Multidip  1.0
Multi-photon matrix elements
multidip_io::mappedmatrix Type Reference

Auxiliary data structure for matrix (potentially memory-mapped, or distributed) More...

Public Member Functions

procedure load => load_mapped_matrix
final destruct_mapped_matrix

Public Attributes

real(real64), dimension(:, :), pointer mat => null()
 pointer to mapped disk data More...
logical distributed = .false.
 whether this is just a local portion of a distributed ScaLAPACK matrix More...
integer(blasint), dimension(9) desc = 0
 BLACS descriptors (only used when distributed = .true.) More...
integer(blasint) row_context = 0
 auxiliary linear BLACS grid context More...
integer(blasint) blk_context = 0
 main rectangular BLACS grid context More...
integer(blasint) block_size = 0
 ScaLAPACK block size. More...

Detailed Description

Auxiliary data structure for matrix (potentially memory-mapped, or distributed)

J Benda
2021 - 2022

Matrix class that either contains allocated data, or pointer to a mapped memory. Used in MolecularData for inner dipole matrices and for boundary amplitude matrices. If the logical flag "distributed" is set to true before reading data, the matrix will be read using MPI-IO into a ScaLAPACK-compatible block-cyclic distributed matrix.

Definition at line 95 of file multidip_io.F90.

Member Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ destruct_mapped_matrix()

final multidip_io::mappedmatrix::destruct_mapped_matrix

Definition at line 107 of file multidip_io.F90.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ load()

procedure multidip_io::mappedmatrix::load

Definition at line 106 of file multidip_io.F90.

Member Data Documentation

◆ blk_context

integer(blasint) multidip_io::mappedmatrix::blk_context = 0

main rectangular BLACS grid context

Definition at line 103 of file multidip_io.F90.

◆ block_size

integer(blasint) multidip_io::mappedmatrix::block_size = 0

ScaLAPACK block size.

Definition at line 104 of file multidip_io.F90.

◆ desc

integer(blasint), dimension(9) multidip_io::mappedmatrix::desc = 0

BLACS descriptors (only used when distributed = .true.)

Definition at line 101 of file multidip_io.F90.

◆ distributed

logical multidip_io::mappedmatrix::distributed = .false.

whether this is just a local portion of a distributed ScaLAPACK matrix

Definition at line 100 of file multidip_io.F90.

◆ mat

real(real64), dimension(:, :), pointer multidip_io::mappedmatrix::mat => null()

pointer to mapped disk data

Definition at line 96 of file multidip_io.F90.

◆ row_context

integer(blasint) multidip_io::mappedmatrix::row_context = 0

auxiliary linear BLACS grid context

Definition at line 102 of file multidip_io.F90.

The documentation for this type was generated from the following file: