Relativity Seminar
of the Institute of Theoretical Physics
spring 2010
Given seminars:
- March 2, 2010
- Twistors I. Easily and quickly
- Martin Scholtz
- March 9, 2010
- Twistors II. Densely and slowly
- Martin Scholtz
- March 16, 2010
- Twistors III. More advanced passages
- Martin Scholtz
- March 23, 2010
- How much mass can you fit inside a sphere?
- Dr. John Stalker
- School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin
- March 30, 2010
- Solutions of the Ernst equation generated by a first-order linear PDE
- Norman Gürlebeck
- April 6, 2010
- seminář se nekoná
- (seminar in Czech language)
- April 13, 2010
- Evolution of a black-hole inhabited brane close to reconnection
- Doc. RNDr.Vladimír Balek, CSc.
- DTP, Comenius University in Bratislava
- April 20, 2010
- Twistors IV
- Martin Scholtz
- April 27, 2010
- Travelmania - Relativity in Australasia
- David Kofroň, Robert varc, David Heyrovský
- (seminar in Czech language)
- May 4, 2010
- Twistors V
- Martin Scholtz
- May 11, 2010
- Brane universe: global geometry
- Prof. Victor Berezin
- Institute for Nuclear Research, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
- May 18, 2010
- MIMOŘÁDNĚ v 11:15
- Uniformly rotating rings in post-Newtonian gravity
- Dr. David Petroff
- Institute of Theoretical Physics, Friedrich-Schiller University, Jena
- May 18, 2010
- The C-metric with a conformally coupled scalar field
- Dr. Andres Anabalon
- Albert Einstein Institute, Potsdam-Golm
- August 2, 2010
- Monday (!) 10:00, ITF
- Gauss-Bonnet black holes with symmetry
- Hideki Maeda
- Centro de Estudios Cientificos, Chile
Other semesters:
© June 16, 2010; Pavel Krtou <>
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