We seek up to 3 PhD students working on various aspects of binary stars ranging from analysis of population observed in time-domain surveys to developing new methods for computer simulations. The positions are financed by grants from the European Research Council and Czech Science Foundation. For description of the positions and application instructions see the website of our PhD program. The deadline for applications is January 15 2025.
We are also inviting applications for two postdoc-level positions to work within the project ROGALLO financed by our ERC Consolidator grant. The goal is to develop new methods for computer simulations of fluid dynamics in binary systems, including progenitors of gravitational waves, mass-transferring binaries, and explosions in binaries. The positions are funded for up to 5 years each. For more details and application instructions see the official advertisement. The deadline for applications is January 26 2025.
All positions include internationally competitive salaries, full employee benefits of Charles University and Czech government, and funds for travel and invitation of guests. Our alumni have been successful in winning competitive postdoctoral positions, and international and national fellowships. See former team members and list of their papers.
Our group has access to a dedicated computer cluster, which will be soon expanded with new GPU-enhanced nodes. The group has been successful in applying for time on national supercomputing infrastructure with postdocs and students leading the proposals. The group is connected to observational efforts in time-domain astronomy as part of the All-Sky Automated Survey for Supernovae and other theoretical and observational collaborations.