Publikace ÚTF

Molecular Auger Interferometry

M. A. Khokhlova, B. Cooper, K. Ueda, K. C. Prince, P. Kolorenč, M. Yu Ivanov, and V Averbukh

We introduce and present a theory of interferometric measurement of a normal Auger decay lifetime in molecules. Molecular Auger interferometry is based on the coherent phase control of Auger dynamics in a two-color (omega/2 omega) laser field. We show that, in contrast to atoms, in oriented molecules of certain point groups the relative omega/2 omega phase modulates the total ionization yield. A simple analytical formula is derived for the extraction of the lifetimes of Auger-active states from a molecular Auger interferogram, circumventing the need in either high-resolution or attosecond spectroscopy. We demonstrate the principle of the interferometric Auger lifetime measurement using inner-valence decay in CH3F.
journal:Phys. Rev. Lett.
grants:Properties of autoionizing states in atoms, molecules and clusters, GAČR 17-10866S; 2017-2019; hlavní řešitel: Přemysl Kolorenč

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