Numerical Methods for Theoretical Physicists II - NTMF058

Basic information:     in the year 2022/2023, the lecturer is Karel Houfek
lectures and practical courses take place from February 16 to May 19 from 2:50 pm in the lecture room of the Institute of Theoretical Physics

Materials to download

Notes and Mathematica notebooks used during the lectures and practical courses:

  1. Iterative methods of numerical linear algebra
  2. Numerical solution of PDEs

Problems for credits

Finally, I decided to use as a homework problem one of the problems from the Numerical methods I (winter semester) which more or less belongs to the summer semester. Even though the solution of time evolution of 1D quantum system was illustrated during lectures using Mathematica, you should write and debug your own code. Details of the problem in English are here (the Czech version can be found as problem 4 of the winter semester).