Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of Charles University in Prague and the organizers of the conference Relativity and Gravitation: 100 Years after Einstein in Prague
host an exhibition
Einstein and Prague, Gravitation and the Universe
- Albert Einstein's days in Prague
- History and prehistory of the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
- General relativity and gravitational waves
The primary language of the exhibition is Czech. However, English versions of all panels on Einstein are on display above the Blue lecture hall. English-labeled display cases with further documents and volumes related to Einstein's connections with Prague are on display with the rest of the exhibition. The University of Tübingen interactive exhibition on general relativity and gravitational waves is in German and Czech.
Exhibition access is from the courtyard of Charles University rectorate at the main entrance from Ovocný trh Square
Free entry
Open 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM, Monday through Friday
Exhibition poster
Einstein posters
authors: prof. Jiří Podolský, doc. Jiří Langer, Mgr. Emilie Těšínská
layout template: prof. Jan Valenta