Hydrogen-electron collision solver
Hex-db is the interface program that can be used to access data precomputed by the computational modules. Also, it's built-in algorithms can, on demand, compute various derived scattering quantities. The full list of available variables is given below.
The computational modules of the package Hex produce output in the form of radial part of the T-matrix. The full T-matrix for transition \( (n_i,l_i,m_i) \rightarrow (n_f,l_f,m_f) \) at energy \( E = k_i^2 - n_i^{-2} = k_f^2 - n_f^{-2} \) (energy is in Rydbergs) is
\[ T_{n_i l_i m_i\rightarrow n_f l_f m_f}^{L M S} (E) = \delta_{Mm_f} \sum_\ell T_\ell^{LMS}(E) Y_{l_f m_f}(\hat{\vec k}_f) , \]
where the radial part depends on theory. It will be much different for exterior complex scaling and for Born approximation. This utility code (and associated standalone interface library) can then be used to produce following information:
\[ f_{i \rightarrow f}^{S}(E) = -\frac{1}{2\pi} T_{i \rightarrow f}^{S}(E) = -\frac{1}{2\pi} \sum_{L} f_{i \rightarrow f}^{LS}(E) = -\frac{1}{2\pi} \sum_{\ell L} Y_{\ell m_i-m_f}(\hat{\vec{k}}_f) T_{fi,\ell}^{LS}(E) \ , \]
\[ \frac{\mathrm{d}\sigma_{i \rightarrow f}^{S}}{\mathrm{d}\Omega}(E) = \frac{k_f}{k_i} \frac{2S+1}{4} |f_{i \rightarrow j}^{S}|^2 \ , \]
\[ \sigma_{i \rightarrow f}^{LS}(E) = \frac{k_f}{k_i} \frac{2S + 1}{4} \int_{4\pi} |f_{i \rightarrow f}^{LS}(E)|^2 \mathrm{d}\Omega(\hat{\vec{k}}_f) = \frac{k_f}{k_i} \frac{2S+1}{16\pi^2} \sum_\ell |T_{fi,\ell}^{LS}(E)|^2 \ , \]
\[ \sigma_{i \rightarrow f}(E) = \sum_{LS} \sigma_{i \rightarrow f}^{LS}(E) \ , \]
\[ \sigma_i(E) = \sum_{n_f = 1}^\infty \sum_{l_f = 0}^{n_f - 1} \sum_{m_f = -l_f}^{l_f} \sigma_{i \rightarrow f}(E) \ , \]
\[ \Omega_{i \rightarrow f}^{LS} (E) = k_i^2 \sigma_{i \rightarrow f}^{LS}(E) \]
\[ \eta_{i \rightarrow f}^{LS} = \int \frac{\mathrm{d}\sigma_{i \rightarrow f}^{LS}}{\mathrm{d}\Omega}(E) (1 - \cos\vartheta) \mathrm{d}\Omega(\hat{\vec{k}}_f) \ . \]
The file "hex.db" contains SQL database in the form of several tables. The most low-level data (the T-matrices) are stored in the table "tmat" that has the following columns:
Field name | Data type | Comment |
ni | INTEGER | Initial principal quantum number. |
li | INTEGER | Initial orbital quantum number. |
mi | INTEGER | Initial magnetic quantum number. |
nf | INTEGER | Final principal quantum number. |
lf | INTEGER | Final orbital quantum number. |
mf | INTEGER | Final magnetic quantum number. |
L | INTEGER | Conserved total angular momentum of a partial wave. |
S | INTEGER | Conserved total spin of the system. |
Ei | DOUBLE PRECISION | Projectile impact energy. |
Re_T_ell | DOUBLE PRECISION | Real part of \( T_\ell \). |
Im_T_ell | DOUBLE PRECISION | Imaginary part of \( T_\ell \). |
However, there are more tables (currently also "ics" for integral cross section, "ccs" for complete cross section, and "ionf" for radial part of the ionization amplitude).
The initial database file can be created by the shell command
hex-db --new
which is equivalent to (if "sqlite3" program is available in PATH)
sqlite3 hex.db 'create table "tmat" ( ni integer, li integer, mi integer, nf integer, lf integer, mf integer, L integer, S integer, Ei double precision, ell integer, Re_T_ell double precision, Im_T_ell double precision, primary key (ni,li,mi,nf,lf,mf,L,S,Ei,ell) )'
and several similar statements more, for each variable that has to be precomputed. Whether a variable has a dedicated table within the database can be inquired by looking at its member function SQL_CreateTable. If there are similar commands, one has to update the database after data insertion to be able to use the new data:
hex-db --update
The insertion of scattering T-matrices, as produced by computational units, is very easy:
hex-db --import T-matrices.sql
which is equivalent to
sqlite3 hex.db < T-matrices.sql
The raw database file allows standard queriyng, which can be employed to retrieve some low level data, like
sqlite3 -column hex.db 'select Ei,Re_T_ell,Im_T_ell from "hex" where ni = 1 and li = 0 and mi = 0 and nf = 1 and lf = 0 and mf = 0 and Ei > 0.75 and Ei <= 0.88' > output.txt
which will print real and imaginary parts of H(1s) \( \rightarrow \) H(1s) T-matrices for energies between \( E = 0.75 \) Ry and \( E = 0.88 \) Ry into the file "output.txt".
Apart from direct program access (when the sources were linked to a custom code), one can use a CLI (command line interface) which has the following switches:
Short option | Long option | Usage |
-h | –help | Print basic usage info and exit. |
-D | –database | Use given database file. This is optional; "hex.db" is used if omitted. |
-n | –new | Create database file, either "hex.db" or the given name if specified by –database. |
-i | –import | Import SQL data produced by some of the modules. |
-u | –update | Update cache tables (variables dependent on lower-level data) after insertion. |
-o | –optimize | Use VACUUM command to shrink the databse file. |
-d | –dump | Export all data in the form of SQL statements. |
-v | –vars | Print available variables with short info. |
-p | –params | Show what quantum numbers need to be given for a specific variable. |
–Eunits | Change energy units (Ry/a.u./eV). | |
–Tunits | Length units – units of output (a.u./cgs). | |
–Aunits | Angular units (deg/rad). | |
–<variable> | Scattering variable to compute (scatamp, dcs, ics, ccs, tcs, asy, ...). | |
–<Q-number> | Quantum number specification (ni,li,mi,nf,lf,mf,L,S,Ei,...). |
Quantity | Compulsory quantum numbers | STDIN contains* |
Scattering amplitude | ni, li, mi, nf, lf, mf, S, E | angles [deg] |
Differential cross section | ni, li, mi, nf, lf, mf, S, E | angles [deg] |
Spin asymmetry | ni, li, mi, nf, lf, mf, E | angles [deg] |
Momentum transfer | ni, li, mi, nf, lf, mf, L, S | energies [Ry] |
Integral cross section | ni, li, mi, nf, lf, mf, L, S | energies [Ry] |
Complete cross section | ni, li, mi, nf, lf, mf | energies [Ry] |
Extrapolated cross section | ni, li, mi, nf, lf, mf | energies [Ry] |
Collision strength | ni, li, mi, nf, lf, mf, L, S | energies [Ry] |
Total cross section | ni, li, mi | energies [Ry] |
*) Standard input should contain values of angles or energies separated by white characters (spaces, newlines etc.). The list ends with EOF (Ctrl+D if manually entering data; inserted automatically when using standard "seq" invocation).
For every STDIN entry the program will respond with one number computed (and interpolated if necessary) from the database. If there are no relevant data in database, the result will be zero. If the available energy interval doesn't contain some of the required energies, appropriate error message will be printed. Here are some examples of usage:
# scattering amplitude seq 0.01 0.01 3.14 | hex-db --database="hex.db" --scatamp --ni=1 --li=0 --mi=0 --nf=3 --lf=0 --mf=0 --S=0 # differential cross section seq 0.01 0.01 3.14 | hex-db --database="hex.db" --dcs --ni=1 --li=0 --mi=0 --nf=3 --lf=0 --mf=0 --S=0 # momentum transfer seq 0.650 0.001 0.850 | hex-db --database="hex.db" --momtransf --ni=1 --li=0 --mi=0 --nf=3 --lf=0 --mf=0 --L=0 --S=0 # integral cross section seq 0.650 0.001 0.850 | hex-db --database="hex.db" --integcs --ni=1 --li=0 --mi=0 --nf=3 --lf=0 --mf=0 --L=0 --S=0 # sum integral cross section seq 0.650 0.001 0.850 | hex-db --database="hex.db" --sumintegcs --ni=1 --li=0 --mi=0 --nf=3 --lf=0 --mf=0 # collision strength seq 0.650 0.001 0.850 | hex-db --database="hex.db" --collstr --ni=1 --li=0 --mi=0 --nf=3 --lf=0 --mf=0 --L=0 --S=0 # total cross section seq 0.650 0.001 0.850 | hex-db --database="hex.db" --tcs --ni=1 --li=0 --mi=0
You may need to set the LC_NUMERIC environment variable to en_US.utf8 (or en_GB.utf8 or any other localitation that uses decimal point instead of decimal comma). An alternative is the workaround with sed.
# scattering amplitude in Czech environment (1) export LC_NUMERIC=en_GB.utf8 seq 0.01 0.01 3.14 | hex-db --database="hex.db" --scatamp --ni=1 --li=0 --mi=0 --nf=3 --lf=0 --mf=0 --S=0 # scattering amplitude in Czech environment (2) seq 0.01 0.01 3.14 | sed -e "s/,/\./g" | hex-db --database="hex.db" --scatamp --ni=1 --li=0 --mi=0 --nf=3 --lf=0 --mf=0 --S=0