233rd Meeting of AAS

Great meeting in Seattle, where I presented a talk on circumstellar material created by merging stars. Great discussions, meeting new people, ideas for projects.

Workshops in Paris

Most of our team moved for couple to Paris to attend two meetings nearly coincident in space and time: Ondřej went to the LISA Astrophysics Working group workshop and Michał attended Gaia consortium meeting. Found a little bit of time to visit the grave of Urbain Le Verrier, one of the discoverers of Neptune.

ERC-Funded Postdoctoral Research Positions in Computational Astrophysics – deadline extended to February 10 2019

We invite application for 1-2 postdoctoral positions in the area of computational astrophysics in the research group of Dr. Ondrej Pejcha at the Institute of Theoretical Physics, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic. The successful candidates will lead development of new computational abilities to understand multi-dimensional evolution of catastrophic interactions of binary stars (mergers, common envelope, compact objects), and the associated radiation signatures (transients). The work will be performed within the project “Cat-In-hAT” funded by the ERC Starting Grant to our group.

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Jess McIver visit in Prague

Jess McIver from Caltech visited Prague and gave two talks: “Astrophysics with LIGO and gravitational waves” and “Gravitational-wave astrophysics: a new era of discovery”. In addition, she outline some of the problems of contemporary physics including diversity and representation of the population and discussed these issues with the students. The visit was supported by small grant “Role models in physics” from the US Embassy in Prague.