Configuration generation for SCATCI
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 ! Copyright 2019
2 !
3 ! For a comprehensive list of the developers that contributed to these codes
4 ! see the UK-AMOR website.
5 !
6 ! This file is part of UKRmol-in (UKRmol+ suite).
7 !
8 ! UKRmol-in is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
9 ! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
10 ! the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
11 ! (at your option) any later version.
12 !
13 ! UKRmol-in is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14 ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16 ! GNU General Public License for more details.
17 !
18 ! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
19 ! along with UKRmol-in (in source/COPYING). Alternatively, you can also visit
20 ! <>.
32  implicit none
34  ! entry point of the module
35  public projec
37  ! support routines called from "projec"
38  private cntrct
39  private dophz
40  private dophz0
41  private iphase
42  private mkorbs
43  private pkwf
44  private pmkorbs
45  private popnwf
46  private prjct
47  private ptpwf
48  private qsort
49  private rdwf
50  private rdwf_getsize
51  private rfltn
52  private snrm2
53  private stmrg
54  private wfgntr
55  private wrnfto
56  private wrwf
58 contains
66  subroutine cntrct (nelt, no, ndo, cdo, thres)
68  use precisn, only : wp
70  integer :: nelt, no
71  real(kind=wp) :: thres
72  real(kind=wp), dimension(*) :: cdo
73  integer, dimension(*) :: ndo
74  intent (in) nelt, thres
75  intent (inout) cdo, ndo, no
77  integer :: i, j, md, mdd, mov
79  mov = 0 ! number of determinants discarded so far due to the threshold
80  md = 0 ! current position in determinant storage array
81  mdd = 0 ! position of next determinant position vacated due to threshold
83  ! loop over all determinants
84  do i = 1, no
85  if (abs(cdo(i)) <= thres) then
86  mov = mov + 1 ! increment number of discarded determinants
87  else if (mov /= 0) then
88  mdd = md - nelt * mov ! position of next determinant position vacated due to threshold
89  cdo(i-mov) = cdo(i) ! move the next determinant factor to vacated space
90  ndo(mdd+1:mdd+nelt) = ndo(md+1:md+nelt) ! move the next determinant data to vacated space
91  end if
92  md = md + nelt ! jump to the next determinant
93  end do
95  no = no - mov ! update number of stored determinants
97  end subroutine cntrct
107  subroutine dophz (nftw, nocsf, nelt, ndtrf, nconf, indo, ndo, lenndo, icdo, cdo, lencdo, iphz, leniphz, iphz0, &
108  leniphz0, nctarg, nctgt, notgt, mrkorb, mdegen, ntgsym, mcont, symtyp, npflg)
110  use precisn, only : wp
112  integer :: symtyp,i,n,ntci,nt,marked,nc,mb,md,m,na,mark1,iloc,inum, &
113  ntci1, ntci0,nftw,nctarg,iph,npflg,nocsf,nelt, &
114  leniphz,leniphz0,ntgsym,lenndo,lencdo
115  integer, dimension(nelt) :: ndtrf,nconf
116  integer, dimension(lenndo) :: ndo
117  integer, dimension(nocsf) :: indo,icdo
118  real(kind=wp), allocatable :: cdo(:)
119  integer, dimension(leniphz) :: iphz
120  integer, dimension(ntgsym) :: nctgt,mrkorb,mcont,notgt,mdegen
121  integer, dimension(leniphz0) :: iphz0
122  real(kind=wp), parameter :: zero = 0.0_wp
123  logical, parameter :: zdebug = .false.
125  ! Debug banner header
126  write(nftw,'(/,5x,"Phase analysis for total wavefunction:",/)')
127  write(nftw,'( 5x," ")')
128  write(nftw,'( 5x," Number of CSFS (nocsf) = ",I8)') nocsf
129  write(nftw,'( 5x," Number of electrons (nelt) = ",I8)') nelt
130  write(nftw,'( 5x," Number of target states (ntgsym) = ",I8)') ntgsym
131  write(nftw,'( 5x," Spatial group type (symtyp) = ",I8)') symtyp
132  write(nftw,'( 5x," Size of packed dets (lenndo) = ",I8)') lenndo
133  write(nftw,'( 5x," Size of cdo (#dets) (lencdo) = ",I8)') lencdo
134  write(nftw,'( 5x," (nctarg) = ",I8,/)') nctarg
135  write(nftw,'( 5x,"Structure of wavefunction:",/)')
136  write(nftw,'( 5x,"Target #CSFs #Continuum Spatial Sym ")')
137  write(nftw,'( 5x,"State targ functions continuum ")')
138  write(nftw,'( 5x,"------ ------- ---------- ----------- ")')
139  do i = 1, ntgsym
140  write(nftw,'(5x,I6,2x,I7,3x,I10,2x,I10)') i, nctgt(i), notgt(i), mcont(i)
141  end do
142  write(nftw,'(/,5x,"**** End of structure of wavefunction",/)')
144  n = 1
145  ntci = 0
147  ! Descend into loop over target states
148  do nt = 1, ntgsym
149  marked = mrkorb(nt)
151  ! Descend into loop over number of continuum orbs
152  do nc = 1, nctgt(nt)
154  ! First load reference determinant
155  nconf(1:nelt) = ndtrf(1:nelt)
157  ! Now make substitutions
158  mb = indo(n)
159  md = ndo(mb)
161  cyc1: do m = 1, md
162  na = ndo(mb + m)
163  do i = 1, nelt
164  if (na == ndtrf(i)) then
165  nconf(i) = ndo(mb + md + m)
166  cycle cyc1
167  end if
168  end do
169  write(nftw,*) 'DOPHZ: help I should not have got here!!! na =', na
170  write(nftw,*) ' ndtrf ', ndtrf
171  write(nftw,*) ' nconf ', nconf
172  end do cyc1
174  ! We have the present configuration, find the marked orbital
175  m = merge(4, 2, symtyp <= 1 .or. mcont(nt) /= 0) ! number of tries (different spins)
176  do mark1 = marked + 0, marked + m
177  if (mark1 == marked + m) then
178  ! Not found anywhere, stop!
179  write(nftw,*) ' Configuration is ', nconf
180  stop
181  else if (any(nconf(1:nelt) == mark1)) then
182  ! Found, let's continue!
183  exit
184  end if
185  end do
187  ! Phase depends on where the marked orbital is in the determinant
188  ntci = ntci + 1
189  inum = count(nconf(1:nelt) > mark1)
190  if (mdegen(nt) >= 0) then
191  iph = merge(iphase(nconf,nelt), -iphase(nconf,nelt), cdo(icdo(n)) > zero)
192  iphz(ntci) = merge(iph, -iph, mod(inum, 2) == 0)
193  else
194  ! treat phase factor caused by coupling down rather than up for second
195  ! continua in degenerate symmetry/degenerate target as special case
196  iphz(ntci) = merge(iphz0(nc), -iphz0(nc), mod(inum, 2) == 0)
197  end if
198  n = n + notgt(nt)
200  end do ! End of loop over target states
201  end do
203  ! Having completed the computation, print results.
204  if (npflg > 0) then
205  write(nftw,'(//," Phase factors for CI target states:")')
206  ntci1 = 0
207  do nt = 1, ntgsym
208  ntci0 = ntci1 + 1
209  ntci1 = ntci1 + nctgt(nt)
210  write(nftw,'(/," Target symmetry",I3,/)') nt
211  write(nftw,'(25I3)') (iphz(ntci), ntci=ntci0,ntci1)
212  end do
213  write(nftw,'(//)')
214  end if
216  ! Subroutine return point
217  if (zdebug) then
218  write(nftw, '(/,5x,"***** dophz() - completed ",/)')
219  end if
221  end subroutine dophz
232  subroutine dophz0 (nftw, nocsf, nelt, ndtrf, nconf, indo, ndo, lenndo, icdo, cdo, lencdo, iphz, npflg)
234  use precisn, only : wp
236  integer :: n, i, mb, md, m, na, nftw, npflg, nocsf, nelt, lenndo, lencdo
237  integer, dimension(nelt) :: ndtrf,nconf
238  integer, dimension(nocsf) :: indo,icdo,iphz
239  integer, dimension(lenndo) :: ndo
240  real(kind=wp), parameter :: zero = 0.0_wp
241  real(kind=wp),dimension(lencdo) :: cdo(lencdo)
243  do n = 1, nocsf
245  ! First load reference determinant
246  nconf(1:nelt) = ndtrf(1:nelt)
248  ! Then make substitutions
249  mb = indo(n)
250  md = ndo(mb)
252  cyc1: do m = 1,md
253  na = ndo(mb + m)
254  do i = 1, nelt
255  if (na == ndtrf(i)) then
256  nconf(i) = ndo(mb + md + m)
257  cycle cyc1
258  end if
259  end do
260  write(nftw,*) 'DOPHZ0: help I should not have got here!!! na =', na
261  write(nftw,*) ' ndtrf ', ndtrf
262  write(nftw,*) ' nconf ', nconf
263  stop
264  end do cyc1
266  iphz(n) = merge(iphase(nconf,nelt), -iphase(nconf,nelt), cdo(icdo(n)) > zero)
268  end do
270  if (npflg > 0) then
271  write(nftw,'(5x,"Phz factor, per target CSF (",I7,"), for future use:")') nocsf
272  write(nftw,'((5x,15(I3,1x)))') (iphz(n), n=1,nocsf)
273  write(nftw,'(/)')
274  end if
276  end subroutine dophz0
283  function iphase (nconf, nelt)
285  integer :: nelt
286  integer :: iphase
287  integer, dimension(nelt) :: nconf
288  intent (in) nconf, nelt
290  integer :: iso, iswap, m, n, nst
292  ! first check if there are any spin-orbitals out of sequence
293  do n = 1, nelt
294  if (n == nelt) then
295  ! all spin-orbitals are in ascending order: no phase
296  iphase = 1
297  return
298  else if (nconf(n) > nconf(n+1)) then
299  ! there is a possible phase factor!
300  exit
301  end if
302  end do
304  ! can we eliminate some electrons from the phase computation?
305  nst = 1
306  do n = 1, nelt
307  if (nconf(n) /= n) exit
308  nst = nst + 1
309  end do
311  ! logic says you can't reach this statement
312  iswap = 0
313  do m = nelt, nst + 1, -1
314  iso = nconf(m)
315  do n = nst, m - 1
316  if (iso < nconf(n)) iswap = iswap + 1
317  end do
318  end do
320  ! phase given by whether number of swaps is odd or even
321  iphase = merge(1, -1, mod(iswap, 2) == 0)
323  end function iphase
372  subroutine mkorbs (nob, nsym, mn, mg, mm, ms, norb, nsrb_in, map, mpos, iposit, nobl, nob0l, symtyp)
374  use precisn, only : wp
375  use congen_data, only : nftw
377  integer :: nsym
378  integer :: iposit
379  integer :: symtyp
380  integer :: norb
381  integer :: nsrb_in
382  integer :: nob(nsym)
383  integer :: mn(nsrb_in)
384  integer :: mg(nsrb_in)
385  integer :: mm(nsrb_in)
386  integer :: ms(nsrb_in)
387  integer :: map(norb)
388  integer :: mpos(nsrb_in)
389  integer :: nobl(*)
390  integer :: nob0l(nsym)
392  integer i, ik, ikp, ipos, is, ic, iso
393  integer j, k
394  integer m, ma, mb, m1, n, nep
395  integer ierr
396  integer len_noblj
398  integer :: nsrb
399  integer, allocatable :: noblj(:)
400  integer, parameter :: iwrite = 6
401  logical, parameter :: zdebug = .false.
403  ! Debug banner header
405  if (zdebug) then
406  write(nftw,'(/,10x,"====> mkorbs() <====",/)')
407  write(nftw,'(/,10x,"Input data: " )')
408  write(nftw,'( 10x," nsym = ",I6 )') nsym
409  write(nftw,'( 10x," symtyp = ",I6 )') symtyp
410  write(nftw,'( 10x," iposit = ",I6 )') iposit
411  write(nftw,'( 10x," norbs = ",I6 )') norb
412  write(nftw,'( 10x," nsrb_in = ",I6,/)') nsrb_in
413  write(nftw,'(12x,"nob: ",1x,20(I3,1x))') (nob(i), i=1,nsym)
414  if (symtyp == 1) then
415  write(nftw,'(12x,"nobl: ",1x,20(I3,1x))') (nobl(i), i=1,nsym)
416  else
417  write(nftw,'(12x,"nobl: ",1x,20(I3,1x))') (nobl(i), i=1,2*nsym)
418  end if
419  write(nftw,'(/,10x,"**** End of input data",/)')
420  end if
422  ! Copy the contents of input array nobl() to local storage noblj()
423  ! - When we are working with D-inf-h we need to remember that
424  ! nsym and nob refer to the C-inf-v representation, whereas
425  ! nobl() holds the D-inf-h representation. Thus we need to
426  ! double "nsym".
428  if (symtyp == 1) then
429  len_noblj = 2 * nsym
430  else
431  len_noblj = nsym
432  end if
434  allocate(noblj(len_noblj), stat = ierr)
436  if (ierr /= 0) then
437  write(nftw,'(/,10x,"**** Error in mkorbs() ",/)')
438  write(nftw,'(/,10x,"Cannot allocate noblj - ierr = ",I6,/)') ierr
439  stop
440  end if
442  noblj(1:len_noblj) = nobl(1:len_noblj)
444  if (iposit /= 0) then
445  do is = 1, nsym
446  noblj(is) = nobl(is) / 2
447  end do
448  end if
450  !======================================================================
451  !
452  ! E L E C T R O N I C O R B I T A L S
453  !
454  !======================================================================
456  if (symtyp == 0) then
457  ic = 1
458  iso = 4
459  else if (symtyp == 1) then
460  ic = 2
461  iso = 4
462  else
463  ic = 1
464  iso = 2
465  end if
466  if (iposit /= 0) then
467  do is = 1, nsym*ic
468  noblj(is) = nobl(is) / 2
469  end do
470  else
471  do is = 1, nsym*ic
472  noblj(is) = nobl(is)
473  end do
474  end if
476  ! First of all we loop over all non-degenerate electron orbitals and build the table of spin-orbitals for them.
477  ! We set mpos() to be zero for "electron" orbitals.
478  ! For linear molecules this is
479  ! C-inf-v : Sigma type
480  ! D-inf-h : Sigma_g and Sigma_u
481  ! Actually the code also handle here the first IRR of Abelian point groups too.
483  i = 1
484  ma = 0
486  do j = 1, ic
487  m1 = ma + 1
488  ma = ma + noblj(j)
489  ipos = 0
491  do n = m1, ma
492  map(n) = n
494  ! Spin orbital with spin-up
496  mn(i) = n
497  mg(i) = 0
498  mm(i) = 0
499  ms(i) = 0
500  mpos(i) = ipos
502  ! Spin orbital with spin-down
504  i = i + 1
506  mn(i) = n
507  mg(i) = 0
508  mm(i) = 0
509  ms(i) = 1
510  mpos(i) = ipos
512  i = i + 1
513  end do
514  end do
516  ! Process remaining orbitals
517  ! C-inf-v: Pi, Delta, ....
518  ! D-inf-h: Pi_u, Pi_g, Delta_g, ...
519  ! Abelian: irr = 2, 3, 4,
521  k = ma + 1
523  do m = ic + 1, nsym * ic
524  ma = noblj(m)
525  mb = (m - 1) / ic
526  ipos = 0
527  do n = 1, ma
528  map(k) = k
529  do j = 1, iso
530  mn(i) = k
531  mg(i) = 0
532  mm(i) = mb
533  ms(i) = 0
534  mpos(i) = ipos
535  i = i + 1
536  end do
537  k = k + 1
538  ms(i - 1) = 1
539  if (symtyp <= 1) then
540  mm(i - 1) = -mb
541  mm(i - 2) = -mb
542  ms(i - 3) = 1
543  end if
544  end do
545  end do
547  ! Compute the total number of electron type spin orbitals.
549  nsrb = i - 1
551  !======================================================================
552  !
553  ! P O S I T R O N I C O R B I T A L S
554  !
555  !======================================================================
557  if (iposit /= 0) then
558  write(nftw,*) ' MAP : OLD, NEW'
559  ik = k - 1
560  ikp = ik + 1
561  nep = ik + ik ! total number of orbitals (electron + positron)
562  do n = ikp, nep
563  map(n) = map(n - ik)
564  end do
565  write(nftw,*) ' MAP : OLD, NEW'
566  do n = 1, nep
567  write(nftw,*) n,map(n)
568  end do
569  DO n = ikp, nep
570  mn(ik + ikp) = n
571  ik = ik + 1
572  mn(ik + ikp) = n
573  ik = ik + 1
574  end do
575  do j=1, nep
576  mg(j+nep)=mg(j)
577  mm(j+nep)=mm(j)
578  ms(j+nep)=ms(j)
579  mpos(j+nep)=1
580  end do
581  nsrb = 2 * nsrb
582  end if
585  ! Now print-out a table of the spin-orbitals
587  write(nftw,*) ' I N G M S MPOS '
589  do j = 1, nsrb
590  write(iwrite,'(10x,7I10)') j, mn(j), mg(j), mm(j), ms(j), mpos(j)
591  end do
593  if (nsrb /= nsrb_in) then
594  write(iwrite,'(" HELP!!! MKORBS: NSRB, NSRBD = ",2I6)') nsrb, nsrb_in
595  stop 999
596  end if
599  ! Return point
600  ! - Release any allocated storage
602  if (allocated(noblj)) then
603  deallocate(noblj, stat = ierr)
605  if (0 /= ierr) then
606  write(iwrite,'(/,10x,"**** Error in mkorbs() ",/)')
607  write(iwrite,'(/,10x,"Cannot deallocate noblj - ierr = ",I6,/)') ierr
608  stop 999
609  end if
610  end if
612  if (zdebug) then
613  write(iwrite,'(/,10x,"***** Completed - mkorbs() ",/)')
614  end if
616  end subroutine mkorbs
655  subroutine pkwf (nod, ieltp, cdo, mdo, idopl, mdop, idcpl, mdcp, nftw, ndo, ndto, len_ndto, ithis_csf)
657  use precisn, only : wp
659  integer nod ! number of determinants
660  integer ieltp ! number of electrons in each determinant
661  integer idopl, mdop(idopl) ! S.O.s in refdet but not in this CSF.
662  integer idcpl, mdcp(idcpl) ! S.O.s in this CSF but not ref det.
663  integer mdo(nod*ieltp) ! the determinants on input
664  integer nftw ! logical unit for the printer
665  integer len_ndto, ndto(len_ndto) ! the determinants on output
666  integer ndo ! On output points to the highest location used in array ndto
667  integer ithis_csf ! The present CSF index - helpful in error msgs.
669  real(kind=wp) :: cdo(nod) ! coupling coeffs for each deterinant
671  integer i, j, k, n, nc, nd, md, mdopi
672  integer mdi(idcpl+ieltp) ! Temporary workspace array
673  integer nt(idopl) ! Temporary workspace array
675  logical, parameter :: zdebug = .false.
677  ! Debug banner header
678  if (zdebug) then
679  write(nftw,'(/,10x,"====> PKWF() <====",/)')
680  write(nftw,'( 10x,"Input data: ")')
681  write(nftw,'( 10x," No. of determinants (nod) = ",I5)') nod
682  write(nftw,'( 10x," No of electrons per det (ieltp) = ",I5)') ieltp
683  write(nftw,'( 10x," Input determinants: ")')
684  md = 0
685  do i = 1, nod
686  write(nftw,'(/,10x," Determinant ",I5," Coeffcient = ",F13.6,/)') i, cdo(i)
687  write(nftw,'( 10x," Spin orbs: ",20(I3,1x),/,(25x,20(I3,1x)))') (mdo(md+j), j=1,ieltp)
688  md = md + ieltp
689  end do
690  write(nftw,'(/,10x," No. spin orbs in the reference det ")')
691  write(nftw,'( 10x," but not present in this CSF (idopl) = ",I5,/)') idopl
692  write(nftw,'( 10x," mdop: ",10(I3,1x),/,(16x,10(i3,1x)))') (mdop(i), i=1,idopl)
693  write(nftw,'(/,10x," No. spin orbs in this CSF but ")')
694  write(nftw,'( 10x," not present in ref det (idcpl) = ",I5,/)') idcpl
695  write(nftw,'( 10x," mdcp: ",10(I3,1x),/,(16x,10(I3,1x)))') (mdcp(i), i=1,idcpl)
696  write(nftw,'(/,10x,"Space available in ndto() = ",I10,/)') len_ndto
697  end if
699  ! Special case is where idopl is 0. There is no work to be done.
700  ! We have same spin orbitals as the reference determinant.
702  if (idopl == 0) then
704  ndto(ndo) = 0
705  ndo = ndo + 1
707  else
709  ! Loop over all determinants in this CSF
710  !
711  ! "md" points at the location of the input determinant as we work though the list. Remember that each is
712  ! of length ieltp.
714  md = 0
716  do k = 1, nod
718  ! Populate mdi() with the list of spin orbitals in this CSF but not in the reference determinant.
719  mdi(1:idcpl) = mdcp(1:idcpl)
721  nd = idcpl
723  ! Copy the current determinant onto the end of array mdi()
724  do i = 1, ieltp
725  nd = nd + 1
726  mdi(nd) = mdo(md + i)
727  end do
729  ! Extract the list of spin orbitals which have replaced those in the reference determinant but not present in
730  ! this CSF - as defined by array MDOP().
731  !
732  ! We build "nt()" are a set pointers into mdi().
734  nd = 0
736  outer_loop: do i = 1, idopl
737  mdopi = mdop(i)
738  inner_loop: do j = 1, idopl
739  if (mdi(j) == mdopi) then
740  if (i /= j) then
741  cdo(k) = -cdo(k)
742  mdi(j) = mdi(i)
743  end if
744  mdi(i) = 0
745  cycle outer_loop
746  end if
747  end do inner_loop
748  nd = nd + 1
749  nt(nd) = i
750  end do outer_loop
752  ! Ok, we now know how long the "packed" determinant is.
753  ! Let's check that we have enough space available in NDTO in which to store the data.
754  !
755  ! This data is:
756  !
757  ! number of replacements
758  ! list of replaced spin orbs
759  ! list of replacing spin orbs
761  if (ndo + 2 * nd > len_ndto) then
762  write(nftw,'(/,10x,"***** Error in: PKWF() ",/)')
763  write(nftw,'( 10x,"There is not enough space in NDTO to store the ")')
764  write(nftw,'( 10x,"present determinant (",I4," of ",I4," ). ")') k, nod
765  write(nftw,'( 10x,"Space needed = ",I8," Given (len_ndto) = ",I8)') ndo+2*nd, len_ndto
766  write(nftw,'( 10x,"This present CSF number = ",I10,/)') ithis_csf
767  stop 999
768  end if
770  ! Copy the determinant into place in NDTO
771  ! It is useful to remember that "nd" is the number of replacements from the reference determinant
773  ndto(ndo) = nd
774  nc = ndo + nd
776  do i = 1, nd
777  n = nt(i)
778  ndto(ndo+i) = mdop(n)
779  ndto(nc+i) = mdi(n)
780  end do
782  if (zdebug) then
783  write(nftw,'(/,10x,"Packed format for determinant ",I5,": ",/)') k
784  write(nftw,'( 10x,20(I3,1x))') (ndto(i), i =ndo,ndo+2*nd)
785  end if
787  ndo = ndo + nd + nd + 1
789  ! Augment the pointer for the next determinant
790  md = md + ieltp
792  end do ! End of loop over determinants in this CSF
794  end if
796  ! Subroutine return point
798  if (zdebug) then
799  write(nftw,'(/,10x,"On output: ")')
800  write(nftw,'( 10x," Highest location in ndto() (ndo) = ",i10,/)') ndo
801  write(nftw,'(/,10x,"**** PKWF() - completed",/)')
802  end if
804  end subroutine pkwf
809  subroutine pmkorbs (nob, nobe, nsym, mn, mg, mm, ms, nsrb, norb, nsrbd, map, mpos, iposit, symtyp)
811  use congen_data, only : nftw
813  integer :: symtyp, maxspin, imo, emo, ispin, iso, ipos, isym, j, jmo, maxmo, minmo, n, amo, nsrbd, &
814  nsym, iposit, norb, nsrb
815  integer :: nob(nsym), nobe(nsym), mpos(nsrb), map(norb)
816  integer :: mn(nsrb), mg(nsrb), mm(nsrb), ms(nsrb)
818  ! Setting up the following arrays:
819  !
820  ! mn() = orbital number
821  ! mg() = ??? distinguish gerade and ungerade
822  ! mm() = ??? m-quantum number for degenerate MOs
823  ! ms() = spin (for alpha=0, for beta=1)
824  ! mpos() = flag for positron (for e-=0, for p+=1)
825  !
826  ! NOTE: only implemented for poly-atomic code (symtyp=2)
828  if (symtyp /= 2) then
829  write(nftw,*) ' ERROR in PMKORBS: calculation with positrons'
830  write(nftw,*) ' only possible for SYMTYP=2'
831  write(nftw,*) ' (abelian groups).'
832  write(nftw,*) ' here: SYMTYP=',symtyp
833  stop
834  end if
836  maxspin = 2
838  ! imo = mo-number
839  ! iso = so-number
840  ! ipos = positron-flag
841  ! = 0 for 1..nobe(isym)
842  ! = 1 for nobe(isym)..nob(isym)
844  imo = 0
845  iso = 0
846  emo = 0
848  do isym = 1, nsym
850  ! electronic MOs
851  ipos = 0
852  maxmo = nobe(isym)
853  amo = emo
854  do jmo = 1, maxmo
855  imo = imo + 1
856  emo = emo + 1
857  map(imo) = emo
858  do ispin = 1, maxspin
859  iso = iso + 1
860  mn(iso) = imo
861  mg(iso) = 0
862  mm(iso) = isym - 1
863  ms(iso) = ispin - 1
864  mpos(iso) = ipos
865  end do
866  end do
868  ! positronic MOs
869  ipos = 1
870  minmo = nobe(isym) + 1
871  maxmo = nob(isym)
872  !shift=ipos*nobe(isym)
873  emo = amo
874  do jmo = minmo, maxmo
875  imo = imo + 1
876  emo = emo + 1
877  !map(imo) = imo - shift
878  map(imo) = emo
879  do ispin = 1, maxspin
880  iso = iso + 1
881  mn(iso) = imo
882  mg(iso) = 0
883  mm(iso) = isym - 1
884  ms(iso) = ispin - 1
885  mpos(iso) = ipos
886  end do
887  end do
889  end do
891  nsrb = iso
893  ! output the labels
894  write(nftw,*) ' MAP : OLD, NEW'
895  do n = 1, norb
896  write(nftw,*) n, map(n)
897  end do
899  write(6,*) ' I N G M S MPOS '
901  do j = 1, nsrb
902  write(6,'(10X,7I10)') j, mn(j), mg(j), mm(j), ms(j), mpos(j)
903  end do
905  ! Control number of spin orbitals
906  write(6,*) 'GIVEN NSRBD=', nsrbd
907  write(6,*) 'CALCULATED NSRB=', nsrb
909  if (nsrb /= nsrbd) then
910  write(6,'(" HELP!!! MKORBS: NSRB, NSRBD = ",2I6)') nsrb, nsrbd
911  stop
912  end if
914  end subroutine pmkorbs
949  subroutine popnwf (nsrb, nsrbs, nelt, ndtrf, mopmx, mdop, mdcp, mop, mdc, mdo, ndta, nod, nda, idop, idcp, ieltp, flip, nalm)
951  use precisn, only : wp
953  integer nsrb
954  integer nsrbs
955  integer nelt
956  integer nod ! Number of replacements from reference
957  integer nalm ! Output - return code
958  ! =0, normal exit
959  ! =1, different neltp
960  ! =2, need more space for mop
961  ! =3, neltp=0, but nod not =1
963  integer :: ndtrf(nelt) ! Input: the reference determinant
964  integer :: mdc(nsrb) ! Workspace: spin orbs in closed shell, common to all determinants
965  integer :: mdo(nsrb) ! Workspace: Union of all spin-orbs in open shell
966  integer :: ndta(nsrb) ! Workspace: to expand to full determinant (how many times each spin-orbital is used in CSF)
967  integer :: mopmx ! Maximum size of the mop() array
968  integer :: mop(mopmx) ! Spin-orbs
969  integer :: mdop(nelt)
970  integer :: mdcp(nelt)
971  logical :: flip(nod) ! Sign-correction factor for each determinant
972  integer :: nda(*) ! Input - the array of packed determinants on which we work
974  integer idop, idcp, ieltp
976  integer i, k, m, md, me, n, na, nb, ndo, ndc, nod2, nd, no, no0
977  integer ndop, ndcp, neltp
979  integer, parameter :: nftw = 6 ! logical unit for printer
981  logical, parameter :: zdebug = .false.
983  ! Debug banner header
984  if (zdebug) then
985  write(nftw,'(/,25x,"====> POPNWF() <====",/)')
986  write(nftw,'(/,25x,"Input data: ")')
987  write(nftw,'( 25x," No. of spin orbitals (nsrb) = ",I10)') nsrb
988  write(nftw,'( 25x," No .of sigma-type spin orbs (nsrbs) = ",I10)') nsrbs
989  write(nftw,'( 25x," No. of electrons (nelt) = ",I10)') nelt
990  write(nftw,'( 25x," Units available in mop() (mopmx) = ",I10)') mopmx
991  write(nftw,'( 25x," No. of dets in this CSF (nod) = ",I10,/)') nod
992  write(nftw,'( 25x," Ref det = ",10(I5,1x),/,(37x,10(I5,1x)))') (ndtrf(i), i=1,nelt)
993  end if
995  ! Initialize the return data
996  idop = 0
997  idcp = 0
998  ieltp = 0
999  nalm = 0
1001  ! Initialize local data
1002  ndop = 0
1003  ndcp = 0
1004  neltp = 0
1006  !======================================================================
1007  !
1008  ! S T E P : 1
1009  !
1010  !======================================================================
1012  ! We build NDTA() which repesents the spin-orbitals used in this CSF.
1013  ! We start by initializing NDTA which is of length equal to the number of spin-orbitals in the system.
1015  ndta(1:nsrb) = 0
1017  ! Now loop over the reference determinant and for every spin-orbital within it, we mark that spin orbital
1018  ! to be populated in EVERY determinant of this CSF. Thus we set its value in NDTA to be equal to the number
1019  ! of determinants in this CSF.
1021  ndta(ndtrf(1:nelt)) = nod
1023  ! Loop over all determinants in this CSF and modify the count per spin-orb in ndta()
1025  md = 1 ! index in nda, where information about current determinant starts
1027  do i = 1, nod
1028  m = nda(md) ! number of replacements (w.r.t. reference det) defining this determinant
1030  ! Loop over all replacement/replacing spin-orbitals
1031  !
1032  ! For each replaced spin-orb, we decrement its count in ndta() and for each replacing spin-orb, we increment
1033  ! its count in ndta.
1035  do k = md + 1, md + m
1036  ndta( nda(k) ) = ndta( nda(k) ) - 1 ! decrement use of "replaced" spin-orbital
1037  ndta( nda(k+m) ) = ndta( nda(k+m) ) + 1 ! increment use of "replacing" spin-orbital
1038  end do
1040  ! Update the pointer "md" to be at the start of the next determinant. That is the value which defines
1041  ! the number of replacements in that determinant.
1043  md = md + 2*m + 1 ! move to the next packed determinant
1044  end do
1046  if (zdebug) then
1047  write(nftw,'(/,25x,"Expanded determinant (NDTA) representation after")')
1048  write(nftw,'( 25x,"processing all (",I6,") dets within the ")') nod
1049  write(nftw,'( 25x,"present CSF. ",/)')
1050  write(nftw,'( 25x,"Spin Orb. Count ")')
1051  write(nftw,'( 25x,"--------- -------")')
1052  write(nftw,'( (25x,I9,2x,I7))') (i, ndta(i), i=1,nsrb)
1053  end if
1055  !==========================================================================
1056  !
1057  ! S T E P : 2
1058  !
1059  !==========================================================================
1061  ! We loop over all "orbitals" which are not lambda-degenerate
1062  !
1063  ! This means all sigma type orbitals when dealing with C_inf_v and ALL orbitals when dealing with D2h and sub-groups.
1064  !
1065  ! Given we have set the occupancy of an occupied spin-orbital to "nod" initially, then since each orbital is composed of
1066  ! TWO spin orbitals, we will know that the orbital is full if its occupancy is 2*nod. It may or may have been processed
1067  ! in the list of determinants. Remember that NDTA() is summed over ALL determinants in the CSF.
1068  !
1069  ! Following code:
1070  !
1071  ! 1. Examines each orbital
1072  ! 2. If an orbital is FULL, we store the constituent spin-orbs in MDC()
1073  ! 3. Otherwise we store them in MDO()
1074  !
1075  ! Note: this code works at the orbital level but produces output at the spin-orbital level
1077  nod2 = nod + nod
1079  ndo = 0
1080  ndc = 0
1082  do i = 1, nsrbs, 2
1083  if (ndta(i) + ndta(i+1) == nod2) then
1084  mdc(ndc+1) = i ! Fully occupied
1085  mdc(ndc+2) = i + 1
1086  ndc = ndc + 2
1087  else
1088  if (ndta(i) /= 0) then ! Partially occupied
1089  ndo = ndo + 1
1090  mdo(ndo) = i
1091  end if
1093  if (ndta(i+1) /= 0) then
1094  ndo = ndo + 1
1095  mdo(ndo) = i + 1
1096  end if
1097  end if
1098  end do
1100  ! We do the same thing again but now for lambda-degenerate orbitals - if any exist.
1101  ! Of course the occupany is 4*nod.
1103  nod2 = nod2 + nod2
1105  do i = nsrbs + 1, nsrb, 4
1106  nd = ndta(i) + ndta(i+1) + ndta(i+2) + ndta(i+3)
1108  if (nd == nod2) then
1109  do k = i, i + 3
1110  ndc = ndc + 1
1111  mdc(ndc) = k
1112  end do
1113  else
1114  do k = i, i + 3
1115  if (ndta(k) /= 0) then
1116  ndo = ndo + 1
1117  mdo(ndo) = k
1118  end if
1119  end do
1120  end if
1121  end do
1123  if (zdebug) then
1124  write(nftw,'(/,25x,"After step 2 we have; ",/)')
1125  write(nftw,'( 25x," Number of closed orbtials (ndc) = ",I6)') ndc
1126  write(nftw,'( 25x," Number of open orbitals (ndo) = ",I6,/)') ndo
1127  write(nftw,'( 25x,"Closed orbitals: ",20(I4,1x),/,(20x,20(I4,1x)))') (mdc(i), i=1,ndc)
1128  write(nftw,'( 25x,"Open orbitals: ",20(I4,1x),/,(20x,20(I4,1x)))') (mdo(i), i=1,ndo)
1129  end if
1131  !==========================================================================
1132  !
1133  ! S T E P : 3
1134  !
1135  !==========================================================================
1137  ! ndta() is an array with one entry for each spin-orbitals
1139  ! First we zeroize the array + mark any spin-orbital in the reference determinant as being occuiped in ndta()
1140  ndta(1:nsrb) = 0
1141  ndta(ndtrf(1:nelt)) = 1
1143  if (ndc == 0) then
1144  mdop(1:nelt) = ndtrf(1:nelt)
1145  ndop = nelt
1146  ndcp = 0
1147  else
1148  do i = 1, ndc
1149  n = mdc(i)
1150  ndta(n) = ndta(n) + 1
1151  end do
1153  ndop = 0
1154  do i = 1, nelt
1155  n = ndtrf(i)
1156  if (ndta(n) == 2) cycle
1157  ndop = ndop + 1
1158  mdop(ndop) = n
1159  end do
1161  ndcp = 0
1162  do i = 1, ndc
1163  n = mdc(i)
1164  if (ndta(n) == 2) cycle
1165  ndcp = ndcp + 1
1166  mdcp(ndcp) = n
1167  end do
1168  end if
1170  neltp = nelt - ndc
1172  if (neltp /= 0) then
1174  ! Yet another use of ndta(), now: let it contain spin-orbitals from reference determinant
1175  ! and all occupied spin-orbitals in open shells.
1177  ndta(1:nsrb) = 0 ! clear the array
1178  ndta(ndtrf(1:nelt)) = 1 ! put 1 to every spin-orbital in reference determinant
1180  do i = 1, ndo ! loop over all occupied spin-orbitals in open shells
1181  n = mdo(i) ! index of the occupied spin-orbital
1182  ndta(n) = ndta(n) + 1 ! increment use of that spin-orbital
1183  mdc(i) = ndta(n) ! backup the value of ndta(n)
1184  end do
1186  ! Loop over all determinants in the CSF, populating the array "mop" with subset of the specification of the determinants:
1187  ! only spin-orbitals in open shells are used here, as the rest (spin-orbitals in closed shells) is not interesting for
1188  ! the projection algorithm.
1190  no = 0
1191  md = 1 ! index in "mda" where the current determinant information starts
1193  do i = 1, nod ! loop over all determinants
1194  m = nda(md) ! number of replacements (wrt reference det) defining the current det
1195  me = md + m ! index in "mda" where the to-be-replaced orbitals list ends
1197  do k = 1, m ! loop over all replacements defining this determinant
1198  na = nda(md + k) ! index of spin-orbital to be replaced ...
1199  nb = nda(me + k) ! ... by this spin-orbital
1200  ndta(na) = ndta(na) - 1 ! decrease use of replaced spin-orbital
1201  ndta(nb) = ndta(nb) + 1 ! increase use of replacing spin-orbital
1202  end do
1204  no0 = no ! remember size of "mop" before addition of spin-orbitals to it
1206  do k = 1, ndo ! loop over all occupied spin-orbitals in partially occupied orbitals
1207  n = mdo(k) ! label of the occupied spin-orbital
1209  if (ndta(n) == 2) then
1211  ! So, either already the reference determinant already uses a spin-orbital from open shell (and the current
1212  ! determinant does not replace it), or the current determinat uses a spin-orbital from open shell as a replacement
1213  ! of something else. In any case, this determinant ends with using the open-shell spin-orbital.
1215  no = no + 1 ! increment number of used open-shell spin-orbitals
1217  if (no > mopmx) then ! too much data - limits too tight
1218  write(nftw,'(/,25x,"**** Error in; POPNWF() ",/)')
1219  write(nftw,'(/,25x,"Exceeded size of mop() ",/)')
1220  write(nftw,'( 25x," Determinant num (i) = ",I6)') i
1221  write(nftw,'( 25x," spin orbital (no) = ",I6)') no
1222  write(nftw,'( 25x," mopmx = ",I6,/)') mopmx
1223  stop 999
1224  end if
1226  mop(no) = n ! store the open-shell spin-orbital label for further processing
1227  end if
1229  ndta(n) = mdc(k) ! restore "reference + open shells" spin-orbital use count ndta(n) from backup
1230  end do
1232  md = md + m + m + 1 ! move on to the beginning of the next packed determinant
1234  ! sort the spin-orbitals in the open-shells-only subset of the determinant and store the corresponding permutation sign
1235  flip(i) = mod(qsort(no-no0, mop(no0+1:no)), 2) /= 0
1236  end do
1238  ! verify that each determinant contributed the same number of spin-orbitals from open shells
1239  if (mod(no, nod) /= 0) then
1240  write(nftw,'(/,25x,"**** Error in; POPNWF() ",/)')
1241  stop 999
1242  end if
1244  end if
1246  ! Finalize
1248  if (neltp == 0 .and. nod /= 1) then
1250  nalm = 3
1252  else
1254  ! We reach this point if all has gone successfully.
1255  ! We copy the work variables into the return variables and then set a return code of success (nalm=0)
1257  idop = ndop
1258  idcp = ndcp
1259  ieltp = neltp
1261  nalm = 0
1263  end if
1265  ! Subroutine return point
1267  if (zdebug) then
1268  write(nftw,'(/,25x,"Output data: ")')
1269  write(nftw,'( 25x," (idop) = ",I10)') idop
1270  write(nftw,'( 25x," (idcp) = ",I10)') idcp
1271  write(nftw,'( 25x," No. electrons in open shells (ieltp) = ",I10,/)') ieltp
1273  write(nftw,'( 27x,"Spin orbitals in DR but not DC: ",/)')
1274  write(nftw,'( 27x,9(I4,1x))') (mdop(i), i=1,idop)
1275  write(nftw,'(/,27x,"Spin orbitals in DC but not DR: ",/)')
1276  write(nftw,'( 27x,9(I4,1x))') (mdcp(i), i=1,idcp)
1278  write(nftw,'(/,25x,"Return code (nalm) = ",I10,/)') nalm
1279  write(nftw,'(/,25x,"**** Completed - POPNWF() ",/)')
1280  end if
1282  end subroutine popnwf
1310  subroutine prjct (nelt, mxss, nodi, ndo, cdi, nodo, cdo, maxcdo, mgvn, iss, isd, thres, r, ndtr, mm, ms, maxndo, symtyp, nsrb)
1312  use precisn, only : wp
1313  use congen_bstree, only : det_tree
1315  real(kind=wp) :: fcta,fctb,fctc,fctr,tmp
1316  real(kind=wp), parameter :: zero = 0.0_wp
1317  real(kind=wp), parameter :: one = 1.0_wp
1318  real(kind=wp), parameter :: four = 4.0_wp
1320  integer :: nelt ! # of electrons in open shells (i.e. per det)
1321  integer :: mxss ! max S for projecttion operator
1322  integer :: nodi ! Number of determinants in CSF on input
1323  integer :: nodo ! Number of determinants in CSF in output
1324  integer :: maxcdo ! Max size of cdo()
1325  integer :: maxndo ! Max size of ndo()
1326  integer :: mgvn ! Lambda or IRR for CSF
1327  integer :: iss ! Required S value
1328  integer :: isd ! Sz for determinants
1330  real(kind=wp) :: r ! +1.0 for Sigma(+), -1.0 for Sigma(-)
1331  real(kind=wp) :: thres ! Determinants with coefficients < thres are deleted
1332  real(kind=wp) :: cdi(*) ! Expansion coeffs of each det on input - grows as the routine adds new determinants to the CSF
1333  real(kind=wp) :: cdo(maxcdo) ! On output holds the expansion coefficients for all determinants
1335  integer :: symtyp ! Designates C-inf-v, D-inf-h or Abelian
1336  integer :: nsrb ! Number of spin-orbitals in system
1338  integer, target :: ndo(maxndo) ! Input determinants - overwitten
1339  integer :: ndtr(nsrb) ! Workspace for building new determinants
1340  integer :: mm(nsrb) ! Lambda/IRR for each spin orbital
1341  integer :: ms(nsrb) ! Spin (Sz) of each spin prbital
1343  integer :: i, ia, ib, id, idet, is, issp, istart, ma, mb, mga, mgb, nd, ninitial_dets
1345  integer, pointer :: ndo_ptr(:)
1346  logical, parameter :: zdebug = .false.
1347  logical :: flip
1349  type(det_tree) :: bst ! Binary search tree structure on top of the determinant storage with lexicographical compare
1351  ! Banner header
1352  if (zdebug) then
1353  write(6,'(/,20x,"====> prjct() - project wavefunction <====",/)')
1354  write(6,'( 20x,"Input data: ")')
1355  write(6,'( 20x," # electrons open shell (nelt) = ",I7)') nelt
1356  write(6,'( 20x," Maximum S for projection (mxss) = ",I7)') mxss
1357  write(6,'( 20x," Lambda value for Wavefn (mgvn) = ",I7)') mgvn
1358  write(6,'( 20x," Required Spin value (iss) = ",I7)') iss
1359  write(6,'( 20x," Required Sz value (isd) = ",I7)') isd
1360  write(6,'( 20x," Threshold (thres) = ",D13.6)') thres
1361  write(6,'( 20x," Dimension of cdo() (maxcdo) = ",I7)') maxcdo
1362  write(6,'( 20x," Dimension of ndo() (maxndo) = ",I7)') maxndo
1363  write(6,'( 20x," Abelian/C-inf-v flag (symtyp) = ",I7)') symtyp
1364  write(6,'( 20x," Number of spin orbs (nsrb) = ",I7,/)') nsrb
1365  write(6,'( 20x,"No. of dets in this CSF (nodi) = ",I7)') nodi
1367  do idet = 1, nodi
1368  istart = (idet - 1) * nelt
1369  write(6,'(/,20x,"Det No = ",I7," Coeff (cdi) = ",D13.6,/)') idet, cdi(idet)
1370  write(6,'( 20x," Sp. orbs in open shells (ndi) = ",20(I4,1x))') (ndo(istart+i), i=1,nelt)
1371  end do
1372  end if
1374  ! Save the number of determinants in the CSF into a variable for use during diagnostic printing later (if used).
1375  ! The value of "nodi" may increase during execution of this routine.
1376  ninitial_dets = nodi
1378  ! Compute the pre-multiplication factors which depend only on overal values - number of electrons and overal Spin.
1379  fcta = -nelt * (nelt - 4)
1380  fctb = iss * (iss + 2)
1381  issp = iss + 1
1383  ! We initialize the number of output determinants to be the same as the number input.
1384  nodo = nodi
1386  ! Copy CSF expansion coefficients from input array to output array before we launch into the loop over Sz components
1387  cdo(1:nodi) = cdi(1:nodi)
1389  ! To speed up the searches, build a binary search tree on top of the determinant storage
1390  ndo_ptr => ndo(1:maxndo)
1391  call bst % init(ndo_ptr, nelt)
1392  do id = 1, nodi
1393  call bst % insert(id)
1394  if (zdebug) then
1395  write(6,'(/,20x,"Bstree after add det #",I0,": ")') id
1396  call bst % output(22)
1397  end if
1398  end do
1400  ! Loop over Sz components of spin
1401  if (zdebug) then
1402  write(6,'(/,20x,"Entering loop over components of spin",/)')
1403  write(6,'( 20x," fcta = ",D13.6)') fcta
1404  write(6,'( 20x," fctb = ",D13.6)') fctb
1405  write(6,'( 20x," issp = ",I6,/)') issp
1406  end if
1408  ! As shown in equation (6) of the Beebe and Stencil 1975 paper, referenced above, the spin ptojector is product over
1409  ! spin operators. This is instanciated here as the DO loop to line 180.
1411  spin_loop: do is = isd + 1, mxss + 1, 2
1413  ! As shown in equation (6) we omit the case k = S
1414  if (is == issp) cycle
1416  ! Compute coefficient multiplication factors for this Sz
1417  fctc = (is - 1) * (is + 1)
1418  fctr = (fcta - fctc) / (fctb - fctc)
1420  if (zdebug) then
1421  write(6,'(/,20x,"Working on Spin Iteration (is) = ",I5,/)') is
1422  write(6,'( 20x," Factor fctc = ",D13.6)') fctc
1423  write(6,'( 20x," Factor fctr = ",D13.6,/)') fctr
1424  end if
1426  ! Copy all existing determinant coefficients for this CSF into cdo() and in doing so multiply by the factor
1427  ! pertaining to this Sz ("nodo" is the associated length of "cdo").
1428  cdo(1:nodi) = fctr * cdi(1:nodi)
1429  nodo = nodi
1431  ! Descend into loop over all determinants currently in this CSF
1432  ! - This may include determinants that we have created in previous iterations of the loop to line 180 as well
1433  ! as those in the initial input list.
1434  ! - "nd" points at the location of the determinants in ndo() for each iteration
1436  nd = 0
1438  determinant_loop: do id = 1, nodi
1440  fctr = four * cdi(id) / (fctb - fctc)
1442  if (zdebug) then
1443  write(6,'(23x,"Working on determinant (id) = ",I5," of ",I5)') id, nodi
1444  write(6,'(23x,"Coefficient, cdi() = ",D13.6 )') cdi(id)
1445  write(6,'(23x,"Factor (fctr) = ",D13.6,/)') fctr
1446  write(6,'(23x,"Current op-shl det: ",20(I3,1x),/,(20x,20(I3,1x)) )') (ndo(nd+i), i=1,nelt)
1447  end if
1449  ! Now descend into loop over all PAIRS of electrons
1450  ! - This is implemented as a double DO loop over electrons
1452  first_electron_loop: do ia = 2, nelt
1453  second_electron_loop: do ib = 1, ia - 1
1455  ! Copy the determinant from its location in NDO() to a temporary area in NDTR().
1456  ! - here, the determinant is composed of "nelt" electrons and is expressed as a list of occupied spin-orbitals
1457  ndtr(1:nelt) = ndo(nd+1:nd+nelt)
1459  ! Consider the present pair of electrons and find their spin
1460  ! - The debug here is extremely useful but can generate massive amounts of output - uncomment if really needed.
1462  ma = ndtr(ia)
1463  mb = ndtr(ib)
1465  mga = ms(ma)
1466  mgb = ms(mb)
1468  if (zdebug) then
1469  write(6,'(23x,"Evaluating electron pair: ")')
1470  write(6,'(23x," #1: idx(ia) = ",I3,"sporb(ma) = ",I3," Sz (mga) = ",I3 )') ia, ma, mga
1471  write(6,'(23x," #2: idx(ib) = ",I3,"sporb(mb) = ",I3," Sz (mgb) = ",I3,/)') ib, mb, mgb
1472  end if
1474  ! Now look at the spins of this pair.
1475  !
1476  ! Remember that 0 means spin-up, 1 means spin-down.
1477  !
1478  ! Option # Electron a Electron b
1479  ! -------- ---------- ----------
1480  ! 1 0 0
1481  ! 2 1 0
1482  ! 3 0 1
1483  ! 4 1 1
1484  !
1485  ! When the spin-orbitals have the same value, that is
1486  ! options 1 and 4, we can't change them so all we do
1487  ! is augment the (output) coefficient of this determinant
1488  ! by the required factor - no more work to be done, so
1489  ! we can proceed to the next electron pair.
1490  !
1491  ! For options 2 and 3, we can create a new determinant
1492  ! by switching the electrons around. We preserve the Sz
1493  ! value by doing that. We rely in the following that the
1494  ! spin orbitals are created (see ms() mn() ...) in a
1495  ! particular order ( Orb N spin-up, Orb N spin down,
1496  ! ...)
1497  !
1499  if (mga == mgb) then
1500  cdo(id) = cdo(id) + fctr
1501  cycle
1502  end if
1504  if (mga == 0) then
1505  ma = ma + 1
1506  mb = mb - 1
1507  else
1508  ma = ma - 1
1509  mb = mb + 1
1510  end if
1512  ndtr(ia) = ma
1513  ndtr(ib) = mb
1515  ! sort the determinant, keeping an eye on the sign of the permutation
1516  flip = (mod(qsort(nelt, ndtr(1:nelt)), 2) /= 0)
1518  if (zdebug) then
1519  write(6,'(23x,"New valid determinant produced by this pair",/)')
1520  write(6,'(23x,"New open shell det: ",20(I3,1x),/,(20x,20(I3,1x)) )') (ndtr(i), i=1,nelt)
1521  end if
1523  ! We ee to screen to see that the spin-orbitals we have just added to the determinant (ma and mb) do not already
1524  ! occur elsewhere in it. if so, the new determinant created is not valid and must be rejected.
1526  do i = 1, nelt
1527  if (ndtr(i) == ma .and. i /= ia) cycle
1528  if (ndtr(i) == mb .and. i /= ib) cycle
1529  end do
1531  ! Given the "new" determinant just constructed in "ndtr" with associated coefficient "fctr",
1532  ! we examine the list of "nodo" determinants for this CSF, defined in ndo()/cdo(), and merge
1533  ! the "new" determinant into the list. This may mean adding it onto the end of cdo()/ndo() - see
1534  ! comments in the routine for explanation.
1535  !
1536  ! So, stmrg() needs to know the maximum dimensions of ndo()/cdo() to monitor the extension of these arrays.
1537  !
1538  ! "nodo" will be updated on return if we add ndtr() and fctr into the list.
1540  call stmrg (nelt, maxcdo, maxndo, ndo, cdo, nodo, ndtr, merge(-fctr, fctr, flip), bst)
1542  end do second_electron_loop
1543  end do first_electron_loop ! End of loop(s) over pairs of electrons
1545  ! End of loop over determinants in this CSF, update the pointer "nd" to start at next CSF in NDO().
1546  ! Remember that a determinant consists of "nelt" consequtive spin orbitals in ndi()
1548  nd = nd + nelt
1550  end do determinant_loop ! End loop over "nodi" current dets in CSF
1552  ! Remove any determinants whihch have an expansion coefficient less than "thres".
1553  ! Number of elements "nodo" in cdo() and ndo() may actually decrease here as elemenst are removed.
1555  call cntrct (nelt, nodo, ndo, cdo, thres)
1557  ! If we find that we have no determinants left in the CSF, we have an error condition.
1559  if (nodo == 0) then
1560  write(6,'(/,10x,"**** Error in prjct() ",/)')
1561  write(6,'( 10x,"After removing all determinants with expansion ")')
1562  write(6,'( 10x,"coefficients less than (thres) = ",D13.6)') thres
1563  write(6,'( 10x,"there are no determinants left in this CSF",/)')
1564  stop 999
1565  end if
1567  ! Ok, so now copy the full set of coefficients back to array cdi(). Note that originally cdi() was of length
1568  ! "nodi" but we have added to it. The variable "nodo" now holds the total number of determinants - so we need
1569  ! to reset "nodi" to that value.
1570  !
1571  ! We do this because the next iteration of the loop to line over spins starts by copying from cdi().
1573  nodi = nodo
1575  cdi(1:nodi) = cdo(1:nodi)
1577  end do spin_loop
1579  ! For Sigma wavefunctions in C-inf-v/D-inf-h we needed to consider the reflection symmetry.
1580  ! They can be Sigma(+) or Sigma(-)
1582  if (symtyp <= 1 .and. mgvn == 0) then
1583  if (zdebug) write(6,'(/,20x,"Analysis of Reflection operator required",/)')
1585  nodi = nodo
1586  cdi(1:nodi) = cdo(1:nodi)
1588  call rfltn (nelt, nodi, ndo, cdi, r, maxcdo, maxndo, thres, nodo, cdo, ndtr, mm, bst)
1590  if (nodo <= 0) then
1591  write(6,'(/,10x,"**** Error in prjct() ",/)')
1592  write(6,'( 10x,"After reflection analysis there are no ")')
1593  write(6,'( 10x,"no determinants left in the CSF",/)')
1594  stop 999
1595  end if
1597  end if
1599  ! Debug printout of the coefficients after spin projection
1601  if (zdebug) then
1602  write(6,'(/,20x,"Coefficients after projection ")')
1603  write(6,'( 20x," (but not yet normalized) ",/)')
1604  write(6,'( 20x," No. of determinants (nodi) = ",I6,/)') nodi
1605  write(6,'(20x,I4,2x,D13.6)') (i, cdi(i), i=1,nodi)
1606  end if
1608  ! Compute inverse sum of squared coefficients and normalize output
1610  tmp = snrm2(nodo, cdo, 1)
1611  tmp = one / sqrt(tmp)
1613  do i = 1, nodo
1614  cdo(i) = cdo(i) * tmp
1615  end do
1617  ! Return point
1619  continue
1621  if (zdebug) then
1622  write(6,'(20x,"Final number of determinants in CSF (nodo) = ",I5,/)') nodo
1624  if (nodo /= ninitial_dets) then
1625  ia = nodo - ninitial_dets
1626  write(6,'(20x,"The length of the CSF has changed: ")')
1627  write(6,'(20x," Initial number of dets = ",I6)') ninitial_dets
1628  write(6,'(20x," # of dets added = ",I6," by projection",/)') ia
1629  else
1630  write(6,'(20x,"# of dets in the CSF has NOT changed ",/)')
1631  end if
1633  write(6,'(/,20x,"**** prjct() - completed",/)')
1634  end if
1636  end subroutine prjct
1646  subroutine projec (sname, megul, symtyp, mgvn, s, sz, r, pin, nocsf, byproj, idiag, npflg, thres, &
1647  nelt, nsym, nob, ndtrf, nftw, iposit, nob0, nob1, nob01, iscat, ntgsym, notgt, &
1648  nctgt, mcont, gucont, mrkorb, mdegen, mflag, nobe, nobp, nobv, maxtgsym)
1650  use precisn, only : wp
1651  use global_utils, only : mprod
1653  integer, intent(in) :: iscat, mflag
1654  integer, intent(inout) :: ntgsym
1655  integer :: byproj, idiag, iposit, megul, mgvn, nelt, nftw, nocsf, &
1656  nsym, symtyp, npflg(6), num_csfs_unproj, num_dets_unproj, &
1657  len_pkd_dets_unproj
1658  real(kind=wp) :: pin, r, s, sz, thres
1659  character(len=80) :: sname
1660  integer, dimension(ntgsym) :: gucont, mcont, mdegen, mrkorb, nctgt, notgt
1661  integer, dimension(nsym) :: nob, nob0, nob01, nobe, nobp, nobv
1662  integer, dimension(nelt) :: ndtrf
1663  integer, dimension(*) :: nob1
1665  integer :: i,nalm,nb,nctarg,nd,nl,norb,junk, isd,iss,n,k,msum,isum,m,ierr, &
1666  num_dets,nreps,maxndi,maxcdi, maxndo,maxcdo,lenndo,lencdo, &
1667  leniphase,leniphase0,maxtgsym
1669  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1670  ! Following are used to store the "unprojected" wavefunction
1671  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1673  integer :: wfn_unproj_num_csfs, &
1674  wfn_unproj_num_dets, &
1675  wfn_unproj_len_pkd_dets
1676  integer, allocatable :: wfn_unproj_dets_per_csf(:), &
1677  wfn_unproj_packed_dets(:), &
1678  wfn_unproj_indx_1st_det_per_csf(:), &
1679  wfn_unproj_indx_1st_coeff_per_csf(:)
1680  real(kind=wp), allocatable :: wfn_unproj_coefficients_per_det(:)
1682  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1683  ! Following are used to store the "projected" wavefunction
1684  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1686  integer :: wfn_proj_num_csfs, &
1687  wfn_proj_num_dets, &
1688  wfn_proj_len_pkd_dets
1689  integer, allocatable :: wfn_proj_dets_per_csf(:), &
1690  wfn_proj_packed_dets(:), &
1691  wfn_proj_indx_1st_det_per_csf(:), &
1692  wfn_proj_indx_1st_coeff_per_csf(:)
1693  real(kind=wp), allocatable :: wfn_proj_coefficients_per_det(:)
1695  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1696  ! Following are used to store the table of spin-orbitals
1697  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1699  integer :: nsrb,noarg
1700  integer, allocatable :: itab_sporb_indx_in_sym(:), &
1701  itab_sporb_gu_value(:), &
1702  itab_sporb_sym(:), &
1703  itab_sporb_isz(:), &
1704  itab_sporb_mpos(:), &
1705  map_orbitals(:)
1707  !------------------------------------------------------------------------
1708  ! Following are used during the phase analysis of the wavefunctio
1709  !------------------------------------------------------------------------
1711  integer, allocatable :: nconf(:),iphase(:),iphase0(:)
1713  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
1714  ! Following logical flags are used to control the computation
1715  !
1716  ! They are provided to make the code easier to read than trying to
1717  ! remember that "byproj .eq. 0" means "bypass the projection of the
1718  ! wavefunction".
1719  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
1721  logical :: zbypass_wfn_projection, &
1722  zadjust_wfn_phase_for_scattering, &
1723  zpositrons,ztarget_state_calculation, &
1724  zscattering_calculation,zabelian
1726  integer :: num_csfs_proj, num_dets_proj, len_pkd_dets_proj ! MAL 12/05/11 : None of these were declared in CG code. Why?
1727  ! They are not assigned values either, so most likely a problem here
1729  if (symtyp >= 2) then
1730  write(nftw,'(" MOLECULE SYMMETRY CASE, symtyp =",I2)') symtyp
1731  junk = mprod(1, 1, npflg(6), nftw)
1732  end if
1734  nalm = 0 ! JMC initialization
1735  iss = s + s
1736  isd = sz + sz
1737  if (iss < isd) then
1738  write(nftw, 40)
1739  write(nftw, 46)
1740  stop
1741  end if
1743  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
1744  ! The following logicals are created to improve code readability
1745  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
1747  zbypass_wfn_projection = byproj == 0
1748  zadjust_wfn_phase_for_scattering = iscat > 0
1749  zpositrons = iposit /= 0
1750  zabelian = symtyp == 2
1752  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
1753  ! Compute the table of spin-orbitals
1754  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
1756  nsrb = sum(nob(1:nsym))
1757  norb = nsrb
1758  ! JMC set but not used NORBB=(NORB*(NORB+1))/2
1759  nsrb = 2 * nsrb
1761  !------------------------------------------------------------------------
1762  ! Memory allocation for table of spin-orbitals
1763  !------------------------------------------------------------------------
1765  allocate(itab_sporb_indx_in_sym(nsrb), stat = ierr)
1766  if (ierr /= 0) then
1767  write(nftw,9900)
1768  write(nftw,9950) 'itab_sporb_indx_in_sym', ierr
1769  stop
1770  end if
1772  allocate(itab_sporb_gu_value(nsrb),stat = ierr)
1773  if (ierr /= 0) then
1774  write(nftw,9900)
1775  write(nftw,9950) 'itab_sporb_gu_value', ierr
1776  stop
1777  end if
1779  allocate(itab_sporb_sym(nsrb), stat = ierr)
1780  if (ierr /= 0) then
1781  write(nftw,9900)
1782  write(nftw,9950) 'itab_sporb_sym', ierr
1783  stop
1784  end if
1786  allocate(itab_sporb_isz(nsrb), stat = ierr)
1787  if (ierr /= 0) then
1788  write(nftw,9900)
1789  write(nftw,9950) 'itab_sporb_isz', ierr
1790  stop
1791  end if
1793  allocate(itab_sporb_mpos(nsrb), stat = ierr)
1794  if (ierr /= 0) then
1795  write(nftw,9900)
1796  write(nftw,9950) 'itab_sporb_mpos', ierr
1797  stop
1798  end if
1800  allocate(map_orbitals(norb), stat = ierr)
1801  if (ierr /= 0) then
1802  write(nftw,9900)
1803  write(nftw,9950) 'mpos_orbitals', ierr
1804  stop
1805  end if
1807  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
1808  ! Compute the table of spin orbitals
1809  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
1811  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
1812  ! For positrons in Abelian point groups there is a separate
1813  ! processing routine
1814  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
1816  if (zpositrons .and. zabelian) then
1817  call pmkorbs (nob, nobe, nsym, &
1818  itab_sporb_indx_in_sym, &
1819  itab_sporb_gu_value, &
1820  itab_sporb_sym, &
1821  itab_sporb_isz, &
1822  nsrb, norb, nsrb, &
1823  map_orbitals, &
1824  itab_sporb_mpos, &
1825  iposit, symtyp)
1826  else
1827  call mkorbs (nob, nsym, &
1828  itab_sporb_indx_in_sym, &
1829  itab_sporb_gu_value, &
1830  itab_sporb_sym, &
1831  itab_sporb_isz, &
1832  norb, nsrb, map_orbitals, &
1833  itab_sporb_mpos, &
1834  iposit, nob1, nob01, symtyp)
1835  end if
1837  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
1838  ! Validate the reference determinant
1839  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
1841  isum = 0
1842  if (.not. zabelian) then
1843  msum = 0
1844  do i = 1, nelt
1845  m = ndtrf(i)
1846  msum = msum + itab_sporb_sym(m)
1847  isum = isum + 1 - itab_sporb_isz(m) - itab_sporb_isz(m)
1848  end do
1849  else
1850  msum = 1
1851  do i = 1, nelt
1852  m = ndtrf(i)
1853  msum = mprod(msum, itab_sporb_sym(m) + 1, 0, nftw) !mal 12/05/11 nftw was missing in cg code. why?
1854  isum = isum + 1 - itab_sporb_isz(m) - itab_sporb_isz(m)
1855  end do
1856  msum = msum - 1
1857  end if
1859  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
1860  ! Cross check with input
1861  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
1863  if (abs(msum) /= mgvn) then
1864  write(nftw,9900)
1865  write(nftw,1190)
1866  stop
1867  end if
1869  if (abs(isum) /= isd) then
1870  write(nftw,9900)
1871  write(nftw,1195)
1872  stop
1873  end if
1875  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
1876  ! Read the unprojected wavefunctions from unit megul
1877  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
1878  !
1879  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
1880  ! MAL 06/05/11 : Read the dimension information only, in order to see
1881  ! how many CSFs, how many determinants there are and also how long the
1882  ! determinant array is
1883  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
1885  call rdwf_getsize (megul, wfn_unproj_num_csfs, wfn_unproj_num_dets, wfn_unproj_len_pkd_dets)
1887  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
1888  ! Allocate the arrays dynamically for storage of the unprojected
1889  ! wavefunction
1890  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
1891  !
1892  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
1893  ! (1). Number of determinants per CSF
1894  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
1896  allocate(wfn_unproj_dets_per_csf(wfn_unproj_num_csfs), stat = ierr)
1897  if (ierr /= 0) then
1898  write(nftw,9900)
1899  write(nftw,9950) 'wfn_unproj_dets_per_csf', ierr
1900  stop
1901  end if
1903  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
1904  ! (2). The coefficient for each and every determinant
1905  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
1907  allocate(wfn_unproj_coefficients_per_det(wfn_unproj_num_dets), stat = ierr)
1908  if (ierr /= 0) then
1909  write(nftw,9900)
1910  write(nftw,9950) 'wfn_unproj_coefficients_per_det',ierr
1911  stop
1912  end if
1914  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
1915  ! (3). Each and every packed determinant
1916  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
1918  allocate(wfn_unproj_packed_dets(wfn_unproj_len_pkd_dets), stat = ierr)
1919  if (ierr /= 0) then
1920  write(nftw,9900)
1921  write(nftw,9950) 'wfn_unproj_packed_dets', ierr
1922  stop
1923  end if
1925  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
1926  ! (4). Index into the list of determinants to the location for the first
1927  ! determinant of each CSF
1928  ! Note how this has one extra entry.
1929  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
1931  allocate(wfn_unproj_indx_1st_det_per_csf(wfn_unproj_num_csfs+1), stat = ierr)
1932  if (ierr /= 0) then
1933  write(nftw,9900)
1934  write(nftw,9950) 'wfn_unproj_indx_1st_det_per_csf',ierr
1935  stop
1936  end if
1938  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
1939  ! (5). Index into the list of coefficients to the location for the first
1940  ! coefficient of each CSF
1941  ! Note how this has one extra entry
1942  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
1944  allocate(wfn_unproj_indx_1st_coeff_per_csf(wfn_unproj_num_csfs+1), stat = ierr)
1945  if (ierr /= 0) then
1946  write(nftw,9900)
1947  write(nftw,9950) 'wfn_unproj_indx_1st_coeff_per_csf', ierr
1948  stop
1949  end if
1951  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
1952  ! Now able to read the unprojected wavefunction from file
1953  ! Note that this does not include the indexing arrays
1954  ! These are computed next
1955  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
1957  call rdwf (megul, num_csfs_unproj, wfn_unproj_dets_per_csf, &
1958  num_dets_unproj, wfn_unproj_coefficients_per_det, &
1959  len_pkd_dets_unproj, wfn_unproj_packed_dets)
1961  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
1962  ! Check that the values read back match to those read earlier
1963  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
1965  if (num_csfs_unproj /= wfn_unproj_num_csfs) then
1966  write(nftw,*) ' Error 1 '
1967  stop 999
1968  end if
1970  if (num_dets_unproj /= wfn_unproj_num_dets) then
1971  write(nftw,*) ' Error 2 '
1972  stop 999
1973  end if
1975  if (len_pkd_dets_unproj /= wfn_unproj_len_pkd_dets) then
1976  write(nftw,*) ' Error 3 '
1977  stop 999
1978  end if
1980  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
1981  ! Given the input wavefunction, indexing vectors for it are built here
1982  !
1983  ! wnf_unproj_indx_1st_det_per_csf()
1984  ! points to the location of the first deteminant for each CSF
1985  ! within the array ndi() which holds all the packed determinants
1986  ! in the wavefunction.
1987  !
1988  ! wfn_unproj_indx_1st_coeff_per_csf()
1989  ! points to the location of the first coefficient for each CSF
1990  ! within the array cdi() which holds all the coefficients
1991  ! (one per determinant) in the wavefunction
1992  !
1993  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
1995  wfn_unproj_indx_1st_coeff_per_csf(1) = 1
1997  do n = 2, num_csfs_unproj
1998  wfn_unproj_indx_1st_coeff_per_csf(n) = &
1999  wfn_unproj_indx_1st_coeff_per_csf(n-1) + &
2000  wfn_unproj_dets_per_csf(n-1)
2001  end do
2003  wfn_unproj_indx_1st_coeff_per_csf(num_csfs_unproj+1) = &
2004  wfn_unproj_indx_1st_coeff_per_csf(num_csfs_unproj) + &
2005  wfn_unproj_dets_per_csf(num_csfs_unproj)
2007  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
2008  ! Index determinants now
2009  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
2011  wfn_unproj_indx_1st_det_per_csf(1) = 1
2012  k = 1
2013  do n = 1, num_csfs_unproj
2014  num_dets = wfn_unproj_dets_per_csf(n)
2015  do m = 1,num_dets
2016  nreps = wfn_unproj_packed_dets(k)
2017  k = k + (2*nreps + 1)
2018  end do
2019  if (n <= num_csfs_unproj) then
2020  wfn_unproj_indx_1st_det_per_csf(n+1) = k
2021  end if
2022  end do
2024  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
2025  ! If the user has requested it, then print the wavefunction
2026  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
2028  if (npflg(1) > 5) then
2029  write(nftw,1285) megul
2030  call ptpwf (nftw,num_csfs_unproj,nelt,ndtrf, &
2031  wfn_unproj_dets_per_csf, &
2032  wfn_unproj_indx_1st_det_per_csf, &
2033  wfn_unproj_indx_1st_coeff_per_csf, &
2034  wfn_unproj_packed_dets, &
2035  wfn_unproj_coefficients_per_det)
2036  end if
2038  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
2039  ! Allocate storage space for the projected wavefunction
2040  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
2041  !
2042  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
2043  ! The number of CSFs in the projected wavefunction will be no greater
2044  ! than the number in the unprojected wavefunction. It is possible to
2045  ! even delete a few due to the THRESHOLD criterion on coefficients.
2046  ! However, the number of determinants may grow due to the projection
2047  ! for open shell determinants (see prjct()).
2048  !
2049  ! A factor of 10 is allowed here as a guesstimate...this may need revision
2050  !
2051  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
2052  ! If no projection is to be done, the data is just copied straight over
2053  ! which means the subsequent code does not need to be rewritten with
2054  ! different variable names
2055  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
2057  if (zbypass_wfn_projection) then
2058  wfn_proj_num_csfs = wfn_unproj_num_csfs
2059  wfn_proj_num_dets = wfn_unproj_num_dets
2060  wfn_proj_len_pkd_dets = wfn_unproj_len_pkd_dets
2061  else
2062  wfn_proj_num_csfs = wfn_unproj_num_csfs
2063  wfn_proj_num_dets = 10 * wfn_unproj_num_dets
2064  wfn_proj_len_pkd_dets = 10 * wfn_unproj_len_pkd_dets
2065  end if
2067  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
2068  ! Allocate space for the projected wavefunction
2069  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
2070  !
2071  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
2072  ! (1). Number of determinants per CSF
2073  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
2075  allocate(wfn_proj_dets_per_csf(wfn_proj_num_csfs), stat = ierr)
2076  if (ierr /= 0) then
2077  write(nftw,9900)
2078  write(nftw,9950) 'wfn_proj_dets_per_csf', ierr
2079  stop
2080  end if
2082  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
2083  ! (2). The coefficient for each and every determinant
2084  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
2086  allocate(wfn_proj_coefficients_per_det(wfn_proj_num_dets), stat = ierr)
2087  if (ierr /= 0) then
2088  write(nftw,9900)
2089  write(nftw,9950) 'wfn_proj_coefficients_per_det', ierr
2090  stop
2091  end if
2093  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
2094  ! (3). Each and every packed determinant
2095  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
2097  allocate(wfn_proj_packed_dets(wfn_proj_len_pkd_dets), stat=ierr)
2098  if (ierr /= 0) then
2099  write(nftw,9900)
2100  write(nftw,9950) 'wfn_proj_packed_dets', ierr
2101  stop
2102  end if
2104  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
2105  ! (4). Index into the list of determinants to the location for the first
2106  ! determinant of each CSF
2107  !
2108  ! This (and 5 below) have to have a "fake" N+1 CSF, so the size
2109  ! of the last Nth CSF can be known
2110  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
2112  allocate(wfn_proj_indx_1st_det_per_csf(wfn_proj_num_csfs+1), stat = ierr)
2113  if (ierr /= 0) then
2114  write(nftw,9900)
2115  write(nftw,9950) 'wfn_proj_indx_1st_det_per_csf', ierr
2116  stop
2117  end if
2119  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
2120  ! (5). Index into the list of coefficients to the location for the first
2121  ! coefficient of each CSF
2122  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
2124  allocate(wfn_proj_indx_1st_coeff_per_csf(wfn_proj_num_csfs+1), stat = ierr)
2125  if (ierr /= 0) then
2126  write(nftw,9900)
2127  write(nftw,9950) 'wfn_proj_indx_1st_coeff_per_csf', ierr
2128  stop
2129  end if
2131  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
2132  ! Project the wavefunction
2133  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
2134  !
2135  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
2136  ! There is a special case -- the wavefunctions read are already projected.
2137  ! In this case the input is just copied to the output
2138  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
2140  if (zbypass_wfn_projection) then
2141  wfn_proj_dets_per_csf = wfn_unproj_dets_per_csf
2142  wfn_proj_packed_dets = wfn_unproj_packed_dets
2143  wfn_proj_coefficients_per_det = wfn_unproj_coefficients_per_det
2144  wfn_proj_indx_1st_det_per_csf = wfn_unproj_indx_1st_det_per_csf
2145  wfn_proj_indx_1st_coeff_per_csf = wfn_unproj_indx_1st_det_per_csf
2146  else
2148  maxndi = size(wfn_unproj_packed_dets)
2149  maxcdi = size(wfn_unproj_coefficients_per_det)
2150  maxndo = size(wfn_proj_packed_dets)
2151  maxcdo = size(wfn_proj_coefficients_per_det)
2153  if (maxndi <= 0 .or. maxcdi <= 0) stop 901
2154  if (maxndo <= 0 .or. maxcdo <= 0) stop 902
2156  call wfgntr (mgvn, iss, isd, thres, r, symtyp, nelt, &
2157  nsym, nob, nob1, nob01, nobe, norb, nsrb, &
2158  itab_sporb_indx_in_sym, &
2159  itab_sporb_gu_value, &
2160  itab_sporb_sym, &
2161  itab_sporb_isz, &
2162  iposit, map_orbitals, itab_sporb_mpos, &
2163  wfn_unproj_num_csfs, &
2164  ndtrf, &
2165  wfn_unproj_dets_per_csf, &
2166  wfn_unproj_packed_dets, &
2167  wfn_unproj_coefficients_per_det, &
2168  wfn_unproj_indx_1st_det_per_csf, &
2169  wfn_unproj_indx_1st_coeff_per_csf, &
2170  maxndi, maxcdi, &
2171  wfn_proj_dets_per_csf, &
2172  wfn_proj_packed_dets, &
2173  wfn_proj_coefficients_per_det, &
2174  wfn_proj_indx_1st_det_per_csf, &
2175  wfn_proj_indx_1st_coeff_per_csf, &
2176  maxndo, maxcdo, lenndo, lencdo, &
2177  npflg, byproj, nftw, nalm)
2179  if (nalm /= 0) then
2180  write(nftw,9900)
2181  write(nftw,46)
2182  stop
2183  end if
2185  end if ! end of bypass wavefunction projection switch
2187  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
2188  ! Print the projected CSFs
2189  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
2191  if (npflg(3) /= 0) then
2192  write(nftw,'("1 OUTPUT FUNCTIONS IN PACKED FORM")')
2193  call ptpwf (nftw, wfn_proj_num_csfs, nelt, ndtrf, &
2194  wfn_proj_dets_per_csf, &
2195  wfn_proj_indx_1st_det_per_csf, &
2196  wfn_proj_indx_1st_coeff_per_csf, &
2197  wfn_proj_packed_dets, &
2198  wfn_proj_coefficients_per_det)
2199  end if
2201  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
2202  ! Clean up dynamic storage that is no longer needed
2203  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
2204  !
2205  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
2206  ! Deallocate the arrays used to read the unprojected wavefunction
2207  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
2209  deallocate(wfn_unproj_dets_per_csf, stat = ierr)
2210  if (ierr /= 0) then
2211  write(nftw, 9900)
2212  write(nftw, 9960) 'wfn_unproj_dets_per_csf', ierr
2213  stop
2214  end if
2216  deallocate(wfn_unproj_coefficients_per_det, stat = ierr)
2217  if (ierr /= 0) then
2218  write(nftw, 9900)
2219  write(nftw, 9960) 'wfn_unproj_coefficients_per_det', ierr
2220  stop
2221  end if
2223  deallocate(wfn_unproj_packed_dets, stat = ierr)
2224  if (ierr /= 0) then
2225  write(nftw, 9900)
2226  write(nftw, 9960) 'wfn_unproj_packed_dets', ierr
2227  stop
2228  end if
2230  deallocate(wfn_unproj_indx_1st_det_per_csf, stat = ierr)
2231  if (ierr /= 0) then
2232  write(nftw, 9900)
2233  write(nftw, 9960) 'wfn_unproj_indx_1st_det_per_csf', ierr
2234  stop
2235  end if
2237  deallocate(wfn_unproj_indx_1st_coeff_per_csf, stat = ierr)
2238  if (ierr /= 0) then
2239  write(nftw, 9900)
2240  write(nftw, 9960) 'wfn_unproj_1st_coeff_per_csf', ierr
2241  stop
2242  end if
2244  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
2245  ! Calculate phase correction for SCATCI
2246  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
2247  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
2248  ! Figure out which calculation is being done
2249  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
2251  ztarget_state_calculation = iscat == 1
2252  zscattering_calculation = iscat > 1
2254  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
2255  ! Allocate workspace arrays needed in this step
2256  !
2257  ! Depends on type of calculation
2258  !
2259  ! Note that the phase array is needed for one of the write to file options
2260  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
2262  allocate(nconf(nelt), stat = ierr)
2264  if (ierr /= 0) then
2265  write(nftw, 9900)
2266  write(nftw, 9950) 'nconf', ierr
2267  stop
2268  end if
2270  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
2271  ! iphase()
2272  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
2274  if (ztarget_state_calculation) then
2275  leniphase = nocsf
2276  else
2277  leniphase = sum(nctgt(1:ntgsym))
2278  end if
2280  allocate(iphase(leniphase), stat = ierr)
2281  if (ierr /= 0) then
2282  write(nftw, 9900)
2283  write(nftw, 9950) 'iphase', ierr
2284  stop 999
2285  end if
2287  leniphase = size(iphase)
2289  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
2290  ! iphase0()
2291  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
2293  allocate(iphase0(3*nocsf), stat = ierr)
2295  if (ierr /= 0) then
2296  write(nftw, 9900)
2297  write(nftw, 9950) 'iphase0', ierr
2298  stop 999
2299  end if
2301  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
2302  ! Branch to appropriate phase handler -- watch for error condition
2303  ! (that is, iscat <= 0)
2304  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
2306  if (ztarget_state_calculation) then
2308  write(nftw, 3000)
2310  nctarg = nocsf
2311  ntgsym = -1
2313  call dophz0 (nftw, nocsf, nelt, ndtrf, nconf, &
2314  wfn_proj_indx_1st_det_per_csf, &
2315  wfn_proj_packed_dets, &
2316  lenndo, &
2317  wfn_proj_indx_1st_coeff_per_csf, &
2318  wfn_proj_coefficients_per_det, &
2319  lencdo, &
2320  iphase, &
2321  npflg(5))
2323  else if (zscattering_calculation) then
2325  write(nftw, 3100)
2326  write(nftw, 3110) ntgsym,notgt
2327  write(nftw, 3120) nctgt
2328  write(nftw, 3130) mcont
2330  if (symtyp == 1) write(nftw, 3140) gucont
2331  if (npflg(5) > 0) write(nftw, 3150) mrkorb
2332  if (symtyp <= 1 .and. mgvn > 0) write(nftw, 3160) mdegen
2334  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
2335  ! Count the number of continuum functions, that is a sum over all target
2336  ! states
2337  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
2339  nctarg = sum(nctgt(1:ntgsym))
2341  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
2342  ! Execute the phase alignment routine
2343  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
2345  call dophz (nftw, nocsf, nelt, ndtrf, nconf, &
2346  wfn_proj_indx_1st_det_per_csf, &
2347  wfn_proj_packed_dets, &
2348  lenndo, &
2349  wfn_proj_indx_1st_coeff_per_csf, &
2350  wfn_proj_coefficients_per_det, &
2351  lencdo, &
2352  iphase, &
2353  leniphase, &
2354  iphase0, &
2355  leniphase0, &
2356  nctarg, nctgt, notgt, mrkorb, &
2357  mdegen, ntgsym, mcont, &
2358  symtyp, npflg(5))
2360  else
2362  write(nftw,9900)
2363  write(nftw,*) 'neither a target state nor a scattering run'
2364  stop 999
2366  end if
2368  !------------------------------------------------------------------------
2369  ! Write the header and (projected) wavefunctions back to unit MEGUL
2370  !------------------------------------------------------------------------
2371  !
2372  !------------------------------------------------------------------------
2373  ! iscat > 0 => SCATCI, DENPROP format
2374  ! otherwise SPEEDY format
2375  !------------------------------------------------------------------------
2377  if (iscat > 0) then
2378  write(nftw, 3167) megul
2379  call wrnfto (sname, mgvn, s, sz, r, pin, norb, nsrb, &
2380  nocsf, nelt, idiag, nsym, symtyp, &
2381  nob, ndtrf, wfn_proj_dets_per_csf, &
2382  nocsf + 1, &
2383  wfn_proj_indx_1st_coeff_per_csf, &
2384  wfn_proj_indx_1st_det_per_csf, &
2385  wfn_proj_packed_dets, &
2386  lenndo, &
2387  wfn_proj_coefficients_per_det, &
2388  lencdo, &
2389  megul, nob1, 2 * nsym, &
2390  npflg, thres, iposit, nob0, nob01, nctarg, &
2391  ntgsym, notgt, nctgt, mcont, gucont, iphase, &
2392  nobe, nobp, nobv, maxtgsym)
2393  write(nftw, 3170) megul
2394  else
2395  write(nftw, 3168) megul
2396  call wrwf (megul, &
2397  num_csfs_proj, & ! MAL 12/05/11 : Not declared in CG code
2398  wfn_proj_dets_per_csf, &
2399  num_dets_proj, & ! MAL 12/05/11 : Not declared in CG code
2400  wfn_proj_coefficients_per_det, &
2401  len_pkd_dets_proj, & ! MAL 12/05/11 : Not declared in CG code
2402  wfn_proj_packed_dets)
2403  end if
2405  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
2406  ! Deallocate workspace arrays used in dophz0()/dophz()
2407  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
2409  if (allocated(nconf)) then
2410  deallocate(nconf, stat = ierr)
2411  if (ierr /= 0) then
2412  write(nftw, 9900)
2413  write(nftw, 9960) 'nconf', ierr
2414  stop
2415  end if
2416  end if
2418  if (allocated(iphase)) then
2419  deallocate(iphase, stat = ierr)
2420  if (ierr /= 0) then
2421  write(nftw, 9900)
2422  write(nftw, 9960) 'iphase', ierr
2423  stop
2424  end if
2425  end if
2427  if (allocated(iphase0)) then
2428  deallocate(iphase0, stat = ierr)
2429  if (ierr /= 0) then
2430  write(nftw, 9900)
2431  write(nftw, 9960) 'iphase0', ierr
2432  stop
2433  end if
2434  end if
2436  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
2437  ! Subroutine common return point
2438  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
2439  !
2440  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
2441  ! Deallocate storage used for the table of spin-orbitals
2442  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
2444  deallocate(itab_sporb_indx_in_sym, stat = ierr)
2445  if (ierr /= 0) then
2446  write(nftw, 9900)
2447  write(nftw, 9960) 'itab_sporb_indx_in_sym', ierr
2448  stop
2449  end if
2451  deallocate(itab_sporb_gu_value, stat = ierr)
2452  if (ierr /= 0) then
2453  write(nftw, 9900)
2454  write(nftw, 9960) 'itab_sporb_gu_value', ierr
2455  stop
2456  end if
2458  deallocate(itab_sporb_sym, stat = ierr)
2459  if (ierr /= 0) then
2460  write(nftw, 9900)
2461  write(nftw, 9960) 'itab_sporb_sym', ierr
2462  stop
2463  end if
2465  deallocate(itab_sporb_isz, stat = ierr)
2466  if (ierr /= 0) then
2467  write(nftw, 9900)
2468  write(nftw, 9960) 'itab_sporb_isz', ierr
2469  stop
2470  end if
2472  deallocate(itab_sporb_mpos, stat = ierr)
2473  if (ierr /= 0) then
2474  write(nftw, 9900)
2475  write(nftw, 9960) 'itab_sporb_mpos', ierr
2476  stop
2477  end if
2479  deallocate(map_orbitals, stat = ierr)
2480  if (ierr /= 0) then
2481  write(nftw, 9900)
2482  write(nftw, 9960) 'mpos_orbitals', ierr
2483  stop
2484  end if
2486  write(nftw, 8000)
2488  !------------------------------------------------------------------------
2489  ! Format statements
2490  !------------------------------------------------------------------------
2492  40 format(.LT.' SSZ')
2493  1000 format(/,5x,'Projection and phase alignment of wavefunction ',/, &
2494  5x,'============================================== ',//,&
2495  5x,'Input data: ',/)
2496  1005 format(5x,' Sname = ',a,/, &
2497  5x,' Mgvn = ',i10,/, &
2498  5x,' S = ',f10.4,/, &
2499  5x,' Sz = ',f10.4,/, &
2500  5x,' R = ',f10.4,/, &
2501  5x,' Pin = ',f10.4,/, &
2502  5x,' Nocsf = ',i10,/, &
2503  5x,' Idiag = ',i10,//)
2504  1007 format(5x,' Number of electrons in system (nelt) = ',i5,//, &
2505  5x,' Reference determinant: ',//, &
2506  5x,' (refdet) = ',10(i5,1x),/, &
2507  (21x,10(i5,1x)))
2509  1020 format(5x,' Point group (symmetry) of nuclear framework (symtyp) = ',i3,/)
2510  1021 format(5x,' This is the C-inf-v point group',/)
2511  1022 format(5x,' This is the D-inf-h point',/)
2512  1023 format(5x,' This is an Abelian point group ',/)
2514  1030 format(5x,.eq.' Bypassing wavefunction projection (byproj 0)',/)
2515  1031 format(5x,.ne.' Wavefunction will be projected (byproj 0)',/)
2517  1035 format(5x,.gt.' Adjusting phase of wavefunction for scattering (iscat 0)',/)
2518  1036 format(5x,.le.' Not adjusting phase of wavefunction for scattering (iscat 0)',/)
2520  1038 format(/,5x,' Print flags (npflg) ',/,&
2521  5x,' ------------------- ',/,&
2522  5x,' 1. Unprojec and projec wavefunctions : ',i5,/,&
2523  5x,' 2. : ',i5,/,&
2524  5x,' 3. : ',i5,/,&
2525  5x,' 4. : ',i5,/,&
2526  5x,' 5. Target or scattering phase compute : ',i5,/,&
2527  5x,' 6. Abelian point grp multiplctn table : ',i5,/)
2529  1099 format(/,5x,'**** End of the input data',/)
2531  1100 format(5x,'Orbitals per symmetry (nob):',/,(6x,i3,'. ',i3))
2532  1110 format(/,5x,'Total number of orbitals (norb) = ',i8,/, &
2533  5x,'Triangulation of norb (norbb) = ',i8)
2534  1120 format(/,5x,'Total number of spin-orbs (nsrb) = ',i8,/)
2535  1130 format(5x,'Spin orbitals table of quantum numbers',//, &
2536  5x,' I N G M S MPOS ',/,&
2537  5x,'----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ')
2538  1140 format((5x,6(i5,2x)))
2539  1145 format(/,5x,'**** End of table of spin-orbitals ',/)
2541  1160 format(/,5x,'User defined quantum numbers of ref determinant :',//,&
2542  5x,' mgvn = ',i5,/, &
2543  5x,' S = ',f8.3,/, &
2544  5x,' Sz = ',f8.3,//, &
2545  5x,'and locally computed vars for spin from S,Sz: ',//,&
2546  5x,' iss = ',i5,/, &
2547  5x,' isd = ',i5)
2548  1170 format(/,5x,'For check, computed q-numbers of ref det:',//,&
2549  5x,' 2*Sz + 1 = ',i5)
2550  1180 format( 5x,' irreducible representation = ',i5,//,&
2551  5x,' (Note: totally symmetric representation = 0) ',/)
2553  1185 format(5x,' Lambda value = ',i5,/)
2554  1190 format(5x,' Symmetry quantum number in refdet is not MGVN')
2555  1195 format(5x,' Sz in refdet is not = SZ')
2557  1270 format(/,5x,'Starting to build indexes for the wavefunction',/)
2558  1280 format(/,5x,'Finished building indexes for the wavefunction',/)
2559  1285 format(/,5x,'Wavefunctions read from input file on unit ',i5,/)
2561  2000 format(/,5x,'The wavefunction will be projected',//, &
2562  5x,'This means that the wavefunction on unit ',i5,' is an',/,&
2563  5x,'unprojected wavefunction.',/)
2564  2010 format(5x,'Data read from the wavefunction on unit: ',i5,//, &
2565  5x,' number of CSFs = ',i10,/, &
2566  5x,' number of determinants = ',i10,/, &
2567  5x,' length of packed determinants = ',i10,//, &
2568  5x,'This data will be used to allocate dynamic storage',/,&
2569  5x,'in which to hold the wavefunction.',/)
2570  2100 format(5x,'Projected CSFs in packed format:',/)
2571  3000 format(/,5x,'Computing phase for target state',/)
2572  3100 format(/,5x,'Performing phase correction for target',/,&
2573  5x,'states in a scattering run',/)
2575  3110 format(/' CI target data for SCATCI:', &
2576  //' Number of target symmetries in expansion, NTGSYM =',&
2577  i5/' Number of continuum orbs for each state, NOTGT =',&
2578  20i5,/,(' ',20i5))
2579  3120 format(' Number of CI components for each state, NCTGT =',20i5,/,(' ',20i5))
2580  3130 format(' Continuum M projection for each state, MCONT =',20i5,/,(' ',20i5))
2581  3140 format(' Continuum G/U symmetry for each state, GUCONT =',20i5,/,(' ',20i5))
2582  3150 format(' Marked continuum orbital for each state, MRKORB =',20i5,/,(' ',20i5))
2583  3160 format(' Degenerate coupling case flag MDEGEN =',20i5,/,(' ',20i5))
2585  3167 format(5x,'Writing projected CSFs to unit ',i5,' in format',/,&
2586  5x,'required by the SCATCI/DENPROP programs ',/)
2587  3168 format(5x,'Writing projected CSFs to unit ',i5,' in format',/,&
2588  5x, 'required by the SPEEDY program ',/)
2589  3170 format(5x,'Data on CSFs has been written to file (MEGUL) = ',i5/)
2590  8000 format(5x,'***** Wavefn projection (projec()) - completed',/)
2591  9900 format(/,5x,'***** Error in: projec() ',//)
2592  9950 format(5x,'Cannot allocate space for array ',a,//,&
2593  5x,'Return status from allocate() = ',i8,/)
2594  9960 format(5x,'Cannot de-allocate space for array ',a,//,&
2595  5x,'Return status from deallocate() = ',i8,/)
2597  end subroutine projec
2614  subroutine ptpwf (nftw, nocsf, nelt, ndtrf, nodi, indi, icdi, ndi, cdi)
2616  use precisn, only: wp
2618  integer :: nelt, nftw, nocsf
2619  real(kind=wp), dimension(*) :: cdi
2620  integer, dimension(*) :: icdi, indi, ndi, ndtrf, nodi
2621  intent (in) cdi, icdi, indi, ndi, ndtrf, nelt, nftw, nocsf, nodi
2623  integer :: i, k, ma, mb, mc, md, n
2625  write(nftw,'(" REFERENCE DETERMINANT"//(1X,20I5))') (ndtrf(i), i=1,nelt)
2626  write(nftw,'(" CSF",9X,"COEFFICIENT",2X,"NSO"/)')
2627  do n = 1, nocsf
2628  ma = nodi(n)
2629  mb = indi(n)
2630  mc = icdi(n) - 1
2631  md = ndi(mb)
2632  write(nftw,'(1x,i4,d20.10,i5,2x,20i5/(32x,20i5))') n, cdi(mc+1), md, (ndi(mb+i), i=1,2*md)
2633  mb = mb + md + md + 1
2634  do k = 2, ma
2635  md = ndi(mb)
2636  write(nftw,'(5x,d20.10,i5,2x,20i5/(32x,20i5))') cdi(mc+k), md, (ndi(mb+i), i=1,2*md)
2637  mb = mb + md + md + 1
2638  end do
2639  end do
2641  end subroutine ptpwf
2657  integer function qsort (n, a) result (swaps)
2659  integer, intent(in) :: n
2660  integer, dimension(n), intent(inout) :: a
2662  integer :: b, i, j, k
2664  swaps = 0
2666  do i = 2, n ! process all positions except for the first
2668  j = i - 1 ! previous position
2669  if (a(j) <= a(i)) cycle ! this is the correct order -> no change needed
2670  b = a(i) ! remember the current element a(i)
2672  do while (j > 1) ! find the correct position for this element to the left of its current position
2673  if (b < a(j - 1)) then
2674  j = j - 1
2675  else
2676  exit
2677  end if
2678  end do
2680  do k = i, j + 1, -1 ! shift all elements left of i and larger than a(i) one position to the right, vacating j
2681  a(k) = a(k - 1)
2682  end do
2684  a(j) = b ! put the current element into the vacated space
2685  swaps = swaps + i - j ! update the number of swaps needed to achieve the new order
2687  end do
2689  end function qsort
2699  subroutine rdwf (nft, k1, nodi, k2, cdi, k3, ndi)
2701  use precisn, only : wp
2703  integer :: k1, k2, k3, n1, n2, n3, i, nft, st
2704  integer, dimension(*) :: nodi, ndi
2705  real(kind=wp), dimension(*) :: cdi
2707  rewind nft
2709  k1 = 0
2710  k2 = 0
2711  k3 = 0
2713  do
2714  read(nft, iostat = st) n1, (nodi(k1+i), i=1,n1)
2715  if (st /= 0) exit
2716  k1 = k1 + n1
2718  read(nft, iostat = st) n2, (cdi(k2+i), i=1,n2)
2719  if (st /= 0) exit
2720  k2 = k2 + n2
2722  read(nft, iostat = st) n3, (ndi(k3+i), i=1,n3)
2723  if (st /= 0) exit
2724  k3 = k3 + n3
2725  end do
2727  rewind nft
2729  end subroutine rdwf
2748  subroutine rdwf_getsize (iunit, num_csfs, num_dets, len_dets)
2750  use precisn, only : wp
2752  integer :: iunit, num_csfs, num_dets, len_dets
2753  integer :: ncsfs, ndets, ldets, ios, ntemp
2755  rewind iunit
2757  ncsfs = 0
2758  ndets = 0
2759  ldets = 0
2761  ! The while loop reads records from the logical unit until the end of file, or some other error occurs.
2762  do
2764  ! First record is a CSF counter (followed by array with determinant counts per CSF)
2765  read(iunit, iostat = ios) ntemp
2766  if (0 /= ios) exit
2767  ncsfs = ncsfs + ntemp
2769  ! Second record is a counter for determinants (followed by coefficients per CSF per determinant)
2770  read(iunit, iostat = ios) ntemp
2771  if (0 /= ios) exit
2772  ndets = ndets + ntemp
2774  ! Third record is the counter of integer data comprising determinants themselves (followed by packed determinants)
2775  read(iunit, iostat = ios) ntemp
2776  if (0 /= ios) exit
2777  ldets = ldets + ntemp
2779  end do
2781  rewind iunit
2783  num_csfs = ncsfs
2784  num_dets = ndets
2785  len_dets = ldets
2787  end subroutine rdwf_getsize
2794  subroutine rfltn (nelt, nodi, ndi, cdi, r, mxnd, ndmxp, thres, nodo, cdo, ndtr, mm, bst)
2796  use precisn, only : wp
2797  use consts, only : half => xhalf
2798  use congen_bstree, only : det_tree
2800  integer :: mxnd, ndmxp, nelt, nodi, nodo
2801  real(kind=wp) :: r, thres
2802  real(kind=wp), dimension(*) :: cdi, cdo
2803  integer, dimension(*) :: mm, ndi, ndtr
2804  type(det_tree) :: bst
2805  intent (in) cdi, mm, nodi, r
2806  intent (inout) nodo, bst
2808  real(kind=wp) :: cfd
2809  integer :: i, j, ma, nd
2811  cdo(1:nodi) = half * cdi(1:nodi)
2813  nd = 0
2814  nodo = nodi
2815  do i = 1, nodi
2816  cfd = half * r * cdi(i)
2817  do j = 1, nelt
2818  ma = ndi(nd+j)
2819  if (mm(ma) /= 0) ma = ma + sign(2, mm(ma))
2820  ndtr(j) = ma
2821  end do
2822  if (mod(qsort(nelt, ndtr(1:nelt)), 2) /= 0) cfd = -cfd
2823  call stmrg (nelt, mxnd, ndmxp, ndi, cdo, nodo, ndtr, cfd, bst)
2824  if (nodo < 0) return
2825  nd = nd + nelt
2826  end do
2828  call cntrct (nelt, nodo, ndi, cdo, thres)
2830  end subroutine rfltn
2844  function snrm2 (n, array, istep)
2846  use precisn, only : wp
2847  use consts, only : zero => xzero
2849  integer :: istep, n
2850  real(kind=wp), dimension(*) :: array
2851  real(kind=wp) :: snrm2
2852  intent (in) array, istep, n
2854  integer :: i, ii
2856  snrm2 = zero
2857  if (n <= 0) return
2859  ii = 1
2860  do i = 1, n
2861  snrm2 = snrm2 + array(ii)**2
2862  ii = ii + istep
2863  end do
2865  end function snrm2
2888  subroutine stmrg (nelt, maxcdo, maxndo, ndo, cdo, nodo, ndi, cdi, bst)
2890  use precisn, only : wp
2891  use congen_bstree, only : det_tree
2893  real(kind=wp), parameter :: one = 1.0_wp
2895  type(det_tree) :: bst
2897  integer :: nelt ! Number of electrons in each det.
2898  integer :: maxcdo ! Dimension of cdo
2899  integer :: maxndo ! Dimension of ndo
2900  integer :: ndo(maxndo) ! List of determinants each with "nelt" spin-orbs
2901  integer :: nodo ! On input is the number of dets in cdo()/ndo(). Will be updated
2902  ! for output if the data in cdi/ndi() is merged into cdo()/ndo() as a new entry.
2903  integer :: ndi(nelt) ! A single det of "nelt" spin orbs which has to be merged into ndo().
2905  real(kind=wp) :: cdo(maxcdo) ! Coeff. for each det in ndo()
2906  real(kind=wp) :: cdi ! Single coeff. going with the single determinant defined in ndi()
2908  integer i, ibase, idet, n
2910  logical, parameter :: zdebug = .false.
2912  ! Debug banner header
2914  if (zdebug) then
2915  write(6,'(/,30x,"===> STMRG() <====",/)')
2916  write(6,'( 30x,"Input data: ")')
2917  write(6,'( 30x," nelt = ",I6)') nelt
2918  write(6,'( 30x," maxcdo = ",I6)') maxcdo
2919  write(6,'( 30x," maxndo = ",I6)') maxndo
2920  write(6,'( 30x," cdi = ",D13.6)') cdi
2921  write(6,'(/,30x,"# of dets in current (cdo,ndo) list (nodo) = ",I5,/)') nodo
2923  ibase = 0
2924  do idet = 1, nodo
2925  write(6,'( 30x,I5,2x,D13.6,20(I4,1x))') idet, cdo(idet), (ndo(ibase+i), i=1,nelt)
2926  ibase = ibase + nelt
2927  end do
2928  end if
2930  ! Try to find the input determinant in the list of determinants.
2931  ! - This should take around O(log2(nodo)) operations
2933  n = bst % locate_det(ndi)
2935  ! Now either update the coefficient (if det found), or insert new determinant.
2937  if (n > 0) then
2939  if (zdebug) then
2940  write(6,'(/,30x,"New determinant found in ""existing"" list:")')
2941  write(6,'( 30x," Found in exisiting list at n = ",I6)') n
2942  write(6,'( 30x," Coefficient cdo(n) = ",D13.6)') cdo(n)
2943  write(6,'( 30x," Augment coeff, cdi*sign = ",D13.6,/)') cdi
2944  end if
2946  cdo(n) = cdo(n) + cdi
2948  else
2950  ! Ok, so we get here if we have to add the determinant onto the end of the exisitng list.
2952  if (zdebug) then
2953  write(6,'(30x,"Adding new determinant to end of list",/)')
2954  end if
2956  if (nodo + 1 > maxcdo .or. (nodo + 1) * nelt > maxndo) then
2957  write(6,'(/,10x,"**** Error in stmrg(): ",/)')
2958  write(6,'( 10x,"Insufficient space to add extra determinant onto")')
2959  write(6,'( 10x,"end of list.")')
2960  write(6,'( 10x," cdo() : required ",I10," available ",I10)') nodo + 1, maxcdo
2961  write(6,'( 10x," ndo() : required ",I10," available ",I10,/)') (nodo + 1) * nelt, maxndo
2962  stop 999
2963  end if
2965  cdo(nodo + 1) = cdi
2966  ndo(nodo * nelt + 1 : nodo * nelt + nelt) = ndi(1:nelt)
2967  nodo = nodo + 1
2969  call bst % insert(nodo)
2971  if (zdebug) then
2972  write(6,'(30x,"Bstree after stmrg: ")')
2973  call bst % output(32)
2974  end if
2976  end if
2978  ! Return point
2980  if (zdebug) then
2981  write(6,'(/,30x,"# of dets in current (cdo,ndo) list (nodo) = ",I5,/)') nodo
2983  ibase = 0
2984  do idet = 1,nodo
2985  write(6,'( 30x,I5,2x,D13.6,20(I4,1x))') idet, cdo(idet), (ndo(ibase+i), i=1,nelt)
2986  ibase = ibase + nelt
2987  end do
2989  write(6,'(/,30x,"***** STMRG() - completed ",/)')
2990  end if
2992  end subroutine stmrg
3003  subroutine wfgntr (mgvn, iss, isd, thres, r, symtyp, nelt, nsyml, nob, nobl, nob0l, nobe, norb, nsrb, &
3004  mn, mg, mm, ms, iposit, map, mpos, nocsf, ndtrf, nodi, ndi, cdi, indil, icdil, maxndi, maxcdi, &
3005  nodo, ndo, cdo, indo, icdo, maxndo, maxcdo, lenndo, lencdo, npflg, byproj, nftw, nalm)
3007  use precisn, only : wp
3008  use global_utils, only : mprod
3010  ! Local temporary storage
3011  ! - len_cdit has to be >= the maximum number of determinants in any one CSF
3013  integer, parameter :: len_cdit = 5000
3014  real(kind=wp) :: cdit(len_cdit)
3016  ! Fixed constants
3018  real(kind=wp), parameter :: verysmall = 1.0d-30
3020  ! Integer variables passed in the argument list
3022  integer :: nftw ! logical unit for the printer
3023  integer :: symtyp, byproj
3024  integer :: lencdo ! final usage in cdo()
3025  integer :: lenndo ! final usage in ndo()
3026  integer :: maxcdo ! maximum available in cdo()
3027  integer :: maxndo ! maximum available in ndo()
3028  integer :: mgvn
3029  integer :: iss
3030  integer :: isd
3031  integer :: norb
3032  integer :: ndmx
3033  integer :: ncmx
3034  integer :: ndmxp
3035  integer :: nsyml
3036  integer :: nelt
3037  integer :: iposit
3038  integer :: nocsf,nsrb
3039  integer :: maxndi,maxcdi
3040  integer, dimension(nsyml) :: nob(nsyml),nobl(nsyml),nob0l(nsyml), nobe(nsyml)
3041  integer, dimension(nsrb) :: mn,mg,mm,ms,map,mpos
3042  integer, dimension(nelt) :: ndtrf
3043  integer :: npflg(6)
3044  real(kind=wp) :: r,thres
3046  ! As elsewhere in the code, the wavefunction is represented as a
3047  ! set of data packed into arrays.
3048  !
3049  ! For the input wavefunction we have:
3050  !
3051  ! nodi() is the number of dets in each CSF
3052  ! ndi() holds the dets in packed format, that is as
3053  ! number of replacements + replaced + replacing
3054  ! cdi() is the coefficient for each determinant
3055  !
3056  ! We need two further indexing arrays, each of length,
3057  ! NOCSF+1 to handle the wavefunction data:
3058  !
3059  ! icdil(n) points at the first entry in the coefficients
3060  ! array, cdi(), for CSF "n".
3061  !
3062  ! indil(n) points at the first entry in the determinants
3063  ! array, ndi(), for CSF "n".
3064  !
3065  ! Remember these have to be one larger than the number of CSFs. We compute the storage size of CSF by looking at the location
3066  ! of the "following one" - hence need to add one on at the end.
3068  integer, dimension(nocsf) :: nodi
3069  integer, dimension(maxndi) :: ndi
3070  integer, dimension(nocsf+1) :: indil, icdil
3071  real(kind=wp), dimension(maxcdi) :: cdi
3073  ! Similar arrays exist for the output wavefunction and they are declared in the argument list too.
3075  integer, dimension(nocsf) :: nodo
3076  integer, dimension(maxndi) :: ndo
3077  integer, dimension(nocsf+1) :: indo, icdo
3078  real(kind=wp), dimension(maxcdi) :: cdo
3080  ! Local integer variables
3081  integer :: n, i, num_dets_input, ipos_dets_input, ipos_coeffs_out, ipos_coeffs_in, &
3082  ipos_dets_out, idet, isum, msum, nsrbs, needed, ierr, lenmop, nalm, &
3083  ipos_this_det, nreps, me, mf, idop, idcp, ieltp, num_dets_final, mxss
3084  integer, dimension(nelt) :: mdop, mdcp
3085  integer, dimension(nsrb) :: mdc, mdo, ndta
3086  logical, allocatable :: flip(:)
3088  ! Local real variables
3089  real(kind=wp) :: mysum
3091  integer, allocatable :: mop(:) ! Holds all expanded open shell per CSF (see allocation)
3093  ! Following are used to analyze CSF dimensions on input
3094  integer :: icsf_with_max(1)
3095  integer :: max_num_dets_input
3096  integer :: max_num_dets_output
3098  ! Local fixed logical values
3099  logical, parameter :: zdebug = .false.
3101  ! Intrinsic Fortran functions used
3102  intrinsic :: sqrt, maxloc, minloc
3104  ! Debug banner header
3105  if (zdebug) then
3106  write(nftw,1000)
3107  write(nftw,1010) mgvn,iss,isd,thres,r,nsyml,nelt,nocsf,nsrb
3108  write(nftw,1020) norb, ndmx, ncmx, ndmxp
3109  write(nftw,1030) maxcdo, maxndo
3110  write(nftw,1035)
3111  write(nftw,1036) (i,mn(i),mg(i),mm(i),ms(i),mpos(i),i=1,nsrb)
3112  write(nftw,1037)
3113  end if
3115  ! We compute the number of spin-orbitals which are not
3116  ! degenerate. For C-inf-v and D-inf-h this means sigma
3117  ! type. For Abelian point groups it is all orbitals.
3119  nsrbs = 0
3120  select case (symtyp)
3121  case (0) ; nsrbs = 2 * nob(1)
3122  case (1) ; nsrbs = 2 * (nob(1) + nob(2))
3123  case (2) ; nsrbs = 2 * sum(nob(1:nsyml))
3124  case default ; write(nftw, 9900) ; stop
3125  end select
3127  if (zdebug) then
3128  write(nftw,1040) nsrbs
3129  end if
3131  !=========================================================================
3132  !
3133  ! C O U N T M A X I M A F R O M C S F s
3134  !
3135  !=========================================================================
3137  ! Looking at the number of determinants per CSF, we work out
3138  ! the CSF which has the maximum number of determinants.
3140  max_num_dets_input = maxval(nodi)
3141  icsf_with_max = maxloc(nodi)
3143  ! mop() needs to hold the expanded determinants when processing each CSF one at a time (see popnwf().
3144  ! Each det is then a list of "ieltp" spin orbs, where "ieltp" <= "nelt".
3145  !
3146  ! So we can compute lenmop and allocate the array. We over allocate by a factor (10 ?) here as the
3147  ! later processing requirements are not precisely known.
3149  lenmop = 7 * nelt * max_num_dets_input
3150  allocate(mop(lenmop), stat = ierr)
3151  if (ierr /= 0) then
3152  write(nftw,9900)
3153  write(nftw,9925) lenmop
3154  stop 999
3155  end if
3157  ! There will be one permutation sign per determinant.
3159  allocate(flip(max_num_dets_input), stat = ierr)
3160  if (ierr /= 0) then
3161  write(nftw,9900)
3162  write(nftw,9926) max_num_dets_input
3163  stop 999
3164  end if
3166  !=========================================================================
3167  !
3168  ! L O O P O V E R C S F s
3169  !
3170  !=========================================================================
3172  if (zdebug) then
3173  write(nftw, 3000)
3174  end if
3176  nalm = 0
3177  ipos_coeffs_out = 1
3178  ipos_dets_out = 1
3180  do n = 1, nocsf
3181  num_dets_input = nodi(n)
3182  ipos_dets_input = indil(n)
3183  icdo(n) = ipos_coeffs_out
3184  indo(n) = ipos_dets_out
3186  if (zdebug) then
3187  write(nftw,3010) n, nocsf, num_dets_input, ipos_dets_input, ipos_coeffs_out, ipos_dets_out
3188  end if
3190  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
3191  ! Step 1: Validate spatial and spin quantum numbers
3192  ! for all determinants in this CSF
3193  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
3195  ! Compute the overall change in spatial quantum number and in Sz component of spin for each determinant relative to the
3196  ! reference determinant. The overall change in spatial and in spin quantum numbers relative to the reference determinant
3197  ! should be zero. If not, then such a deterinant does not match the overall system quantum numbers and we have an error
3198  ! condition. Remember that we have already verified the quantum numbers of the reference determinant before calling this
3199  ! routine.
3201  ipos_this_det = ipos_dets_input
3203  do idet = 1, num_dets_input
3204  nreps = ndi(ipos_this_det)
3206  if (zdebug) then
3207  write(nftw,3020) n, idet, num_dets_input, nreps
3208  end if
3210  if (nreps /= 0) then ! If 0 would be reference det
3211  if (zdebug) then
3212  write(nftw,3030) (ndi(ipos_this_det+i), i=1,nreps)
3213  write(nftw,3035) (ndi(ipos_this_det+nreps+i), i=1,nreps)
3214  end if
3216  isum = 0 ! Sum of Sz over spin-orbs
3218  select case (symtyp)
3220  !... C-inf-v and D-inf-h
3221  case (:1)
3222  msum = 0
3223  do i = 1, nreps
3224  me = ndi(ipos_this_det + i)
3225  mf = ndi(ipos_this_det + nreps + i)
3226  isum = isum + ms(me) - ms(mf)
3227  msum = msum + mm(me) - mm(mf)
3228  end do
3230  !... Abelian point groups
3231  case (2)
3232  msum = 1
3233  do i = 1, nreps
3234  me = ndi(ipos_this_det + i)
3235  mf = ndi(ipos_this_det + nreps + i)
3236  isum = isum + ms(me) - ms(mf)
3237  msum = mprod(msum, mprod(mm(me)+1, mm(mf)+1, 0, nftw), 0, nftw)
3238  end do
3239  msum = msum - 1
3241  !... Erroneous "symtyp" value
3242  case (3:)
3243  write(nftw,9900)
3244  stop
3246  end select
3248  if (msum /= 0) then
3249  write(nftw, 9900)
3250  write(nftw, 9214) idet, n
3251  stop 999
3252  end if
3254  if (isum /= 0) then
3255  write(nftw,9900)
3256  write(nftw,9215) idet, n
3257  stop 999
3258  end if
3260  end if ! End of if test on zero replacements
3262  ! Align pointers for the next determinant. Remember, a determinant is stored as:
3263  ! - the number of replacements/replaced,
3264  ! - each replaced spin-orb,
3265  ! - each replacement spin-orb,
3266  ! therefore this determinant was of length 2*md+1
3268  ipos_this_det = ipos_this_det + nreps + nreps + 1
3270  end do
3272  if (zdebug) then
3273  write(nftw, 3090)
3274  end if
3276  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
3277  ! Step 2: Find the number of electrons which are in orbitals that are not fully occupied.
3278  ! These are known as "open shells". Also find the list of the spin-orbitals corresponding to these.
3279  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
3281  ! popnwf() operates on the complete set of determinants defining this CSF. It is worth remembering that in Alchemy
3282  ! a CSF is defined firstly as an assignment of orbital occupation numbers. One, or more, CSFs can then be formed
3283  ! by distributing electrons to the spin-orbitals associated with this orbital assignment and
3284  ! then generating the required coupling coefficients.
3285  !
3286  ! On successful return, "ieltp" will hold the number of electrons in open shells. This may even be zero.
3288  num_dets_input = nodi(n)
3289  ipos_dets_input = indil(n)
3291  call popnwf (nsrb, nsrbs, nelt, ndtrf, lenmop, mdop, mdcp, mop, mdc, mdo, ndta, &
3292  num_dets_input, ndi(ipos_dets_input), idop, idcp, ieltp, flip, ierr)
3294  ! Test for error condition and print details
3295  if (ierr == 0) then
3296  if (zdebug) then
3297  write(nftw,4010) ieltp
3298  end if
3299  else
3300  write(nftw,9900)
3301  select case (ierr)
3302  case (1) ; write(nftw,233) n
3303  case (2) ; write(nftw,235) n
3304  case (3:) ; write(nftw,237) n
3305  end select
3306  stop 999
3307  end if
3309  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
3310  ! Step 3: Normalize the expansion coefficients associated with the determinants in this CSF.
3311  ! These coefficients were obtained from products of the Clebsch-Gordan coupling coefficients.
3312  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
3314  ! The computation depends on how many electrons are in open shells.
3315  ! Normalized expansion coefficients are placed into the array "cdo()" during this process.
3317  ipos_coeffs_in = icdil(n) - 1
3319  ! update cdi with the sort permutation sign
3320  do i = 1, num_dets_input
3321  if (flip(i)) cdi(ipos_coeffs_in + i) = -cdi(ipos_coeffs_in + i)
3322  end do
3324  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
3325  ! 0 or 1 ELECTRONS in OPEN SHELLS
3326  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
3328  if (ieltp <= 1) then ! 0 or 1 electrons in open shells.
3330  if (zdebug) then
3331  write (nftw,4510)
3332  write (nftw,4520)
3333  write (nftw,4522) ipos_coeffs_in, ipos_coeffs_out
3334  write (nftw,4525) (i, cdi(ipos_coeffs_in+1+i-1), i=1,num_dets_input)
3335  end if
3337  mysum = snrm2(num_dets_input, cdi(ipos_coeffs_in+1), 1)
3339  if (zdebug) write(nftw,4530) mysum
3341  if (mysum < verysmall) then ! monitor for very small numbers
3342  write(nftw, 9900)
3343  write(nftw, 2222) mysum
3344  stop 999
3345  end if
3347  mysum = 1.0_wp/sqrt(mysum)
3349  do i = 1, num_dets_input
3350  cdo(ipos_coeffs_out+i-1) = mysum * cdi(ipos_coeffs_in+1+i-1)
3351  end do
3353  num_dets_final = num_dets_input
3355  if (zdebug) then
3356  write(nftw,4540)
3357  write(nftw,4525) (i, cdo(ipos_coeffs_out+i-1), i=1,num_dets_final)
3358  end if
3360  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
3362  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
3364  else ! >= 2 electrons in open shells - project wfn
3366  if (zdebug) then
3367  write(nftw,4610)
3368  write(nftw,4520)
3369  write(nftw,4522) ipos_coeffs_in, ipos_coeffs_out
3370  write(nftw,4525) (i, cdi(ipos_coeffs_in+1+i-1), i=1,num_dets_input)
3371  end if
3373  ! We need to copy the expansion coefficients to temporary local storage
3374  if (num_dets_input > len_cdit) then
3375  write(nftw,9900)
3376  write(nftw,9935) n, num_dets_input, len_cdit
3377  stop 999
3378  else
3379  do i = 1, num_dets_input
3380  cdit(i) = cdi(ipos_coeffs_in + i)
3381  end do
3382  end if
3384  if (zdebug) then
3385  write(nftw,4625)
3386  write(nftw,4525) (i, cdit(i), i=1,num_dets_input)
3387  end if
3389  ! Call prjct() to perform the spin projection
3390  !
3391  ! ieltp = number of electrons
3392  ! mxss = maximum Spin for projection
3393  ! ma = number of ddterminants
3394  ! mop = input determinants (overwritten on output)
3395  ! cdit = input coefficients with each determinant
3396  ! nod = Return code (>0 means number of dets in output)
3397  ! cdo() = Coefficients of determinants after projection. These are stored into cdo() beginning at
3398  ! location ipos_coeffs_out, which is updated for every CSF.
3399  ! lencdo = space reaining in cdo() array - monitored
3401  mxss = ieltp
3402  lencdo = maxcdo - ipos_coeffs_out + 1
3403  lenmop = size(mop)
3405  call prjct (ieltp, mxss, num_dets_input, mop, cdit, num_dets_final, cdo(ipos_coeffs_out), &
3406  lencdo, mgvn, iss, isd, thres, r, ndta, mm, ms, lenmop, symtyp, nsrb)
3408  if (zdebug) then
3409  write(nftw,4540)
3410  write(nftw,4525) (i, cdo(ipos_coeffs_out+i-1), i=1,num_dets_final)
3411  end if
3413  end if
3415  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
3416  ! Step 4: Now we can move the determinants for this
3417  ! CSF into place in the output array.
3418  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
3420  if (zdebug) then
3421  write(nftw, 4060)
3422  write(nftw, 4062) num_dets_final, ieltp, idop, idcp, ipos_dets_out, maxndo
3423  end if
3425  call pkwf (num_dets_final, ieltp, cdo(ipos_coeffs_out), mop, idop, mdop, idcp, mdcp, &
3426  nftw, ipos_dets_out, ndo, maxndo, n)
3429  ! Record the number of dets for this CSF in nodo()
3430  ! Update pointer to next location in cdo().
3432  nodo(n) = num_dets_final
3433  ipos_coeffs_out = ipos_coeffs_out + num_dets_final
3436  ! Screen for exhaustion of memory in ndo(), cdo()
3437  if (ipos_dets_out >= maxndo) then
3438  write(nftw,9900)
3439  write(nftw,9981) n, maxndo
3440  stop 999
3441  end if
3443  if (ipos_coeffs_out >= maxcdo) then
3444  write(nftw,9900)
3445  write(nftw,9982) n, maxcdo
3446  stop 999
3447  end if
3449  ! Finished with this CSF
3450  if (zdebug) then
3451  write (nftw,4690) n
3452  end if
3454  end do
3456  !=========================================================================
3457  !
3458  ! E N D L O O P O V E R C S F s
3459  !
3460  !=========================================================================
3462  ! Finished with dynamic array mop()
3463  if (allocated(mop)) then
3464  deallocate(mop, stat = ierr)
3465  if (ierr /= 0) then
3466  write(nftw,9900)
3467  write(nftw,9927) lenmop
3468  stop 999
3469  end if
3470  end if
3472  ! Finished with dynamic array flip()
3473  if (allocated(flip)) then
3474  deallocate(flip, stat = ierr)
3475  if (ierr /= 0) then
3476  write(nftw,9900)
3477  write(nftw,9928) max_num_dets_input
3478  stop 999
3479  end if
3480  end if
3482  ! Need starting values for the "N+1" th CSF (which does not exist). These also serve as an upper bound for the "N"-th CSF
3483  ! and are used in loops in the subsequent code which evaluates symbolic energy expressions.
3484  indo(nocsf+1) = ipos_dets_out
3485  icdo(nocsf+1) = ipos_coeffs_out
3487  ! High watermark in both arrays needs to be returned to caller.
3488  lenndo = ipos_dets_out - 1
3489  lencdo = ipos_coeffs_out - 1
3491  ! Looking at the number of determinants per CSF, we work out the CSF which has the maximum number of determinants.
3492  max_num_dets_output = maxval( nodo )
3493  icsf_with_max = maxloc( nodo )
3495  write(nftw,2992) icsf_with_max(1), max_num_dets_output
3497  ! Subroutine return point
3498  write(nftw,7990) lenndo, maxndo, lencdo, maxcdo
3499  write(nftw,8000)
3501  ! Format statements
3502  233 format(i6,' TH WF IN ERROR, (NO. OF OPEN SO NOT =)')
3503  237 format(i6,' TH WF IN ERROR,(NELTP=0,BUT NOD GT. 1)')
3504  235 format(' NEED MORE SPACE FOR MOP IN',i5,' TH WF',/, &
3505  ' Increase parameter LNDT in input')
3506  1000 format(/,10x,'====> WFGNTR() <====',/)
3507  1010 format( 10x,'Input data: ',/, &
3508  10x,' mgvn = ',i10,/, &
3509  10x,' iss = ',i10,/, &
3510  10x,' isd = ',i10,/, &
3511  10x,' thres = ',f12.5,/, &
3512  10x,' r = ',f12.5,/, &
3513  10x,' nsyml = ',i10,/, &
3514  10x,' nelt = ',i10,/, &
3515  10x,' nocsf = ',i10,/, &
3516  10x,' nsrb = ',i10)
3517  1020 format( 10x,' norb = ',i10,/, &
3518  10x,' ndmx = ',i10,/, &
3519  10x,' ncmx = ',i10,/, &
3520  10x,' ndmxp = ',i10,/)
3521  1030 format( 10x,' maxcdo = ',i10,/, &
3522  10x,' maxndo = ',i10,/)
3523  1035 format(5x,'Spin orbitals table of quantum numbers',//, &
3524  5x,' I N G M S MPOS ',/, &
3525  5x,'----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ')
3526  1036 format((5x,6(i5,2x)))
3527  1037 format(/,5x,'**** End of table of spin-orbitals ',/)
3528  1040 format(10x,'No. non-degenerate spin orbitals (nsrbs) = ',i6,/)
3529  1055 format(10x,'Allocating ',i8,' integers for array mop() ',/)
3530  1500 format(/,10x,'Allocated ',i10,' integer units to array nr() ',/)
3531  2222 format(/,' Sum IN WFGNTR =',e20.12,//)
3532  2990 format(/,10x,'On input CSF ',i7,' has the largest ',/, &
3533  10x,'number of determinants = ',i7,/)
3534  2992 format(/,10x,'On output CSF ',i7,' has the largest ',/, &
3535  10x,'number of determinants = ',i7,/)
3536  3000 format(/,10x,'Entering loop over CSFs ',/)
3537  3010 format(/,10x,'>>>> Processing input CSF ',i10,' of ',i10,//, &
3538  10x,'Number of determinants (num_dets_input) = ',i7,/, &
3539  10x,'1st in pkd dets array (ipos_dets_input) = ',i7,//, &
3540  10x,'1st in Out coefs arry (ipos_coeffs_out) = ',i7,/, &
3541  10x,'1st in Output dets arry (ipos_dets_out) = ',i7)
3542  3020 format(/,15x,'CSF ',i7,' - Det. ',i6,' of ',i6,//, &
3543  20x,'Number of replacements (nreps) = ',i5,/)
3544  3030 format(20x,'Replaced spin orbs : ',20(i3,1x))
3545  3035 format(20x,'Replacments spin. orbs: ',20(i3,1x))
3546  3090 format(/,15x,'Quantum numbers for all determinants in this CSF',/, &
3547  15x,'have been validated.',/)
3548  4010 format(15x,'Number of electrons in open shells (ieltp) = ',i5,/)
3549  4050 format(15x,'The expansion coefficients for each determinant ',/ &
3550  15x,'have been normalized.',/)
3551  4060 format(/,15x,'This projected CSF will now be packed into',/ &
3552  15x,'into the array holding all output packed CSF',/)
3553  4062 format(15x,'Data sent into PKWF() follows: (old name/new name)',/, &
3554  15x,' nod (num_dets_final) = ',i10,/, &
3555  15x,' neltp (ieltp) = ',i10,/, &
3556  15x,' idop (idop) = ',i10,/, &
3557  15x,' idcp (idcp) = ',i10,/, &
3558  15x,' no (ipos_dets_out) = ',i10,/, &
3559  15x,' ndmx (maxndo) = ',i10,/)
3560  4510 format(15x,'Normalizing CSF expansion coefficients using ',/, &
3561  15x,'the SNRM2 function. Projection is not needed.'/)
3562  4520 format(/,15x,'CSF coefficients before normalization: ',/)
3563  4522 format(15x,'Storage locs for input and output coefficients: ',//, &
3564  15x,' For cdi(), ipos_coeffs_in = ',i7,//, &
3565  15x,' For cdo(), ipos_coeffs_out = ',i7,/)
3566  4525 format(15x,i6,'. ',2x,f13.7)
3567  4530 format(/,15x,'Sum - sqrs of coefficients (this CSF) = ',d13.6,/)
3568  4540 format(/,15x,'CSF coefficients after normalization: ',/)
3569  4610 format(15x,'Normalizing CSF expansion coefficients using ',/, &
3570  15x,'projection because it has >= 2 electrons in ',/, &
3571  15x,'open shells. '/)
3572  4625 format(/,15x,'Coefficients have been copied into CDIT(): ',/)
3573  4690 format(/,10x,'<<<< Completed processing of CSF number ',i6,/)
3574  7990 format(/,10x,'At end of wfgntr(), usage of memory in output',/, &
3575  10x,'arrays is as follows: ',//, &
3576  10x,' Array Used Max avail ',/, &
3577  10x,' ----- --------- --------- ',/, &
3578  10x,' ndo() ',i9,2x,i9,/, &
3579  10x,' cdo() ',i9,2x,i9,/)
3580  8000 format(/,10x,'**** WFGNTR() - completed ',/)
3582  ! Error messages
3583  9214 format(5x,'Spatial symmetry for determinant ',i5,/, &
3584  5x,'in CSF ',i5,' does not match ref determinant',/)
3585  9215 format(5x,'Sz quantum number for determinant ',i5,/, &
3586  5x,'in CSF ',i5,' does not match ref determinant',/)
3587  9900 format(/,5x,'***** Error in: wfngtr() ',//)
3588  9925 format(5x,'Cannot allocate array mop() of length (lenmop) ',i8,/)
3589  9926 format(5x,'Cannot allocate array flip() of length (max_num_dets_input) ',i8,/)
3590  9927 format(5x,'Cannot de-alloc array mop() of length (lenmop) ',i8,/)
3591  9928 format(5x,'Cannot de-alloc array flip() of length (max_num_dets_input) ',i8,/)
3592  9935 format(5x,'Insufficient space in cdit() for projection ',/, &
3593  5x,'CSF ',i10,' has ',i10,' determinants ',/, &
3594  5x,'cdit() holds the expansion coefficient ',/, &
3595  5x,'for each determinant and len_cdit must be ',/, &
3596  5x,'at least as big as the number of determinants',/, &
3597  5x,'Currenttly it is fixed at ',i10,/)
3598  9955 format(5x,'WFNGTR() has received an error on return',/, &
3599  5x,'fromPOPNWF(). Code is terminating now.',/)
3600  9981 format(5x,'CSF ',i7,' has exhausted space available in ndo',/, &
3601  5x,'Available (maxndo) = ',i10)
3602  9982 format(5x,'CSF ',i7,' has exhausted space available in cdo',/, &
3603  5x,'Available (maxcdo) = ',i10)
3605  end subroutine wfgntr
3615  subroutine wrnfto (sname, mgvn, s, sz, r, pin, norb, nsrb, nocsf, nelt, idiag, nsym, symtyp, &
3616  nob, ndtrf, nodo, m, icdo, indo, ndo, lndi, cdo, lcdi, nfto, nobl, nx, &
3617  npflg, thres, iposit, nob0, nob0l, nctarg, ntgsym, notgt, nctgt, mcont, &
3618  gucont, iphz, nobe, nobp, nobv, maxtgsym)
3620  use precisn, only : wp
3622  integer :: symtyp, i, nfto, iposit, norb, nsrb, idiag, itg, maxtgsym, mgvn, &
3623  norbw, nsrbw, lcdi, lndi, nsym, nelt, m, nx, nctarg, ntgsym, nocsf
3624  integer, parameter :: iwrite = 6
3625  integer, dimension(nsym) :: nob, nob0, nobe, nobp, nobv
3626  integer, dimension(nelt) :: ndtrf
3627  integer, dimension(nocsf) :: nodo
3628  integer, dimension(m) :: icdo, indo
3629  integer, dimension(lndi) :: ndo
3630  integer, dimension(ntgsym) :: notgt, nctgt, mcont, gucont
3631  integer, dimension(nctarg) :: iphz
3632  integer, dimension(20) :: nobw
3633  integer, dimension(nx) :: nobl, nob0l
3634  integer, dimension(6) :: npflg
3635  real(kind=wp),dimension(lcdi) :: cdo
3636  real(kind=wp) :: s, sz, r, pin, thres
3637  character(120) :: name
3638  character(80) :: sname
3640  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
3641  ! Debug banner header
3642  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
3644  write(iwrite,'(/,5x,"Writing final results to disk (wrnfto) ")')
3645  write(iwrite,'( 5x,"-------------------------------------- ")')
3646  write(iwrite,'( 5x," Logical unit (nfto) = ",I8)') nfto
3647  write(iwrite,'( 5x," Positrons present (iposit) = ",I8)') iposit
3648  write(iwrite,'( 5x," Number of electrons (nelt) = ",I8)') nelt
3649  write(iwrite,'( 5x," Number of CSFs (nocsf) = ",I8)') nocsf
3650  write(iwrite,'( 5x," Number of symmetries (nsym) = ",I8)') nsym
3651  write(iwrite,'( 5x," Point group flag (symtyp) = ",I8)') symtyp
3652  write(iwrite,'( 5x," Orbitals per symm (nob) : ",(20(I3,1x)))') (nob(i), i=1,nsym)
3653  write(iwrite,'( 5x," Total # of orbitals (norb) = ",I8)') norb
3654  write(iwrite,'( 5x," Total # of spin orbs (nsrb) = ",I8)') nsrb
3656  write(iwrite,'(/,5x," Length of index arrays - icdo,indo (m) = ",I8)') m
3657  write(iwrite,'( 5x," Length of coeff. array - cdo (lcdi) = ",I8)') lcdi
3658  write(iwrite,'( 5x," (equals # dets in wfn)")')
3659  write(iwrite,'( 5x," Length of packed dets array - ndo (lndi) = ",I8)') lndi
3661  write(iwrite,'(/,5x," Spin quantum number (s) = ",F8.2)') s
3662  write(iwrite,'( 5x," Z-projection of spin (sz) = ",F8.2)') sz
3663  write(iwrite,'( 5x," Reflection quant. # (r) = ",F8.2)') r
3664  write(iwrite,'( 5x," Pin (pin) = ",F8.2)') pin
3665  write(iwrite,'( 5x," (idiag) = ",I8,/)') idiag
3667  name = ' '
3668  name = sname
3670  norbw = norb
3671  nsrbw = nsrb
3673  nobw(1:nsym) = nob(1:nsym)
3675  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
3676  ! Rewind the unit before writing on it
3677  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
3679  rewind nfto
3681  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
3682  ! Slightly different formats if positrons are involved
3683  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
3685  if (iposit == 0) then
3686  write(nfto) name, mgvn, s, sz, r, pin, norbw, nsrbw, nocsf, nelt, lcdi, idiag, &
3687  nsym, symtyp, lndi, npflg, thres, nctarg, ntgsym
3688  if (ntgsym > 0) write(nfto) iphz, nctgt, notgt, mcont, gucont
3689  if (ntgsym <= 0) write(nfto) iphz
3690  write(nfto) (nobw(i), i=1,nsym), ndtrf, nodo, iposit, nob0, nobl, nob0l
3691  else
3692  write(nfto) name, mgvn, s, sz, r, pin, norbw, nsrbw, nocsf, nelt, lcdi, idiag, &
3693  nsym, symtyp, lndi, npflg, thres, nctarg, maxtgsym
3694  if (maxtgsym > 0) then
3695  write(nfto) iphz
3696  write(nfto) (nctgt(itg), itg=1,maxtgsym)
3697  write(nfto) (notgt(itg), itg=1,maxtgsym)
3698  write(nfto) (mcont(itg), itg=1,maxtgsym)
3699  write(nfto) (gucont(itg), itg=1,maxtgsym)
3700  end if
3701  if (maxtgsym <= 0) write(nfto) iphz
3702  write(nfto) (nobw(i), i=1,nsym), ndtrf, nodo, iposit, nob0, nobl, nob0l
3703  write(nfto) (nobe(i), i=1,nsym)
3704  write(nfto) (nobp(i), i=1,nsym)
3705  write(nfto) (nobv(i), i=1,nsym)
3706  end if
3708  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
3709  ! Now come the determinants per CSF
3710  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
3712  write(nfto) icdo, indo
3713  write(nfto) ndo
3714  write(nfto) cdo
3716  end subroutine wrnfto
3739  subroutine wrwf (nft, n1, nodo, n2, cdo, n3, ndo)
3741  use precisn, only : wp
3743  integer :: n1, n2, n3, nft
3744  real(kind=wp), dimension(n2) :: cdo
3745  integer, dimension(n3) :: ndo
3746  integer, dimension(n1) :: nodo
3747  intent (in) cdo, n1, n2, n3, ndo, nft, nodo
3749  rewind nft
3751  write(nft) n1, nodo
3752  write(nft) n2, cdo
3753  write(nft) n3, ndo
3755  rewind nft
3757  end subroutine wrwf
3759 end module congen_projection
subroutine, private wrnfto(sname, mgvn, s, sz, r, pin, norb, nsrb, nocsf, nelt, idiag, nsym, symtyp, nob, ndtrf, nodo, m, icdo, indo, ndo, lndi, cdo, lcdi, nfto, nobl, nx, npflg, thres, iposit, nob0, nob0l, nctarg, ntgsym, notgt, nctgt, mcont, gucont, iphz, nobe, nobp, nobv, maxtgsym)
WRNFTO - WRite wavefunction data to unit NFTO.
Definition: congen_projection.f90:3619
subroutine, private cntrct(nelt, no, ndo, cdo, thres)
Throw away determinants with negligible contribution.
Definition: congen_projection.f90:67
subroutine, private wfgntr(mgvn, iss, isd, thres, r, symtyp, nelt, nsyml, nob, nobl, nob0l, nobe, norb, nsrb, mn, mg, mm, ms, iposit, map, mpos, nocsf, ndtrf, nodi, ndi, cdi, indil, icdil, maxndi, maxcdi, nodo, ndo, cdo, indo, icdo, maxndo, maxcdo, lenndo, lencdo, npflg, byproj, nftw, nalm)
Form spin eigenstates.
Definition: congen_projection.f90:3006
subroutine, private ptpwf(nftw, nocsf, nelt, ndtrf, nodi, indi, icdi, ndi, cdi)
Print the CSFs.
Definition: congen_projection.f90:2615
subroutine, private rdwf_getsize(iunit, num_csfs, num_dets, len_dets)
Reads the size of the wavefunction.
Definition: congen_projection.f90:2749
subroutine, private popnwf(nsrb, nsrbs, nelt, ndtrf, mopmx, mdop, mdcp, mop, mdc, mdo, ndta, nod, nda, idop, idcp, ieltp, flip, nalm)
Get open-shell part of determinants.
Definition: congen_projection.f90:950
Determinant binary search tree.
Definition: congen_bstree.f90:29
subroutine, private prjct(nelt, mxss, nodi, ndo, cdi, nodo, cdo, maxcdo, mgvn, iss, isd, thres, r, ndtr, mm, ms, maxndo, symtyp, nsrb)
Apply Lowdin projection operator.
Definition: congen_projection.f90:1311
subroutine, private dophz(nftw, nocsf, nelt, ndtrf, nconf, indo, ndo, lenndo, icdo, cdo, lencdo, iphz, leniphz, iphz0, leniphz0, nctarg, nctgt, notgt, mrkorb, mdegen, ntgsym, mcont, symtyp, npflg)
Phase factor.
Definition: congen_projection.f90:109
real(kind=wp) function, private snrm2(n, array, istep)
Real strided vector norm.
Definition: congen_projection.f90:2845
subroutine, private rdwf(nft, k1, nodi, k2, cdi, k3, ndi)
Read CSF.
Definition: congen_projection.f90:2700
integer function, private iphase(nconf, nelt)
Sequence phase factor.
Definition: congen_projection.f90:284
subroutine, private pkwf(nod, ieltp, cdo, mdo, idopl, mdop, idcpl, mdcp, nftw, ndo, ndto, len_ndto, ithis_csf)
Pack wave function.
Definition: congen_projection.f90:656
subroutine, private stmrg(nelt, maxcdo, maxndo, ndo, cdo, nodo, ndi, cdi, bst)
Add determinant to a list of determinants.
Definition: congen_projection.f90:2889
Determinant binary search tree.
Definition: congen_bstree.f90:43
integer nftw
Unit number for printing; may be changed via the STATE namelist so not a parameter.
Definition: congen_data.f90:57
integer function, private qsort(n, a)
Sort integer array.
Definition: congen_projection.f90:2658
subroutine, private dophz0(nftw, nocsf, nelt, ndtrf, nconf, indo, ndo, lenndo, icdo, cdo, lencdo, iphz, npflg)
Phase factor.
Definition: congen_projection.f90:233
Module containing parameters / data required throughout the CONGEN program.
Definition: congen_data.f90:32
subroutine, private pmkorbs(nob, nobe, nsym, mn, mg, mm, ms, nsrb, norb, nsrbd, map, mpos, iposit, symtyp)
Definition: congen_projection.f90:810
Projection on spin states.
Definition: congen_projection.f90:30
subroutine, private rfltn(nelt, nodi, ndi, cdi, r, mxnd, ndmxp, thres, nodo, cdo, ndtr, mm, bst)
Add mirror-reflected spin-orbitals.
Definition: congen_projection.f90:2795
subroutine, private wrwf(nft, n1, nodo, n2, cdo, n3, ndo)
Write wave functions using SPEEDY format.
Definition: congen_projection.f90:3740
subroutine, private mkorbs(nob, nsym, mn, mg, mm, ms, norb, nsrb_in, map, mpos, iposit, nobl, nob0l, symtyp)
Compute the orbital table.
Definition: congen_projection.f90:373
subroutine, public projec(sname, megul, symtyp, mgvn, s, sz, r, pin, nocsf, byproj, idiag, npflg, thres, nelt, nsym, nob, ndtrf, nftw, iposit, nob0, nob1, nob01, iscat, ntgsym, notgt, nctgt, mcont, gucont, mrkorb, mdegen, mflag, nobe, nobp, nobv, maxtgsym)
Project the wave function.
Definition: congen_projection.f90:1649