dipelm_types::continuum Interface Reference

Holds set of continuum states. More...

Collaboration diagram for dipelm_types::continuum:

Public Member Functions

procedure, pass print => print_continuum
type(continuum) function new_continuum (nsym, ni, nc, ne, nmc)

Public Attributes

integer, dimension(:), allocatable stot
 Spin of each component. More...
integer, dimension(:), allocatable mtot
 Symmetry of each component. More...
integer, dimension(:), allocatable gutot
 Gerade/ungerade character of each component.
 Specifies the photoionizations channels. More...
integer, dimension(:), allocatable moment_components
 The moment components that couple intial bound state of the neutral with each component present in the continuum states (size = 3 for dipoles, 5 for quadrupoles, 8 for both). More...
real(idp), dimension(:), allocatable energies
 Energy of each continuum state (Hartree) More...

Detailed Description

Holds set of continuum states.

A continuum state with a particular energy is decomposed into one or more symmetry components labelled by the three arrays stot, mtot and gutot. Each components is further decomposed into partial wave channels. Currently

Member Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ new_continuum()

type(continuum) function dipelm_types::continuum::new_continuum ( integer  nsym,
integer, optional  ni,
integer, optional  nc,
integer, optional  ne,
integer, optional  nmc 

◆ print()

procedure, pass dipelm_types::continuum::print
Here is the call graph for this function:

Member Data Documentation

◆ channels

type(channels) dipelm_types::continuum::channels

Specifies the photoionizations channels.

◆ energies

real(idp), dimension(:), allocatable dipelm_types::continuum::energies

Energy of each continuum state (Hartree)

◆ gutot

integer, dimension(:), allocatable dipelm_types::continuum::gutot

Gerade/ungerade character of each component.

◆ moment_components

integer, dimension(:), allocatable dipelm_types::continuum::moment_components

The moment components that couple intial bound state of the neutral with each component present in the continuum states (size = 3 for dipoles, 5 for quadrupoles, 8 for both).

Perhaps this should be moved into the moments type

◆ mtot

integer, dimension(:), allocatable dipelm_types::continuum::mtot

Symmetry of each component.

◆ stot

integer, dimension(:), allocatable dipelm_types::continuum::stot

Spin of each component.

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