The Antesonic Condition for the Explosion of Core-Collapse Supernovae by Raives et al.

Matthias Raives et al. studied transition from accretion to explosion in highly idealized setting of the neutrino mechanism of core-collapse supernovae and in relation to the critical neutrino luminosity of Burrows & Goshy (1993) and extending the previous work of Pejcha & Thompson (2012). Interestingly, in order to properly resolve the vicinity of the critical transition, high simulation resolution is needed.

The full paper is available at astro-ph.


Expansion of computational cluster

We have been able to expand the Institute computing cluster with one node (2×10 cores), bringing the total core count on new nodes to 80. The node is working fine. Stay tuned for possible further expansions next year!

New node in a shipping box
Institute rack in the computing center in the basement
New node is the top one