .and. cupst(j,idd) > nshrun) then
1122  cupst(j,idd) = cupst(j,idd) + nadd2
1123  end if
1124  end do
1125  end do
1126  ic1 = krun
1127  nshrun = nshrun + nadd
1128  do idd = 1, nadd
1129  cupst(1,ncrun+idd) = ic1
1130  cupst(2,ncrun+idd) = krun + idd
1131  cupst(3,ncrun+idd) = nshrun + idd
1132  ic1 = nshrun + idd
1133  end do
1134  ncrun = ncrun + nadd
1135  krun = krun + nadd
1136  end if
1137  end do all_shell_loop ! end of add/delete loop
1139  ! now sort the expanded coupling array
1140  do i = 1, ncrun - 1
1141  do while (i /= cupst(3,i) - kdst)
1142  it = cupst(3,i) - kdst
1143  do j = 1, 3
1144  ita = cupst(j,it)
1145  cupst(j,it) = cupst(j,i)
1146  cupst(j,i) = ita
1147  end do
1148  end do
1149  end do
1151  ! generate a new wave function prototpe
1152  ntyp = ntyp + 1
1153  if (symtyp < 2) then
1154  call cplea (nncsf, nadel, x, nftw)
1155  else
1156  call cplem (nncsf, nadel, x, nftw)
1157  end if
1158  if (nstate == 0) ntyp = ntyp - 1
1160  ! end of coupling scheme section
1161  if (loopf(ksi) == 0) then
1162  go to 320
1163  else
1164  kdst = kdst - ksss(ksi)
1165  go to 360
1166  end if
1167  end if
1169  ksi = ksi + 1 ! Next set of orbitals, please.
1170  kss = 1 ! Shell index.
1171  if (occshl(ksi) == 0) cycle ksi_loop ! Do not process un-occupied shells.
1172  if (occshl(ksi) /= 0) continue
1174  nela = occshl(ksi) ! Occupation of current (ksi) shell.
1175  kss = 0 ! ... ???
1177  410 kss_loop: do while (kss <= pqn(3,ksi) - pqn(2,ksi)) ! Loop over prescribed orbitals in the current set.
1178  kss = kss + 1 ! Next orbital within ksi, please.
1179  kdst = kdst + 1 ! ... ???
1180  occst(kdst) = min(nela, shlmx1(sshl(ksi))) !
1181  if (kss /= 1 .and. kdst > 1) occst(kdst) = min(nela, occst(kdst-1))
1182  pqnst(1:3,kdst) = pqn(1:3,ksi)
1183  mshlst(kdst) = mshl(ksi)
1184  gushst(kdst) = gushl(ksi)
1185  sshlst(kdst) = sshl(ksi)
1186  nela = nela - occst(kdst)
1187  if (nela /= 0) then
1188  cycle kss_loop
1189  else
1190  ksss(ksi) = kss
1191  cycle ksi_loop
1192  end if
1193  end do kss_loop
1195  ! second part of the expansion of pseudoshells and deletion of zeros
1196  320 unkss_loop: do
1197  occst(kdst) = occst(kdst) - 1
1198  nela = nela + 1
1199  if (occst(kdst) /= 0) go to 410
1200  kss = kss - 1
1201  kdst = kdst - 1
1202  if (kss >= 1) then
1203  cycle unkss_loop
1204  else
1205  nela = 0
1206  go to 360
1207  end if
1208  end do unkss_loop
1210  360 unksi_loop: do
1211  ksi = ksi - 1
1212  if (ksi <= 0) exit ksi_loop ! sic
1213  if (loopf(ksi) == 0) then
1214  kss = ksss(ksi)
1215  go to 320
1216  end if
1217  kdst = kdst - ksss(ksi)
1218  end do unksi_loop
1220  ! end of pseudoshell expansion loops
1222  end do ksi_loop
1224  ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1226  ! last part of outer loop follows
1228  120 if (occshl(kdsb) == 0) go to 140
1229  occshl(kdsb) = occshl(kdsb) - 1 ! Remove one electron from the current shell.
1230  neleft = 1 ! Remember that we have it
1231  if (nndel /= 0 .and. nadel > nndel) exit orbital_set_loop
1232  if (kds < nshlp(kprod)) cycle shell_loop ! If we can push it into the NEXT shell, do it.
1233  neleft = neleft + occshl(kdsb) ! Otherwise, get back all electrons from the last shell.
1234  occshl(kdsb) = 0 ! Clear its population.
1235  nslots = nslots + shlmx(kdsb) ! Update available number of slots.
1236  kds = kds - 1 ! Move back one shell.
1237  kdsb = kdsb - 1 ! Global index, too.
1239  130 unkds_loop: do while (kds /= 0) ! Reset preceding shells one by one...
1240  if (occshl(kdsb) /= 0) then ! If shell occupied:
1241  occshl(kdsb) = occshl(kdsb) - 1 ! - remove one electron
1242  neleft = neleft + 1 ! - put among the unused electrons
1243  if (nndel /= 0 .and. nadel > nndel) exit orbital_set_loop
1244  cycle shell_loop ! - try to add the electrons to shells
1245  end if
1246  nslots = nslots + shlmx(kdsb) ! If not occupied, add these shells to list of known slots.
1247  kds = kds - 1 ! Recede by one more shell...
1248  kdsb = kdsb - 1 ! Global index too.
1249  end do unkds_loop
1251  140 kprod = kprod - 1 ! Recede by one group of orbitals.
1252  if (kprod == 0) exit orbital_set_loop ! If at beginning, exit subroutine.
1253  ibias = ibias - nshlp(kprod) ! Decrease global shell index offset.
1254  nslots = nslsv(kprod) ! Get (previously stored) number of free slots.
1255  kds = kdssv(kprod) ! Get (previously stored) index of the last shell in that set.
1256  kdsb = kds + ibias ! Get its global index.
1257  go to 120
1259  end do shell_loop
1261  end do orbital_set_loop
1263  ncsft = ncsf
1265  end subroutine distrb
1280  subroutine packdet (iqn, ni, jqn, nj, ci, cj, nt)
1282  use precisn, only : wp
1284  integer :: ni, nj, nt
1285  real(kind=wp), dimension(*) :: ci, cj
1286  integer, dimension(2,ni,*) :: iqn
1287  integer, dimension(2,nj,*) :: jqn
1288  intent (in) ci, iqn, ni, nj, nt
1289  intent (out) cj, jqn
1291  jqn(1:2,1:nj,1:nt) = iqn(1:2,1:nj,1:nt)
1292  cj(1:nt) = ci(1:nt)
1294  end subroutine packdet
1299  subroutine print1 (qnstor)
1301  use global_utils, only : getin
1302  use congen_data , only : confpf, ndist, ne, nshl, ntyp, occshl, pqnr => pqnst, mshl, gushl, qnshl, &
1303  nnelcg => nnlecg, symtyp, nftw, blnk43, header, lp, star, nitem
1304  use congen_pagecontrol, only : addl, newpg, space, taddl, taddl1
1306  integer, dimension(*), intent(in) :: qnstor
1309  integer :: i, ii, imax, j, jj, k, kf, ki, klabel, lt, lta, nlex, nstar
1310  character(len=4), dimension(3,4) :: label = reshape((/ ' NTY', 'P=XX', 'X ', &
1311  ' NDI', 'ST=Y', 'YYY ', &
1312  ' NST', 'ATE=', 'ZZZ ', &
1313  ' ', ' ', ' ' /) , (/ 3, 4/))
1314  character(len=16), parameter :: frmt = '(3A4,A8,I8,8I12)'
1315  character(len=1), dimension(12,4) :: labell
1317  equivalence(label(1,1), labell(1,1))
1319  ! print type( and distribution data (
1320  ne = nnelcg
1321  if (confpf < 1) return
1322  nlex = 0
1323  if (symtyp == 1) nlex = 1
1324  nstar = 20 + min(nitem, nshl) * 12
1326  klabel = 1
1327  call getin (ntyp, 3, labell(7,1), 0)
1329  if (confpf <= 1 .and. ntyp /= 1) then
1330  call taddl1 (5 + (6 + nlex) * ((nshl + nitem - 1) / nitem), lta)
1331  if (lta /= 0) then
1332  call space (2)
1333  else
1334  call newpg
1335  end if
1336  else
1337  call newpg
1338  end if
1340  do i = 1, nshl, nitem
1341  imax = min(i + nitem - 1, nshl)
1342  call addl (5 + nlex)
1343  write(nftw,frmt) (label(j,klabel), j=1,3), header(1), (j, j=i,imax)
1344  write(nftw,frmt) blnk43, header(2), (occshl(j), j=i,imax)
1345  write(nftw,frmt) blnk43, header(3), (mshl(j), j=i,imax)
1346  if (symtyp == 1) write(nftw,frmt) blnk43, header(4), (gushl(j), j=i,imax)
1348  ! print occshl and sym data
1350  klabel = 4
1351  write(nftw,'(3A4,A8,9(A3,2(I2,","),I2,")"))') blnk43, header(5), (lp, (pqnr(jj,j), jj=1,3), j=i,imax)
1352  if (symtyp < 2) then
1353  write(nftw,'(3A4,A8,9(A3,2(I2,","),I2,")"))') blnk43, header(6), (lp, (qnshl(jj,j), jj=1,3), j=i,imax)
1354  else
1355  write(nftw,frmt) blnk43, header(6), (qnshl(1,j), j=i,imax)
1356  end if
1357  call space (1)
1358  end do
1360  ! bypass printing of distributions if not required
1362  if (confpf >= 20) then
1364  ! print row of star separator
1366  call taddl (1, lt)
1367  if (lt > 0) write(nftw,'(" ",132A1)') (star, j=1,nstar)
1368  call space (1)
1369  kf = 0
1370  do ii = 1, ndist
1371  klabel = 2
1372  call getin (ii, 4, labell(8,2), 0)
1373  do i = 1, nshl, nitem
1374  imax = min(i + nitem - 1, nshl)
1375  call addl (4 + nlex)
1376  write(nftw,frmt) (label(j,klabel), j=1,3), header(1), (j, j=i,imax)
1377  write(nftw,frmt) blnk43, header(2), (occshl(j), j=i,imax)
1378  write(nftw,frmt) blnk43, header(3), (mshl(j), j=i,imax)
1379  if (symtyp == 1) write(nftw,frmt) blnk43, header(4), (gushl(j), j=i,imax)
1380  klabel = 4
1381  ki = kf + 1
1382  kf = ki + (imax - i)
1383  write(nftw,frmt) blnk43, header(5), (qnstor(k), k=ki,kf)
1384  call space (1)
1385  end do
1386  end do
1388  end if
1390  ! merge confpf >= 1 and confpf >= 20 paths
1392  call addl (1)
1393  write(nftw,'(" ",19("*"),5X,"TOTAL NUMBER OF DISTRIBUTIONS FOR NTYP =",I3," IS",I5)') ntyp, ndist
1394  if (confpf < 10) return
1396  ! prepare for state printing
1398  call space (1)
1399  call taddl (1, lt)
1400  if (lt > 0) write(nftw,'(" ",132A1)') (star, j=1,nstar)
1401  call space (1)
1403  end subroutine print1
1408  subroutine print2 (iidis1)
1410  use global_utils, only : getin
1412  use congen_pagecontrol, only : addl, space
1414  integer :: iidis1
1415  intent (in) iidis1
1417  integer :: i, imax, j, jj, kf, ki, klabel, ncsff, ncsfi, nshlm1
1418  character(len=4), dimension(3,4) :: label = reshape((/' NTY', 'P=XX', 'X ', &
1419  ' NDI', 'ST=Y', 'YYY ', &
1420  ' NST', 'ATE=', 'ZZZ ', &
1421  ' ', ' ', ' '/) , (/ 3, 4/))
1422  character(len=1), dimension(12,4) :: labell
1424  equivalence(label(1,1), labell(1,1))
1426  ! print state data
1428  nshlm1 = nshl - 1
1429  if (confpf < 10) return
1430  call getin (nstate, 3, labell(9,3), 0)
1431  if (nshlm1 <= 0) then
1432  call addl (1)
1433  write(nftw,'(3A4,A8,I8,8I12)') (label(j,3), j=1,3)
1434  return
1435  end if
1436  kf = nshl
1437  klabel = 3
1438  do i = 1, nshlm1, nitem
1439  imax = min(i + nitem - 1, nshlm1)
1440  call addl (2) ! JMC argument should probably be 3 as there are 3 writes below???
1441  write(nftw,'(3A4,A8,9(A3,2(I2,","),I2,")"))') (label(j,klabel), j=1,3), header(7), (lp, (cup(jj,j), jj=1,3), j=i,imax)
1442  klabel = 4
1443  ki = kf + 1
1444  kf = ki + (imax - i)
1445  write(nftw,'(3A4,A8,9(A3,2(I2,","),I2,")"))') blnk43, header(6), (lp, (qnshl(jj,j), jj=1,3), j=ki,kf)
1446  if (symtyp < 2) then
1447  write(nftw,'(3A4,A8,9(A3,2(I2,","),I2,")"))') blnk43, header(6), (lp, (qnshl(jj,j), jj=1,3), j=ki,kf)
1448  else
1449  write(nftw,'(3A4,A8,I8,8I12)') blnk43, header(6), (qnshl(1,j), j=ki,kf)
1450  end if
1451  call space (1)
1452  end do
1454  ! print CSF numbers for this state
1456  if (iidis1 /= 0) then
1457  ncsfi = ncsf - iidis1 + 1
1458  ncsff = ncsf
1459  else
1460  ncsfi = ncsf + 1
1461  ncsff = ncsf + ndist
1462  end if
1464  call addl (1)
1465  write(nftw,'(" ",19("*"),5X,"CSF NUMBERS",I6," TO",I6," GENERATED FOR NSTATE=",I3)') ncsfi, ncsff, nstate
1466  call space (1)
1468  end subroutine print2
1473  subroutine print3 (iidis1, i13)
1475  use congen_data, only : confpf, ncsf, ndist, nshl, nstate, ntyp, nftw, star, nitem
1476  use congen_pagecontrol, only : addl, space, taddl
1478  integer, intent(in) :: i13, iidis1
1480  integer :: i, j, lt, ncsfi, nstar, nstot
1482  ! print summary data
1483  if (i13 /= 2) then
1484  nstot = iidis1
1485  else
1486  if (confpf < 1) return
1487  nstot = nstate * ndist
1488  end if
1489  ncsfi = ncsf + 1 - nstot
1490  if (confpf >= 40) call space (1)
1491  call addl (2)
1493  write(nftw,'(" ",19("*"),5X,"TOTAL NUMBER OF STATES FOR NTYP=",I3," IS",I4)') ntyp, nstate
1494  write(nftw,'(20X,"CSF NUMBERS",I10," TO",I10," (",I9," CSFS) GENERATED")') ncsfi, ncsf, nstot
1496  nstar = 20 + min(nitem, nshl) * 12 ! JMC see PRINT1 to understand where this hardwiring has come from
1497  do i = 1, 2
1498  call taddl (1, lt)
1499  if (lt > 0) write(nftw,'(" ",132A1)') (star, j=1,nstar)
1500  end do
1502  end subroutine print3
1507  subroutine print4 (nd,x,ix)
1509  use precisn, only : wp
1510  use congen_data, only : ne, nftw
1511  use congen_pagecontrol, only : addl, space
1513  integer :: nd
1514  integer, dimension(*) :: ix
1515  real(kind=wp), dimension(*) :: x
1516  intent (in) ix, nd, x
1518  integer :: ie, ind, ip, ipi, it, j, nl, nitem
1520  ! print determinant and spin-orbital data
1522  ipi = 0
1523  it = 1
1524  nitem = 20
1525  nl = (ne + nitem - 1) / nitem
1527  do ind = 1, nd
1528  call addl (nl + it)
1529  if (it /= 0) then
1530  write(nftw,'(30X,"NUMBER OF DET IS",I3)') nd
1531  it = 0
1532  end if
1533  do ie = 1, ne, nitem
1534  ip = ipi + 1
1535  ipi = ip + min(nitem - 1, ne - ie)
1536  if (ie /= 1) then
1537  write(nftw,'(45X,20I4)') (ix(j), j=ip,ipi)
1538  else
1539  write(nftw,'(I25,5X,E15.8,20I4)') ind, x(ind), (ix(j), j=ip,ipi)
1540  end if
1541  end do
1542  end do
1544  call space (1)
1546  end subroutine print4
1551  subroutine print5 (nd, ndi)
1553  use congen_data, only : ncsf, nftw
1554  use congen_pagecontrol, only : addl
1556  integer :: nd
1557  integer, dimension(*) :: ndi
1558  intent (in) nd, ndi
1560  integer :: ind, ip, ipi, j, nrep
1562  ip = 1
1563  do ind = 1, nd
1564  nrep = ndi(ip)
1565  if (nrep == 0) then
1566  call addl (1)
1567  write(nftw, '(35X,2I5)') ind, nrep
1568  if (ind == 1) then
1569  write(nftw,'("+",29X,I5)') ncsf
1570  end if
1571  else
1572  call addl (2)
1573  ipi = ip + 1
1574  ip = ip + nrep
1576  if (ind /= 1) then
1577  write(nftw,'(35X,2I5,21I4/(45X,21I4))') ind, nrep, (ndi(j), j=ipi,ip)
1578  else
1579  write(nftw,'(30X,3I5,21I4/(45X,21I4))') ncsf, ind, nrep, (ndi(j), j=ipi,ip)
1580  end if
1582  ipi = ip + 1
1583  ip = ip + nrep
1585  write(nftw,'(45X,21I4)') (ndi(j), j = ipi,ip)
1586  end if
1587  ip = ip + 1
1588  end do
1590  end subroutine print5
1602  subroutine state (ns, x, last, nd, confpf)
1604  use iso_c_binding, only : c_loc, c_f_pointer
1605  use precisn, only : wp
1606  use congen_data, only : lratio, cup, iqn => qnshl, ne => nnlecg, isz => nisz
1608  integer :: confpf, last, nd, ns
1609  real(kind=wp), dimension(*), target :: x
1610  intent (in) confpf, last
1611  intent (inout) nd, x
1613  integer :: ic, id, intpfg, iqns, jqns, lc, ld, ldp, ldq, nam, ndmx, nt, ntmx
1615  real(wp), pointer :: x_ptr
1616  integer, pointer, dimension(:) :: iqns_ptr, jqns_ptr, ld_ptr
1618  x_ptr => x(1)
1620  intpfg = merge(1, 0, confpf > 40)
1622  nd = 0
1623  nam = ns + ns - 1
1624  ntmx = last / (nam + nam + 1)
1625  ic = 1
1626  iqns = ic + ntmx
1628  ! convert real pointer to integer pointer for use in WFCPLE
1629  x_ptr => x(iqns) ; call c_f_pointer (c_loc(x_ptr), iqns_ptr, (/1/))
1631  call wfcple (nam, iqn, isz, cup, iqns_ptr, x(ic), ntmx, nt, intpfg)
1633  if (nt == 0) return
1635  jqns = last - 2 * ns * nt + 1
1636  lc = jqns - nt
1638  ! convert real pointer to integer pointer for use in PACK
1639  x_ptr => x(jqns) ; call c_f_pointer (c_loc(x_ptr), jqns_ptr, (/1/))
1641  call packdet (iqns_ptr, nam, jqns_ptr, ns, x(1), x(lc), nt)
1643  ndmx = (lc - 1) / (ne + 1)
1644  ld = 1 + ndmx
1646  ! convert real pointer to integer pointer for use in GETSO
1647  x_ptr => x(ld) ; call c_f_pointer (c_loc(x_ptr), ld_ptr, (/1/))
1649  call getso (ns, intpfg, nt, jqns_ptr, x(lc), nd, ld_ptr, x(ic), ndmx)
1651  if (nd == 0) return
1653  ! Finalize
1655  ldp = nd + 1
1656  ldq = nd + (ne * nd + lratio - 1) / lratio
1657  do id = ldp, ldq
1658  x(id) = x(ld)
1659  ld = ld + 1
1660  end do
1662  end subroutine state
1667  subroutine wfcple (nam, iqn, isz, icup, iqns, c, last, lc2, intpfg)
1669  use precisn, only : wp
1670  use consts, only : one => xone
1671  use congen_data, only : root2, nftw, lg
1673  integer :: intpfg, isz, last, lc2, nam
1674  real(kind=wp), dimension(*) :: c
1675  integer, dimension(3,lg) :: icup
1676  integer, dimension(3,*) :: iqn
1677  integer, dimension(2,nam,*) :: iqns
1678  intent (in) icup, isz, last, nam
1679  intent (inout) c, iqns, lc2
1681  integer :: i, iam, ic, init, j, l, lc, lc1, lc3, m, mp, ms, n, n1, n2, n3, nc, niam, niam1
1682  logical, dimension(nam) :: ind ! JMC changing the dimension from 150
1683  integer, dimension(2,200) :: iszt ! JMC not sure how to dimension this...
1684  real(kind=wp) :: sign
1686  iqns(1,nam,1) = isz
1687  iqns(2,nam,1) = iqn(2,nam)
1688  c(1) = one
1689  lc2 = 1
1690  if (nam == 1) return
1691  do i = 1, nam
1692  ind(i) = .true.
1693  end do
1694  niam = (nam + 1) / 2
1695  100 n3 = nam
1696  110 if (ind(n3)) then
1697  if (n3 <= niam) go to 299
1698  ind(n3) = .false.
1699  init = last - lc2 + 1
1700  l = last
1701  lc = lc2
1702  do while (lc > 0)
1703  iqns(1:2,1:nam,l) = iqns(1:2,1:nam,lc)
1704  c(l) = c(lc)
1705  lc = lc - 1
1706  l = l - 1
1707  end do
1708  n = 1
1709  300 if (icup(3,n) == n3) then
1710  n1 = icup(1,n)
1711  n2 = icup(2,n)
1712  if (n1 > n3 .or. n2 > n3) go to 299
1713  if (.not.ind(n1) .or. .not.ind(n2)) go to 299
1714  if (n1 <= niam) ind(n1) = .false.
1715  if (n2 <= niam) ind(n2) = .false.
1716  lc2 = 0
1717  do l = init, last
1718  iqns(2,n1,l) = iqn(2,n1)
1719  iqns(2,n2,l) = iqn(2,n2)
1720  m = iqns(2,n3,l)
1721  if (abs(m) /= iqn(2,n1) + iqn(2,n2)) then
1722  mp = iqn(2,n1) - iqn(2,n2)
1723  if (abs(m) /= abs(mp)) go to 511
1724  n = n2
1725  if (m /= mp) n = n1
1726  iqns(2,n,l) = -iqns(2,n,l)
1727  else if (iqns(2,n3,l) < 0) then
1728  iqns(2,n1,l) = -iqns(2,n1,l)
1729  iqns(2,n2,l) = -iqns(2,n2,l)
1730  end if
1731  lc1 = lc2 + 1
1732  ms = iqns(1,n3,l)
1733  call cgcoef (iqn(1,n1), iqn(1,n2), iqn(1,n3), ms, nc, iszt, c(lc1), intpfg)
1734  if (nc > 0) then
1735  lc2 = lc2 + nc
1736  if (lc2 >= l) go to 899
1737  ic = 1
1738  do lc = lc1, lc2
1739  iqns(1:2,1:nam,lc) = iqns(1:2,1:nam,l)
1740  iqns(1,n1,lc) = iszt(1,ic)
1741  iqns(1,n2,lc) = iszt(2,ic)
1742  ic = ic + 1
1743  c(lc) = c(lc) * c(l)
1744  end do
1745  if (iqns(2,n3,l) < 0) then
1746  if (iqn(3,n1) >= 0 .and. iqn(3,n2) >= 0) cycle
1747  c(lc1:lc2) = -c(lc1:lc2)
1748  else if (iqns(2,n3,l) == 0) then
1749  if (iqn(2,n1) /= 0) then
1750  if (lc2 + nc >= l) go to 899
1751  lc3 = lc2
1752  sign = one
1753  if (iqn(3,n3) < 0) sign = -one
1754  do lc = lc1, lc3
1755  lc2 = lc2 + 1
1756  iqns(1:2,1:nam,lc2) = iqns(1:2,1:nam,lc)
1757  iqns(2,n1,lc2) = -iqns(2,n1,lc2)
1758  iqns(2,n2,lc2) = -iqns(2,n2,lc2)
1759  c(lc) = c(lc) * root2
1760  c(lc2) = c(lc) * sign
1761  end do
1762  cycle
1763  end if
1764  if (iqn(3,n1) * iqn(3,n2) /= iqn(3,n3)) go to 511
1765  end if
1766  cycle
1767  end if
1768  go to 511
1769  end do
1770  go to 100
1771  end if
1772  n = n + 1
1773  if (n < niam) go to 300
1774  go to 299
1775  end if
1776  n3 = n3 - 1
1777  if (n3 > 0) go to 110
1778  return
1780  299 niam1 = niam - 1
1781  write(nftw,'("0ERROR IN COUPLING TREE"//(3I5))') ((icup(i,j), i=1,3), j=1,niam1)
1782  lc2 = 0
1783  return
1785  511 write(nftw,'("0COUPLING IMPOSSIBLE MULTIPLICITIES FOLLOW"//(3I5))') (iqn(i,n1), iqn(i,n2), iqn(i,n3), i=1,3)
1786  lc2 = 0
1787  return
1789  899 write(nftw,'("0STORAGE OVERFLOW IN VECTOR COUPLING")')
1790  lc2 = 0
1792  end subroutine wfcple
1814  subroutine wfn (nncsf, nadel, iidist, iidis3, nodi, ndi, cdi, ndel, pqnshl, x, ix, nx)
1816  ! noi # of states (nodi)
1817  ! nid # of determinants (cdi)
1818  ! ni # of replacements (ndi)
1820  use precisn, only : wp
1821  use congen_data, only : lratio, iidis2, lcdi, lndi, ni, nid, noi, exdet, exref, norep, nonew, ntso, &
1822  noimx => nodimx, nidmx => cdimx, jmx => ndimx, megul, nsoi, ncall, nftw, &
1823  confpf, ncsf, ndist, nshl, occshl, sshl => sshlst, shlmx1, nndel, nelec => nnlecg, ndimx
1825  integer :: iidis3, iidist, nadel, nncsf, nx
1826  real(kind=wp), dimension(*) :: cdi, x
1827  integer, dimension(*) :: ix, ndel, ndi, nodi, pqnshl
1828  intent (in) ndel, pqnshl
1829  intent (out) iidis3
1830  intent (inout) cdi, iidist, nadel, ndi, nncsf, nodi
1832  integer :: det, i, ia, ib, id, idist, iidis1, irep, j, k, k1, kshl, kshlst, lf, li, nd, nii
1834  save iidis1 ! JMC adding this in consultation with Jonathan Tennyson because the variable was found to be used but not set in tests...
1835  ! The other variables initialized in the 1st call to this routine are (former) common block variables now in congen_data.
1837  ! reset counters for a new wave function group ("ncall = 1" is set in CSFGEN before calling DISTRB)
1838  if (ncall == 1) then
1839  lcdi = 0
1840  lndi = 0
1841  noi = 0
1842  nid = 0
1843  iidis1 = 0
1844  iidis2 = 0
1845  ni = 0
1846  ncall = 0
1847  end if
1849  ! here most work is done
1850  call state (nshl, x, nx, nd, confpf)
1852  if (nd <= 0) then
1853  write(nftw,'("1","******* ERROR IN WFN ND=0"//)')
1854  stop 70
1855  end if
1857  ! no distributions generated in ASSIGN
1858  if (ndist == 0) return
1860  if (nndel /= 0 .and. nadel > nndel) return
1862  iidist = 0
1863  kshlst = 0
1865  ! for all distributions generated by ASSIGN
1866  do idist = 1, ndist
1868  nncsf = nncsf + 1
1870  if (nndel /= 0 .and. ndel(nadel) /= nncsf) then
1871  kshlst = kshlst + nshl
1872  cycle
1873  end if
1875  ncsf = ncsf + 1
1876  if (nndel /= 0) then
1877  nadel = nadel + 1
1878  iidist = iidist + 1
1879  end if
1881  k = nd * lratio
1882  ia = nd * (2 * nelec + 1) + ni
1883  ib = nd + nid
1884  k1 = noi + 1
1886  if (ia > jmx .or. ib > nidmx .or. k1 > noimx) then
1887  if (nndel == 0 .or. iidis2 /= 0) then
1888  write(megul) noi, (nodi(i), i=1,noi)
1889  write(megul) nid, (cdi(i), i=1,nid)
1890  write(megul) ni, (ndi(i), i=1,ni)
1891  lcdi = lcdi + nid
1892  lndi = lndi + ni
1893  end if
1894  noi = 0
1895  ni = 0
1896  nid = 0
1897  end if
1899  nii = ni + 1
1900  do id = 1, nd
1901  exdet(1:ntso) = 0
1902  kshl = kshlst
1903  lf = 0
1904  do i = 1, nshl
1905  li = lf + 1
1906  lf = lf + occshl(i)
1907  kshl = kshl + 1
1908  do j = li, lf
1909  k = k + 1
1910  det = ix(k) + nsoi(sshl(i)) + (pqnshl(kshl) - 1) * shlmx1(sshl(i))
1911  exdet(det) = 1
1912  end do
1913  end do
1914  ia = 1
1915  ib = 1
1916  do i = 1, ntso
1917  if (exdet(i) < exref(i)) then
1918  norep(ia) = i
1919  ia = ia + 1
1920  else if (exdet(i) > exref(i)) then
1921  nonew(ib) = i
1922  ib = ib + 1
1923  end if
1924  end do
1925  irep = ib - 1
1926  ni = ni + 1
1928  ! ZM check that NI does not overflow NDIMX
1929  ! If NDI was allocatable we could resize it here
1930  if (ni + 2 * irep > ndimx) then
1931  write(nftw,'("******* ERROR IN WFN, NDIMX TOO SMALL",2I10)') ni + 2 * irep, ndimx
1932  stop 81
1933  end if
1935  ndi(ni) = irep
1936  do i = 1, irep
1937  ni = ni + 1
1938  ndi(ni) = norep(i)
1939  ndi(ni + irep) = nonew(i)
1940  end do
1941  ni = ni + irep
1943  end do
1945  if (confpf >= 40) call print5 (nd, ndi(nii))
1946  noi = noi + 1
1948  ! ZM check that NOI does not overflow NODIMX
1949  ! If NODI was allocatable we could resize it here
1950  if (noi > noimx) then
1951  write(nftw,'("******* ERROR IN WFN, NODIMX TOO SMALL",2I10)') noi, noimx
1952  stop 82
1953  end if
1955  nodi(noi) = nd
1957  ! ZM check that NID+ND does not overflow CDIMX
1958  ! If CDI was allocatable we could resize it here
1959  if (nid + nd > nidmx) then
1960  write(nftw,'("******* ERROR IN WFN, CDIMX TOO SMALL",2I10)') nid + nd, nidmx
1961  stop 83
1962  end if
1964  do i = 1, nd
1965  nid = nid + 1
1966  cdi(nid) = x(i)
1967  end do
1969  kshlst = kshl
1971  end do
1973  iidis1 = iidis1 + iidist
1974  iidis2 = iidist + iidis2
1975  if (confpf >= 30 .and. iidist > 0) call print4 (nd, x, ix(nd*lratio+1))
1976  iidis3 = iidis1
1978  end subroutine wfn
1980 end module congen_distribution
character(len=8), dimension(7), parameter header
Definition: congen_data.f90:61
integer, dimension(lg) mshl
Symmetry number from zero to n-1 (mvalue).
Definition: congen_data.f90:93
integer, dimension(lg) nonew
Definition: congen_data.f90:137
integer noi
Number of determinants per CSF.
Definition: congen_data.f90:146
integer lratio
Ratio of real size to integer size. Used to manage workspace data.
Definition: congen_data.f90:74
integer nid
Length of the integer array containing all packed determinants.
Definition: congen_data.f90:145
integer megul
File unit for binary output of generated configurations.
Definition: congen_data.f90:128
integer nisz
Total S_z, set by CSFGEN, defaults to first element of qntot.
Definition: congen_data.f90:85
real(kind=wp), parameter root2
Note that this is actually inverse square root!
Definition: congen_data.f90:51
integer, parameter lg
??? used to dimension arrays below; also in CPLE[A,M].
Definition: congen_data.f90:39
integer, dimension(3, lg) cup
Coupling scheme data. ???
Definition: congen_data.f90:90
Page control.
Definition: congen_pagecontrol.f90:26
integer ntcon
Definition: congen_data.f90:111
integer icdi
Position in workspace where the determinant coefficients start (one coeff per one determinant).
Definition: congen_data.f90:75
integer, dimension(2, lg) kslim
Definition: congen_data.f90:98
integer indi
Position in workspace where packed determinants start (each as size + replacements).
Definition: congen_data.f90:77
integer nstate
Number of couplings computed in congen_distribution::cplea or congen_distribution::cplem.
Definition: congen_data.f90:127
integer, dimension(nu) nshsym
Definition: congen_data.f90:115
subroutine, private print5(nd, ndi)
Definition: congen_distribution.f90:1552
integer inodi
Position in workspace where CSFs start (as number of determinants per CSF).
Definition: congen_data.f90:78
subroutine, private cplem(nncsf, nadel, x, nftw)
Definition: congen_distribution.f90:802
character(len=4), dimension(3), parameter blnk43
Definition: congen_data.f90:59
integer, dimension(3) qntar
Coupling control for current wfn group. ???
Definition: congen_data.f90:101
integer symtyp
Symmetry type, 0 = C_infv, 1 = D_infh, 2 = {D_2h, C_2v, C_s, E}.
Definition: congen_data.f90:88
integer, dimension(jsmax+2) ind
Pascal triangle row pointers into congen_data::binom.
Definition: congen_data.f90:107
integer ndist
Number of distributions generated from set of shells (set in congen_distribution::assign).
Definition: congen_data.f90:126
subroutine, private getsm(ne, isz, nc, c, iso)
Form ne electrons in a shell coupled to (l,is).
Definition: congen_distribution.f90:375
subroutine, private getso(ns, intpfg, nti, iqns, ci, nd, id, cd, last)
Definition: congen_distribution.f90:417
integer confpf
Print flag for the amount of print given of configurations and prototypes.
Definition: congen_data.f90:120
integer nshl
Number of shells in the set of orbitals currently being processed.
Definition: congen_data.f90:123
subroutine, public taddl(lines, lt)
Add blank lines to output.
Definition: congen_pagecontrol.f90:170
integer ni
Number of determinants currently in memory.
Definition: congen_data.f90:144
integer, dimension(lg) occshl
Compressed shell occupations, all zeros deleted and pseudo shells expanded.
Definition: congen_data.f90:94
integer ncsf
Total number of CSFs generated.
Definition: congen_data.f90:121
subroutine, private getsa(ne, l, is, isz, m, nc, c, iso)
Form ne electrons in a shell coupled to (l,is).
Definition: congen_distribution.f90:290
integer next
Position in the workspace indicating the first unused element.
Definition: congen_data.f90:147
subroutine, private print3(iidis1, i13)
Definition: congen_distribution.f90:1474
subroutine, private cgcoef(j1, j2, j3, m3, n, ms, c, intpfg)
Clebsch-Gordan coefficients.
Definition: congen_distribution.f90:198
integer nobt
Total number of all orbitals considered in the calculation, essentially equal to sum(nob).
Definition: congen_data.f90:110
integer, dimension(lg) sshlst
Definition: congen_data.f90:97
integer, dimension(3) qntot
Total quantum numbers.
Definition: congen_data.f90:102
integer nftw
Unit number for printing; may be changed via the STATE namelist so not a parameter.
Definition: congen_data.f90:57
integer, parameter nitem
Number of interesting things printed per line in the PRINT* routines.
Definition: congen_data.f90:55
integer iqnstr
Starting position in workspace for per-shell quantum numbers (e.g. congen_distribution::cplem).
Definition: congen_data.f90:79
subroutine, public space(lines)
Add blank lines to output.
Definition: congen_pagecontrol.f90:144
subroutine wfcple(nam, iqn, isz, icup, iqns, c, last, lc2, intpfg)
Definition: congen_distribution.f90:1668
subroutine, private state(ns, x, last, nd, confpf)
Definition: congen_distribution.f90:1603
subroutine, public taddl1(lines, lt)
Check available lines.
Definition: congen_pagecontrol.f90:193
integer, dimension(2, lg) mclim
Definition: congen_data.f90:99
integer ncall
Used to signal to "wfn" to initialize some variables.
Definition: congen_data.f90:129
subroutine, private print4(nd, x, ix)
Definition: congen_distribution.f90:1508
integer, dimension(lg) qnshlr
Total quantum numbers for all shells in the set of orbitals being processed.
Definition: congen_data.f90:95
integer irfcon
Definition: congen_data.f90:80
integer, dimension(lg) gushl
Gerade/ungerade per shell.
Definition: congen_data.f90:92
integer, dimension(lg) spnmin
Definition: congen_data.f90:96
integer, dimension(:), allocatable exdet
Definition: congen_data.f90:135
subroutine, private print2(iidis1)
Definition: congen_distribution.f90:1409
subroutine, private cplea(nncsf, nadel, x, nftw)
Loop through (and fill) all allowed couplings for a given electron distribution into shells.
Definition: congen_distribution.f90:575
subroutine, private assign(nshl, ndist, nused, refcon, excon, qnstor, nx, nftw)
Assign quantum numbers to real shells.
Definition: congen_distribution.f90:54
integer lndi
Total number of integers forming packed determinants.
Definition: congen_data.f90:143
integer, dimension(nu) shlmx1
Maximal occupancy of orbitals per symmetry.
Definition: congen_data.f90:103
integer ndel
Workspace position used for the CSFs read from input.
Definition: congen_data.f90:81
integer ne
Definition: congen_data.f90:122
integer ntyp
Prototype number, updated in congen_distribution::distrb.
Definition: congen_data.f90:124
integer ift
Used to signal to congen_distribution::assign to initialize some variables.
Definition: congen_data.f90:109
character(len=1), parameter star
Definition: congen_data.f90:67
integer ntso
Total number of spin-orbitals, given the orbitals and their maximal occupacy (from group properties).
Definition: congen_data.f90:133
integer iidis2
Definition: congen_data.f90:141
integer nnlecg
The total number of electrons which are movable within the current wfn group.
Definition: congen_data.f90:87
Module containing parameters / data required throughout the CONGEN program.
Definition: congen_data.f90:32
integer iexcon
Position in workspace where EX constraints start.
Definition: congen_data.f90:76
integer gutot
Total gerade (= +1) / ungerade (= -1) quantum number.
Definition: congen_data.f90:84
integer, dimension(nu) nobi
Running index of the first orbital in each symmetry.
Definition: congen_data.f90:114
subroutine, public newpg
Start new page of output.
Definition: congen_pagecontrol.f90:121
integer, dimension(3, lg) pqnst
Definition: congen_data.f90:91
subroutine, private wfn(nncsf, nadel, iidist, iidis3, nodi, ndi, cdi, ndel, pqnshl, x, ix, nx)
Definition: congen_distribution.f90:1815
integer, dimension(:), allocatable exref
Population of spin-orbitals (0 = not populated, 1 = populated).
Definition: congen_data.f90:136
subroutine, public distrb(nelecp, nshlp, shlmx, occshl, nslsv, kdssv, loopf, ksss, pqn, occst, shlmx1, pqnst, mshl, mshlst, gushl, gushst, cup, cupst, ndprod, symtyp, confpf, sshl, sshlst, ncsf, nncsf, nadel, nndel, x, nftw)
Distribute electrons to spin-orbitals.
Definition: congen_distribution.f90:996
character(len=3), parameter lp
Definition: congen_data.f90:66
integer lcdi
Total number of determinants (including those already flushed to disk).
Definition: congen_data.f90:142
integer, dimension(lg) norep
Definition: congen_data.f90:138
real(kind=wp), parameter thresh1
Threshold used in congen_distribution::cgcoef.
Definition: congen_data.f90:52
real(kind=wp), dimension((jsmax *jsmax+3 *jsmax+4)/2) binom
Table of precomputed Pascal triangle.
Definition: congen_data.f90:106
Distribute electrons to available orbitals.
Definition: congen_distribution.f90:23
integer, dimension(jz) test
Determines which of the two types of constraints will be used.
Definition: congen_data.f90:117
integer, dimension(3, 2 *lg) qnshl
Definition: congen_data.f90:100
integer, dimension(nu, lg) nst
Pointer to shell index and order count; only used in congen_distribution::assign.
Definition: congen_data.f90:118
integer nx
Full or remaining workspace size (depending on context).
Definition: congen_data.f90:148
subroutine, private print1(qnstor)
Definition: congen_distribution.f90:1300
integer nodimx
Maximal number of workspace elements usable for CSF information.
Definition: congen_data.f90:132
subroutine, public addl(lines)
Add blank lines to output.
Definition: congen_pagecontrol.f90:50
integer ndimx
Maximal number of workspace elements usable for packed determinant data.
Definition: congen_data.f90:130
subroutine, private packdet(iqn, ni, jqn, nj, ci, cj, nt)
Copy determinant data.
Definition: congen_distribution.f90:1281
integer cdimx
Maximal number of determinants.
Definition: congen_data.f90:125
integer, dimension(jz) nrcon
Definition: congen_data.f90:116
integer nndel
Number of workspace elements used for reservation of space needed when reading CSFs from input.
Definition: congen_data.f90:86
integer, dimension(nu) nsoi
Running index of the first spin-orbital within given total symmetry.
Definition: congen_data.f90:139