Namelist: &orient


integer, dimension(2) ngrdproj = [ 31, 4 ]
 No. of photoelectron direction points (no_theta, no_phi) More...
integer, dimension(3) ngrdalign = [ 1, 1, 1 ]
 No. of orientation (no_alpha, no_beta, no_gamma) points. More...
real(idp), dimension(6) euler_angle_limits = [ 0._idp, 0._idp, 0._idp, 360._idp, 180._idp, 360._idp ]
 Defines the angular range for the molecular orientation. More...
real(idp), dimension(4) scat_angle_limits = [ 0._idp, 0._idp, 180._idp, 360._idp ]
 Defines the angular range for the photoelectron. More...
integer no_ion_states_orient = 0
 No of ion states for which to calculate oriented observables. More...
integer no_neutral_states_orient = 0
 No of neutral states for which to calculate oriented observables. More...
integer, dimension(:), allocatable select_ion_states_orient
 Define subset of ion states for which to calculate oriented observables. More...
integer, dimension(:), allocatable select_neutral_states_orient
 Define subset of neutral states for which to calculate oriented observables. More...
logical calc_mol_frame_observables = .true.
 Controls calculation of molecular frame observables (alpha = beta = gamma = 0) More...
logical calc_lab_frame_observables = .false.
 Controls calculation of lab frame observables. More...
logical write_dipoles = .false.
 Controls writing of Energy-angle form of the dipoles. More...

Detailed Description

Variable Documentation

◆ calc_lab_frame_observables

logical calc_lab_frame_observables = .false.

Controls calculation of lab frame observables.

◆ calc_mol_frame_observables

logical calc_mol_frame_observables = .true.

Controls calculation of molecular frame observables (alpha = beta = gamma = 0)

◆ euler_angle_limits

real(idp), dimension(6) euler_angle_limits = [ 0._idp, 0._idp, 0._idp, 360._idp, 180._idp, 360._idp ]

Defines the angular range for the molecular orientation.

◆ ngrdalign

integer, dimension(3) ngrdalign = [ 1, 1, 1 ]

No. of orientation (no_alpha, no_beta, no_gamma) points.

◆ ngrdproj

integer, dimension(2) ngrdproj = [ 31, 4 ]

No. of photoelectron direction points (no_theta, no_phi)

◆ no_ion_states_orient

integer no_ion_states_orient = 0

No of ion states for which to calculate oriented observables.

◆ no_neutral_states_orient

integer no_neutral_states_orient = 0

No of neutral states for which to calculate oriented observables.

◆ scat_angle_limits

real(idp), dimension(4) scat_angle_limits = [ 0._idp, 0._idp, 180._idp, 360._idp ]

Defines the angular range for the photoelectron.

◆ select_ion_states_orient

integer, dimension(:), allocatable select_ion_states_orient

Define subset of ion states for which to calculate oriented observables.

◆ select_neutral_states_orient

integer, dimension(:), allocatable select_neutral_states_orient

Define subset of neutral states for which to calculate oriented observables.

◆ write_dipoles

logical write_dipoles = .false.

Controls writing of Energy-angle form of the dipoles.