Cosmological magnetic field: The boost-symmetric case
Veselý J.; Žofka M.
We find a class of cylindrically symmetric, static electrovacuum spacetimes generated by a nonhomogeneous magnetic field and involving the cosmological constant and one additional parameter, which determine uniquely the strength of the magnetic field. We provide a simple model of a source producing the field.
type: | article |
journal: | Phys. Rev. D |
volume: | 100 |
pages: | 044059 |
year: | 2019 |
month: | 8 |
grants: | Sources of strong gravity and their astrophysical meaning, GAČR 17-13525S; 2017-2019; hlavní řešitel: Oldřich SemerákStudium symetrických prostoročasů v Einsteinově gravitaci, GAUK 80918; 2018-2020; hlavní řešitel: Jiří Veselý |