dipelm_types::moments Interface Reference

Transition moments container type.

Collaboration diagram for dipelm_types::moments:

Public Member Functions

procedure, pass print => print_moments
procedure, pass convert_moments
type(moments) function new_moments (npw, nmc, ne, ni, nn, nc, nsym)

Public Attributes

 Some details of the molecule. More...
 Neutral states present in calculation (it is assumed they are all of the same spin and symmetry) More...
 Continuum states present in the calculation. More...
complex(idp), dimension(:,:,:,:,:), allocatable elements
 Transition matrix elements between the neutral and continuum states. The partial waves waves are given a canonical index (see channels::occupancy()). More...
character(len=3) basis_type_photon
 Basis type use to describe the transition moment operator ('Ylm' for complex spherical harmonics, 'Slm' for real spherical harmonics (equivalent to cartesian for dipoles)) More...
character(len=3) basis_type_electron
 Basis type use to describe the continuum electron ('Ylm' for complex spherical harmonics, 'Slm' for real spherical harmonics) More...

Detailed Description

Transition moments container type.

Holds a description of the states and operators involved in the transition moments and the transition moment matrix elements themselves.

Note: we call the pre-ionized molecule the neutral regardless of its charge.

Member Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ convert_moments()

procedure, pass dipelm_types::moments::convert_moments
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ new_moments()

type(moments) function dipelm_types::moments::new_moments ( integer  npw,
integer  nmc,
integer  ne,
integer  ni,
integer  nn,
integer  nc,
integer  nsym 

◆ print()

procedure, pass dipelm_types::moments::print

Member Data Documentation

◆ basis_type_electron

character(len=3) dipelm_types::moments::basis_type_electron

Basis type use to describe the continuum electron ('Ylm' for complex spherical harmonics, 'Slm' for real spherical harmonics)

◆ basis_type_photon

character(len=3) dipelm_types::moments::basis_type_photon

Basis type use to describe the transition moment operator ('Ylm' for complex spherical harmonics, 'Slm' for real spherical harmonics (equivalent to cartesian for dipoles))

◆ elements

complex(idp), dimension(:,:,:,:,:), allocatable dipelm_types::moments::elements

Transition matrix elements between the neutral and continuum states. The partial waves waves are given a canonical index (see channels::occupancy()).

◆ mol

type(molecule) dipelm_types::moments::mol

Some details of the molecule.

◆ neutral_states

type(bound) dipelm_types::moments::neutral_states

Neutral states present in calculation (it is assumed they are all of the same spin and symmetry)

◆ scattering_states

type(continuum) dipelm_types::moments::scattering_states

Continuum states present in the calculation.

Rename to continuum_states?

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