Publikace ÚTF

Analysis of a measurement scheme for ultrafast hole dynamics by few femtosecond resolution X-ray pump– probe Auger spectroscopy

Cooper, B.; Kolorenč, P.; Frasinski,L. J.; Averbukha, V.; Marangos, J. P.

Ultrafast hole dynamics created in molecular systems as a result of sudden ionisation is the focus of much attention in the field of attosecond science. Using the molecule glycine we show through ab initio simulations that the dynamics of a hole, arising from ionisation in the inner valence region, evolves with a timescale appropriate to be measured using X-ray pulses from the current generation of SASE free electron lasers. The examined pump-probe scheme uses X-rays with photon energy below the K edge of carbon (275-280 eV) that will ionise from the inner valence region. A second probe X-ray at the same energy can excite an electron from the core to fill the vacancy in the inner-valence region. The dynamics of the inner valence hole can be tracked by measuring the Auger electrons produced by the subsequent refilling of the core hole as a function of pump-probe delay. We consider the feasibility of the experiment and include numerical simulation to support this analysis. We discuss the potential for all X-ray pump-X-ray probe Auger spectroscopy measurements for tracking hole migration.
journal:The Royal Society of Chemistry - Faraday Discussions
grants:Non-radiative relaxation processes in ionized atomic and molecular systems, GAČR 208/12/0521; 2012-2015; hlavní řešitel: Přemysl Kolorenč
faradaydiscussions2014.pdf (973.09 kB)

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