An MPI version of SCATCI
Utility_module.f90 File Reference

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module  utility_module
 Utility module.


integer(longint) function, public utility_module::compute_total_triangular (n)
 Calculate triangular area. More...
integer function, public utility_module::compute_total_box (width, height)
 Calculate rectangular product. More...
subroutine, public utility_module::box_index_to_ij (idx, height, i, j)
 Extract indices from rectangular multi-index. More...
subroutine, public utility_module::triangular_index_to_ij (idx_f, N, row, column)
 Extract indices from triangular multi-index. More...
integer function, public utility_module::string_hash (str, table_size)
 Calculate a string hash. More...
real(wp) function, public utility_module::get_real_time ()
 Get current (real) time. More...
real(wp) function, public utility_module::get_cpu_time ()
 Get current (CPU) time. More...