An MPI version of SCATCI
Orbital_module.f90 File Reference

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Data Types

type  orbital_module::spinorbital
 This type holds a single spin orbital. More...
type  orbital_module::orbitaltable
 This class generates the molecular and spin orbitals, stores them and generates symblic elements from determinants. More...


module  orbital_module
 Target CI Hamiltonian module.


subroutine orbital_module::initialize_table (this, nsrb, norb, symtype, nsym, positron_flag)
 Basic initialization of the data structure. More...
subroutine orbital_module::construct_table (this, num_orbital_target_sym, num_orbital_target_sym_dinf, num_orbitals, num_elec_orbitals, num_orbitals_congen)
 Define all spin-orbitals. More...
subroutine orbital_module::compute_electron_index (this, num_electrons, reference_determinants)
 Assign electrons to reference spin-orbitals. More...
integer function orbital_module::check_max_mcon_in_determinants (this, n, determinants)
subroutine orbital_module::evaluate_ijkl_and_coeffs (this, dtrs, coeff, symmetry_type, symbol, flag)
 This compares the determinants and generates the proper coefficents and ijklm values needed for the symbols. More...
subroutine orbital_module::evaluate_case_one (this, p, r, nsfa, nsfb, mla, mlb, coeff, symbol)
subroutine orbital_module::evaluate_case_two (this, p, q, nsfa, nsfb, mla, mlb, coeff, symbol)
subroutine orbital_module::evaluate_case_three (this, p, q, nsfa, nsfb, mla, mlb, coeff, symbol)
subroutine orbital_module::evaluate_case_other (this, p, q, r, s, mla, ms, coeff, symbol)
integer function orbital_module::get_orbital_number (this, spin_orbital)
 Simple function to get orbital number for a specific spin orbital. More...
integer function orbital_module::get_spin (this, spin_orbital)
 Simple function to get orbital number for a specific spin orbital. More...
integer function orbital_module::get_gerude (this, spin_orbital)
integer function orbital_module::get_electron_number (this, spin_orbital)
integer function orbital_module::get_minimum_mcon (this, determinants)
integer function orbital_module::get_mcon (this, spin_orbital)
integer function orbital_module::get_two_minimum_mcon (this, determinant_one, determinant_two)
integer function orbital_module::add_positron (this, determinants, ia, ib)