Relativity Seminar
of the Institute of Theoretical Physics

spring 2002

Given seminars:

March 5, 2002
Global monopoles, zero mass black holes, and other curious things
Dr. Daniel Sudarsky
Department of Gravitation and Fields, Nuclear Sci. Institute, Nat. Auton. University of Mexico
March 12, 2002
Full and hollow cylinders as sources of Levi-Civita metrics
Martin Žofka
Institute of Theoretical Physics, Charles University Prague
(seminar in Czech language)
March 19, 2002
A Spectral Quadruple for de Sitter Space
Tomáš Kopf
MI SlU Opava
(seminar in Czech language)

A set of data supposed to give possible axioms for spacetimes with a sufficient number of isometries in spectral geometry is given. These data are shown to be sufficient to obtain 1+1 dimensional de Sitter spacetime. The data rely at the moment somewhat on the guidance given by a required symmetry, in part to allow explicit calculations in a specific model. The framework applies also to the noncommutative case. Finite spectral triples are discussed as an example.

J.Math.Phys. 43(2002)818-846

March 26, 2002
Exact solutions for static spherically symmetric relativistic stars
Prof. Kjell Rosquist
Department of Physics, Stockholm University
April 2, 2002
Seminář pro 3. ročník
pracovníci ÚTF
(seminar in Czech language)

April 9, 2002
Seminář pro 3. ročník
pracovníci ÚTF
(seminar in Czech language)
April 16, 2002
O jednom relativistickém paradoxu
Jiří Langer
(seminar in Czech language)
April 23, 2002
No seminar scheduled
(seminar in Czech language)

April 30, 2002
Válcové zdroje v anti-de Sitterově prostoročasu
Martin Žofka
(seminar in Czech language)
May 7, 2002
No seminar scheduled
(seminar in Czech language)
May 14, 2002
Seminář se mimořádně koná v 13:30 v přednáškové místnosti za "dvoumetrem" v Ondřejově.
Big bang as neverending story
Doc. V. Balek
KTF UK Bratislava
(seminar in Slovak language)

Rektorský den UK.

ÚTF spolu s AÚ zvou studenty a zájemce k návštěvě Astronomického ústavu AV ČR v Ondřejově, kde je kromě turistiky a sportu plánována i přednáška Doc. V. Baleka o inflační kosmologii.

May 24, 2002
Pozor! Mimořádně v pátek v 15:00 hod.
Impulsive waves in the Nariai universe
Marcello Ortaggio
Department of Physics, University of Trento

Other semesters:

© May 21, 2002; Pavel Krtouš <>
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