We are looking for multiple postdocs and PhD students to begin in Fall 2025.
We are always interested to work with students on all levels (summer projects, Bachelor, Masters, PhD). Possible topics include core-collapse supernovae, stellar mergers, eclipsing binaries, variable stars, stellar dynamics, (magneto)hydrodynamics, radiation transport, “big data”, etc. Many of these issues are directly related to the important unsolved problems of contemporary astrophysics. The group has access to the All-Sky Automated Survey for Supernovae (ASAS-SN). Team members work within international collaborations. Please contact us if you’d like to know more.
See the list of publications to get an idea of the type of work we do.
Students at Charles University can check out some topics in the Student Information System:
- Theory and observations of astronomical transients
- Statistics of classical nova outbursts: testing the shocks in the outflow theory
- Models of core-collapse supernova light curves
- Evolution of remnants of merged stars
Postdocs interested in applying for Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellowships: we would be very happy to host your application. Even if you don’t get funded, Czech Republic has various schemes to provide you with equivalent money if your application ranked sufficiently high (interpreted relatively broadly).