Publikace ÚTF

Gauge Choice in Numerical Evolution of the Brill Data

Khirnov, A.; Ledvinka, T.

While numerical relativity has largely resolved the most important problem of a binary black hole collision and merger with the help of the moving puncture gauge, there are still interesting regimes that elude successful numeric treatment. One such is the evolution of axisymmetric gravitational waves, followed for sufficiently strong field by their collapse into a black hole. A specific family of initial data, the Brill waves, has proven difficult to evolve with common hyperbolic gauge conditions. We present a comparison of the effects of different gauge choice on the numerical evolution of this data.
editor:Šafránková, J.; Pavlů, J.
note:ISBN 978-80-7378-311-2
grants:Albert Einstein Center for Gravitation and Astrophysics, GAČR 14-37086G; 2014-2018; hlavní řešitel: Jiří Bičák Centrum Alberta Einsteina pro gravitaci a astrofyziku
Numerické simulace v obecné relativitě a astrofyzice; 2014-2016; řešitelé: Anton Khirnov, Lukáš Ledvina, Vojtěch Witzany
Aktuální problémy teoretické fyziky, astronomie a astrofyziky; 2015; řešitel: Oldřich Semerák

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