subroutine, public | postprocessing_module::postprocess (SCATCI_input, solutions) |
| Full post-processing pass. More...
subroutine | postprocessing_module::redistribute_solutions (SCATCI_input, solutions) |
| Redistribute solutions from groups to everyone. More...
subroutine | postprocessing_module::cdenprop_properties (SCATCI_input, solutions, properties_all) |
| Evaluate multipoles in CDENPROP. More...
subroutine | postprocessing_module::outer_interface (SCATCI_input, solutions, inner_properties) |
| Extract data needed by outer-region codes. More...
subroutine | postprocessing_module::init_outer_interface (this, input) |
| Allocate memory for channel information. More...
subroutine | postprocessing_module::deinit_outer_interface (this) |
| Release memory held by this object. More...
subroutine | postprocessing_module::setup_amplitudes (this, opts) |
| Initialize raw boundary amplitudes (in integral library) More...
subroutine | postprocessing_module::extract_data (this, opts, prop, solution) |
| Get interface data. More...
subroutine | postprocessing_module::write_data (this, i, opts, prop, solution) |
| Write interface data. More...
subroutine | postprocessing_module::get_channel_info (this, opts, prop) |
| Assemble the list of outer channels. More...
subroutine | postprocessing_module::get_boundary_data (this, opts, prop, solution) |
| Evaluate boundary amplitudes for propagation and RMT. More...
subroutine | postprocessing_module::write_channel_info (this, nchset, opts, cform, prop) |
| Write the channel list to disk. More...
subroutine | postprocessing_module::write_boundary_data (this, nrmset, opts, rform, prop, solution) |
| Write the R-matrix amplitudes to disk. More...
subroutine | postprocessing_module::get_channel_couplings (this, ismax, ntarg, target_properties, alpha0, alpha2, use_pol) |
| Evaluate long-range channel coupling coefficients. More...
subroutine | postprocessing_module::write_rmt_data (input, inner_properties, target_properties, solutions, intf) |
| Compose the RMT molecular input data file. More...
subroutine | postprocessing_module::generate_couplings (maxl, n_rg, rg, lm_rg) |
| Evaluate angular couplings for outer region of RMT. More...