Publikace ÚTF

Connection between the long secondary period and red giant evolution

Pawlak, Michal

Aims: The mechanism behind the long secondary period (LSP) observed in pulsating red giants remains unknown. In this work, I investigate the connection between the red giant branch and the asymptotic giant branch evolution and the appearance of the LSP - a phenomenon that has been observed in a significant proportion of red giants.
Methods: For the purposes of this work, I used the OGLE-III sample of the OSARG variables in the Large Magellanic Cloud. I constructed density maps in the period-luminosity as well as color-magnitude planes for the stars showing an LSP and compared them to the remaining giants. I also fit the spectral energy distribution to test whether an additional source of reddening is present in the LSP stars.
Results: Here, I posit the hypothesis that the LSP phenomenon may be related to a transition between the different pulsation period-luminosity sequences. I also show that an overabundance of the stars showing LSP can be observed around the tip of the red giant branch, and much more prominently, at the upper part of the asymptotic giant branch. The main over-density region appears to be slightly fainter and redder than the bulk of the asymptotic giant branch. It also seems to correspond to the area of the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram where stable winds and high mass loss are present.
Conclusions: The LSP can possibly be shown to be a recurring phenomenon that appears and disappears at various points of the red giant evolution. The LSP stars appear to be more reddened than other giants, which suggests the intrinsic nature of the reddening is likely to be related to large dust emission. The analysis appears to confirm the hypothesis that there is a relation between the mass loss due to the presence of strong stellar wind and the appearance of an LSP.
journal:Astronomy & Astrophysics
grants:Časová proměnnost v astronomii: účast v projektu All-Sky Automated Survey for Supernovae; 2019-2022; hlavní řešitel: Ondřej Pejcha
pawlak2021_aa38642-20.pdf (10239.35 kB)

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