It was great to have Philipp Moesta from University of Amsterdam visit us to give a seminar and discuss science.
Author: opejcha
Post-dynamical inspiral phase of common envelope evolution. The role of magnetic fields
In his newest paper, Damien Gagnier takes the next step by simulating post-dynamical common envelope evolution with MHD with Athena++. We see amplification of B to similar levels as in other contemporary work, but with a much lower kinetic-to-magnetic energy ratio and no evidence for jets. Magnetic fields have a negligible impact on many features including binary orbit evolution. Damien performed detailed analysis of reservoirs of energy and transfer between them. He also measured α-disk parameter of ≃0.034, but the “viscosity” is not straighforwardly due to B. There is much more – check out the paper at, now under review in A&A.
The effect of relativistic precession on light curves of tidal disruption events
New paper by our (former) postdoc Diego Calderón in collaboration with colleagues from the USA. Radiation hydrodynamics simulations of complicated structures in tidal disruption events. Paper available on astro-ph.
EAS meeting 2023
Our group had a strong presence at the EAS meeting in Krakow, where Jakub Cehula, Damien Gagnier, Milan Pešta, and Ondřej Pejcha presented talks. It was great meeting old friends, making new, and learning about exciting science.
Kavli Summer Program
Camille Landri is spending 6 weeks this summer attending the Kavli Summer Program on Astrophysics: The lives, deaths and afterlives of interacting stars. After the first week of lectures, she is busy working on numerical project on common envelope evolution.
Humboldt Fellowship
Congratulations to our former postdoc Diego Calderón who recently won Humboldt Fellowship to work at Max-Planck-Institut für Astrophysik in Garching on binary stars in the Galactic center.
Astrostatistics summer school and conference
Milan Pešta spent two weeks at Penn State attending 2023 Summer School on Astrostatistics and the followup conference on Statistical Challenges in Modern Astronomy, where he presented a poster.
Visit at Hamburg Observatory
Anthony Kirilov spent entire May visiting the group of Prof. Rosswog at Hamburg Observatory, where he continued working on radiation hydrodynamics with our former postdoc Diego Calderón.
Athena++ workshop
Damien Gagnier flew across the pond to present talk at the Athena++ workshop at the Center for Computational Astrophysics in New York.
Jakub Cehula at Ohio State University
PhD student Jakub Cehula is spending 2 months at the Ohio State University to work with Prof. Todd Thompson on simulations of magnetar flares.