
We are looking for multiple postdocs and PhD students to begin in Fall 2025.
Ondřej Pejcha (group leader)

Bachelor (2006) & Master (2008): ITP MFF UK, advisor Dr. David Heyrovský
PhD (2013): Ohio State University, advisor Prof. Todd Thompson
Postdoc (2013-2017): Princeton University, NASA Hubble and Lyman Spitzer Jr. Fellow
Interests: binary stars, mergers, neutron stars, black holes, core-collapse supernovae, stellar dynamics, transients, and temporal variability in the sky
Curriculum vitae
List of publications

Milan Pešta (Postdoc and former PhD student)

Master (2019): Charles University
PhD (2020-2024): Charles University, Illuminating binary star evolution with observed populations and theoretical modeling
papers on Mass-ratio distribution of contact binary stars and Distinguishing between light curves of ellipsoidal variables with massive dark companions, contact binaries, and semidetached binaries using principal component analysis

Jakub Cehula (PhD student)

Master thesis (2021) on Stability of stars undergoing rapid mass loss
paper on Theory of mass transfer in binary stars and Dynamics of baryon ejection in magnetar giant flares

Anthony Kirilov (PhD student)

Master (2020): Cambridge University

Šárka Sedláčková (project management)
Former members

Damien Gagnier – postdoc (2021-2024), next position postdoc at Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies, papers on post-dynamical inspiral phase of common envelope evolution: binary orbit evolution and angular momentum transport, the role of magnetic fields, and the journey to the center
Camille Landri – PhD (2020-2024) on Theory and observations of two stars undergoing strong interaction, next position postdoc at KU Leuven. Papers on OGLE-BLG504.12.201843: A possible extreme dwarf nova, Driving asymmetric red supergiant winds with binary interactions, The Effect of Donor Star Rejuvenation on Common Envelope Evolution
Michal Jireš
 – Bachelor (2024) on Simulation of rings surrounding the progenitor of SN1987A
Diego Calderón
– postdoc (2019-2023), published paper, another paper, next position: postdoc at Hamburg University, Humboldt Fellow at MPA Garching
David Vokrouhlický
– Master (2023) on Structure and evolution of stars deformed by a nearby companion, continuing with PhD at Institute of Physics, Prague
Dominika Hubová
 – Bachelor (2018) on Mass loss from binary stars, paper published in MNRAS, Master (2021) on Angular momentum loss from binary systems due to stellar winds
Matěj Mezera – Bachelor (2020) on Dynamical perturbations of triple stellar and planetary systems seen in gravitational waves with LISA
Petr Kurfürst – postdoc, published paper, next position: Masaryk University
Michał Pawlak – postdoc, published papers one and two, next position: postdoc at Jagiellonian University
Antonina Bako – project management
Petr Jakubčík (Oxford)- summer project on damped random walk modelling of ASAS-SN light curves, co-author on published paper