Computer methods in theoretical physics - TMF057(winter 2019-20)

News: (October 1, 2019) The lecture is scheduled to Wednesdays 9:00-11:20 in lecture room of Institute of particle and nuclear physics on 8th floor. Martin Čížek is giving lecture this term. For web pages of Karel Houfek see this link. The old syllabus is given below. I will work on it during semester. The LIST OF PROBLEMS FOR CREDITS (Zápočtové úlohy) is old. You can check it to get idea about the extension of the tasks, but I will give the final list in the middle of the term.

Syllabus contains most of the examples in Python (some using NumPy libraries) which you could see in the lecture. The LIST OF PROBLEMS FOR CREDITS will appear in due time. You should select one of the problems and solve it in suitable programming language (C, C++, C#, Fortran, Pascal, Python) using floating point arithmetic. You will present your solution at the exam including your understanding of the theory related to the subject of the selected problem. The exam will consist of this presentation and one additional theoretical question. 

Syllabus (Czech version is here)

LESSON 1 – Round-off errors and numerical stability. (see [1], for deeper understanding see also [4,5,7])

Numerical demonstrations:

  1. Round-off error (trivial example) ...................... ……
  2. Sum forward = sum backward? ..................................
  3. Cancellation of numbers..............................................
  4. Quadratic equation (optimization of round-off ).........
  5. Why convergent series does not converge?................

Exercise: Determination of pi according to Archimedes. (attempt1-unstable, attempt2-stable, attempt3-convergence acceleration)

LESSON 2 – Iterations and solution of nonlinear equations. (see [1], for deeper understanding also [5,7,8])

Numerical demonstrations:

  1. cos(cos(cos(...cos(1.0)...)))
  2. Babylonian method of calculation of square root...
  3. Aitken on cos
  4. Aiten-Steffensen on cos
  5. Newton fractal = answer to question: "Which root of  z3-1=0 you find using Newton algorithm started from given point of complex plain?"

LESSON 3 - Interpolation and interpolation polynomials. (see [1], for deeper understanding [2,8])

Numerical demonstration: (using Turtle graphics from Python)

  1. Interpolation on regular
  2. Behaviour of polynomial omega................................demoL03.02_omega.gnu (script for gnuplot – tested with version 4.7)
  3. Interpolation of Chebyshev

LESSON 4 – Interpolation on regular grid, difference equations. (see [1], for deeper understanding [5])

LESSON 5 – Numerical differentiation and integration. (see [1], for deeper understanding [2,5,8])

Exercise: Numerical differentiation, discretization error and round-off error (values of numerical derivative for different h, graph of the error in log/log scale in using gnuplot).

Numerical demonstration: (Numerical derivative, discretization x round-off errors)

  1. Derivatives from different finite difference formulae
  2. Graphs of results..............................................demoL4.01_derivace.gnu (script for gnuplot)

LESSON 6 – Numerical integration of differential equations. (see [1], for deeper understanding [2,3])

Numerical demonstrations: (Numerical solution to ODE)

  1. Calculation of solution using explicit methods
  2. Drawing of the solution…… ....................................... reseni.gnu (script for gnuplot, shows data from previous *.py)
  3. Testing of convergence speed …………………
  4. Graph of order of convergence ........................................... konverg.gnu
  5. The same as 1, 2,  but implicit methods,    reseni.gnu
  6. The same as 3,4 but implicit,         kstif.gnu

LESSON 7 - Numerical linear algebra – matrix factorisation. (see [2,4])

Numerical demonstrations: (QR factorisation and its application):

  1. Finding eigenfunctions of harmonic oscillator
  2. Backward stability of QR
  3. Matrix rank using SVD………

LESSON 8 – Numerical linear algebra - Gaussian elimination. (viz [2,4])

Numerical demonstrations: (Gauss elimination and LU decomposition)

  1. Gauss without
  2. Gauss with
  3. LU decomposition from scipy

LESSON 9 – Numerical linear algebra – matrix diagonalisation. (see [2,4,5])

Numerical demonstrations: (Diagonalisation using Jacobi method)

  1. Using numpy
  2. Jacobi method with "sweeps"
  3. Jacobiho method with elimination of maximum

LESSON 10 - Discrete Fourier transform (I did not have time to do this year, for info: [2,3])


I am using mainly [1] and [4]. Suitable complement for practical implementation of algorithms is [2]. Other books for more details on speciffic tomics, see green notes.

Note on Pythonu: Above numerical demonstrations in Pythonu use libraries numpy and matplotlib. Python is available online for free. You could:

1 visit and download anaconda
2 install
3 run Anaconda Launcher
4 run Spyder - IDE (interaktive console) or run Ipython-qtconsole - interactive python .

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