Hex  1.0
Hydrogen-electron collision solver
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TwoLevelPreconditioner Class Reference

Two-resolution preconditioner. More...

#include <preconditioners.h>

Inheritance diagram for TwoLevelPreconditioner:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for TwoLevelPreconditioner:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

 TwoLevelPreconditioner (Parallel const &par, InputFile const &inp, std::vector< std::pair< int, int >> const &ll, Bspline const &s_bspline, CommandLine const &cmd)
RadialIntegrals const & rad () const
 Get radial integrals. More...
void precondition (const cArrayView r, cArrayView z) const
 Precondition the equation. More...
void setup ()
 Initialize the preconditioner. More...
void update (double E)
 Update the preconditioner for the next energy. More...
void rhs (cArrayView chi, int ienergy, int instate) const
 Return the right-hand side. More...
void multiply (const cArrayView p, cArrayView q) const
 Multiply by the matrix equation. More...
virtual void CG_prec (int iblock, const cArrayView r, cArrayView z) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from SSORCGPreconditioner
 SSORCGPreconditioner (Parallel const &par, InputFile const &inp, std::vector< std::pair< int, int >> const &ll, Bspline const &bspline, CommandLine const &cmd)
- Public Member Functions inherited from CGPreconditioner
 CGPreconditioner (Parallel const &par, InputFile const &inp, std::vector< std::pair< int, int >> const &ll, Bspline const &bspline, CommandLine const &cmd)
virtual void CG_mmul (int iblock, const cArrayView p, cArrayView q) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from NoPreconditioner
 NoPreconditioner (Parallel const &par, InputFile const &inp, std::vector< std::pair< int, int >> const &ll, Bspline const &bspline, CommandLine const &cmd)

Static Public Attributes

static const std::string name
static const std::string description
- Static Public Attributes inherited from SSORCGPreconditioner
static const std::string name = "SSOR"
static const std::string description = "Block inversion using SSOR-preconditioned conjugate gradients."
- Static Public Attributes inherited from CGPreconditioner
static const std::string name = "cg"
static const std::string description = "Block inversion using plain conjugate gradients."
- Static Public Attributes inherited from NoPreconditioner
static const std::string name = "none"
static const std::string description = "Preconditioning by the identity matrix."

Protected Member Functions

void computeSigma_ ()
Complex computeSigma_iknot_ (int qord, int is, int iknots, int ip, int iknotp) const

Protected Attributes

RowMatrix< ComplexspSigma_
RowMatrix< ComplexpsSigma_
ColMatrix< ComplexspSigma
 DEBUG. More...
ColMatrix< ComplexSspSigma
ColMatrix< ComplexpsSigma
ColMatrix< ComplexSpsSigma
Bspline p_bspline_
RadialIntegrals p_rad_
std::vector< CsrMatrixp_csr_
std::vector< CsrMatrix::LUftp_lu_
SymDiaMatrix p_half_D_minus_Mm1_tr_kron_S_
SymDiaMatrix p_S_kron_half_D_minus_Mm1_tr_
SymDiaMatrix p_Mm2_kron_S_
SymDiaMatrix p_S_kron_Mm2_
SymDiaMatrix p_S_kron_S_
GaussLegendre g_
- Protected Attributes inherited from SSORCGPreconditioner
std::vector< SymDiaMatrixSSOR_
- Protected Attributes inherited from NoPreconditioner
CommandLine const & cmd_
Parallel const & par_
InputFile const & inp_
std::vector< std::pair< int,
int > > const & 
std::vector< SymDiaMatrixdia_blocks_
Bspline s_bspline_
RadialIntegrals s_rad_
SymDiaMatrix S_kron_S_
SymDiaMatrix S_kron_Mm1_tr_
SymDiaMatrix S_kron_Mm2_
SymDiaMatrix Mm1_tr_kron_S_
SymDiaMatrix Mm2_kron_S_
SymDiaMatrix half_D_minus_Mm1_tr_
SymDiaMatrix half_D_minus_Mm1_tr_kron_S_
SymDiaMatrix S_kron_half_D_minus_Mm1_tr_

Detailed Description

This preconditioner class is inspired by the method of multi-resolution in the finite difference computations. A high-order differential operator that gives rise to the multi-diagonal matrix is initially solved in low order. The result is then used as a preconditioner for the full, high-order method.

In the case of B-spline expansion, that is being used in Hex, the bandwidth of the resulting matrix is given by the order of the B-splines. Analogously to the just metioned method, we compute the solution in a sharper base (lower order), which is computationally less demanding. The algorithm works as follows:

The transition overlap matrix \( \mathbb{\Sigma}^{(p,q)} \) is defined in components as

\[ \Sigma_{ij}^{(p,q)} = \int B_i^{(p)}(r) B_j^{(q)}(r) \mathrm{d}r \ . \]

The solution of transition equations can be recast into a matrix form of Kronecker product,

\[ \mathbf{S}^{(p)} \mathbf{R}^{(p)} \mathbf{S}^{(p)T} = \mathbb{\Sigma}^{(p,q)}\mathrm{Matrix}(\mathbf{r}^{(q)})\mathbb{\Sigma}^{(p,q)^T} \qquad\Rightarrow\qquad \mathbf{R}^{(p)} = \mathbf{S}^{(p)^{-1}} \mathbb{\Sigma}^{(p,q)} \mathrm{Matrix}(\mathbf{r}^{(q)}) \mathbb{\Sigma}^{(p,q)^T} \mathbf{S}^{(p)^{-T}} \]

where the word "Matrix" indicates that we want to split long vector into a square matrix. The resulting square matrix \( \mathbf{R} \) will then have the same structure.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

TwoLevelPreconditioner::TwoLevelPreconditioner ( Parallel const &  par,
InputFile const &  inp,
std::vector< std::pair< int, int >> const &  ll,
Bspline const &  s_bspline,
CommandLine const &  cmd 

Member Function Documentation

virtual void TwoLevelPreconditioner::CG_prec ( int  iblock,
const cArrayView  r,
cArrayView  z 
) const

Reimplemented from SSORCGPreconditioner.

void TwoLevelPreconditioner::computeSigma_ ( )
Complex TwoLevelPreconditioner::computeSigma_iknot_ ( int  qord,
int  is,
int  iknots,
int  ip,
int  iknotp 
) const
void TwoLevelPreconditioner::multiply ( const cArrayView  p,
cArrayView  q 
) const

This function implements matrix multiplication by the matrix of the set of equations that is to be solved.

Reimplemented from SSORCGPreconditioner.

void TwoLevelPreconditioner::precondition ( const cArrayView  r,
cArrayView  z 
) const

This function preconditions the equation, solving the preconditioner equation

\[ \mathbf{M}\mathbf{z} = \mathbf{r} \ . \]

It may use the MPI environment.

Reimplemented from SSORCGPreconditioner.

RadialIntegrals const& TwoLevelPreconditioner::rad ( ) const

Reimplemented from SSORCGPreconditioner.

void TwoLevelPreconditioner::rhs ( cArrayView  chi,
int  ienergy,
int  instate 
) const

Reimplemented from SSORCGPreconditioner.

void TwoLevelPreconditioner::setup ( )

This function contains all computation intensive preparations for the preconditioner, e.g. computation of radial integrals. It may use only SMP environment.

Reimplemented from SSORCGPreconditioner.

void TwoLevelPreconditioner::update ( double  E)

This function updates the preconditioner for another right hand side. It may use the MPI environment.

Reimplemented from SSORCGPreconditioner.

Field Documentation

const std::string TwoLevelPreconditioner::description
GaussLegendre TwoLevelPreconditioner::g_
const std::string TwoLevelPreconditioner::name
Bspline TwoLevelPreconditioner::p_bspline_
std::vector<CsrMatrix> TwoLevelPreconditioner::p_csr_
SymDiaMatrix TwoLevelPreconditioner::p_half_D_minus_Mm1_tr_kron_S_
std::vector<CsrMatrix::LUft> TwoLevelPreconditioner::p_lu_
SymDiaMatrix TwoLevelPreconditioner::p_Mm2_kron_S_
RadialIntegrals TwoLevelPreconditioner::p_rad_
SymDiaMatrix TwoLevelPreconditioner::p_S_kron_half_D_minus_Mm1_tr_
SymDiaMatrix TwoLevelPreconditioner::p_S_kron_Mm2_
SymDiaMatrix TwoLevelPreconditioner::p_S_kron_S_
ColMatrix<Complex> TwoLevelPreconditioner::psSigma
RowMatrix<Complex> TwoLevelPreconditioner::psSigma_
ColMatrix<Complex> TwoLevelPreconditioner::spSigma
RowMatrix<Complex> TwoLevelPreconditioner::spSigma_
ColMatrix<Complex> TwoLevelPreconditioner::SpsSigma
ColMatrix<Complex> TwoLevelPreconditioner::SspSigma

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