An MPI version of SCATCI
Dispatcher_module.F90 File Reference

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module  dispatcher_module
 Dispatcher module.


subroutine, public dispatcher_module::initialize_libraries
 Initialize libraries used by MPI-SCATCI. More...
subroutine, public dispatcher_module::dispatchmatrixanddiagonalizer (diag_choice, force_serial, matrix_size, number_of_eigenpairs, matrix, diagonalizer, integral, matrix_io)
 This subroutine determines which matrix format/diagonalizer pair to be used by SCATCI in build diagonalization. More...
subroutine, public dispatcher_module::dispatchintegral (sym_group_flag, ukrmolplus_integrals, integral)
 This subroutine dispatches the correct integral class based on simple parameters. More...