ITP staff Publications

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Jan Dvořák, Karel Houfek, Martin Čížek: Vibrational excitation in the e+CO2 system: Nonlocal model of ΣΠ vibronic coupling through the continuum, Phys. Rev. A 105 (2022) 062821
Jan Dvořák, Miloš Ranković, Karel Houfek, Pamir Nag, Roman Čurík, Juraj Fedor, Martin Čížek: Vibronic Coupling through the Continuum in the e + CO2 System, Phys. Rev. Lett. 129 (2022)
Jan Dvořák, Miloš Ranković, Karel Houfek, Pamir Nag, Roman Čurík, Juraj Fedor, Martin Čížek: Vibrational excitation in the e + CO2 system: Analysis of the two-dimensional energy-loss spectrum, Phys. Rev. A 106 (2022) 19
Václav Alt, Karel Houfek: Resonant collisions of electrons with O2 via the lowest-lying 2Pig state of O2-, Phys. Rev. A 103 (2021) 032829
Zawadzki M. Khakoo M.A. Voorneman L. Ratkovich L. Mašín Z. Houfek K. Dora A. Laher R. Tennyson J.: Low energy inelastic electron scattering from carbon monoxide: I. Excitation of the a3Pi, a′3Sigma+ and A1Pi electronic states, Journal of Physics B Atomic Molecular Physics 53 (2020) 165201
Ragesh Kumar T. P. P. Nag M. Ranković R. Čurík A. Knížek S. Civiš M. Ferus J. Trnka K. Houfek M. Čížek and J. Fedor: Electron-impact vibrational excitation of isocyanic acid HNCO, Phys. Rev. A 102 (2020) 062822
Benda J., Houfek K.: Converged and consistent high-resolution low-energy electron–hydrogen scattering. I. Data below n = 4 threshold for applications in stellar physics, Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables 119 (2018) 303-313
Hvizdoš D., Váňa M., Houfek K., Green Ch. H., Rescigno T. N., McCurdy C. W., Čurík R.: Dissociative recombination by frame transformation to Siegert pseudostates: A comparison with a numerically solvable model, Physical Review A 97 (2018) 022704
Čížek M., Dvořák J., Houfek K.: Associative detachment in Li+H− collisions, European Physical Journal D 72 (2018) 66
Zawadzki M., Čížek M., Houfek K., Čurík R., Ferus M., Civiš S., Kočišek J., Fedor J.: Resonances and Dissociative Electron Attachment in HNCO, Phys. Rev. Lett. 121 (2018) 143402
Benda J., Houfek K.: Reducing the dimensionality of grid based methods for electron-atom scattering calculations below ionization threshold, Computer Physics Communications 213 (2017) 46-51
Váňa M., Houfek K.: Time-dependent formulation of the two-dimensional model of resonant electron collisions with diatomic molecules and interpretation of the vibrational excitation cross sections, Physical Review A 95 (2017) 022714
Brambila D. S., Harvey A. G., Houfek K., Mašín Z., Smirnova O.: Role of electronic correlations in photoionization of NO2 in the vicinity of the 2A1/2B2 conical intersection, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys 19 (2017) 19673--19682
Plašil R., Dung Tran T. D., Roučka Š., Jusko P., Mulin D., Zymak I., Rednyk S., Kovalenko A., Dohnal P., Glosík J., Houfek K., Táborský J., Čížek M.: Isotopic effects in the interaction of O− with D2 and H2 at low temperatures, Physical Review A 96 (2017) 062703
Houfek K., Čížek M.: Lowest autodetachment state of the water anion, European Physical Journal D 70 (2016) 107
Benda J., Houfek K.: New version of hex-ecs, the B-spline implementation of exterior complex scaling method for solution of electron–hydrogen scattering, Computer Physics Communications 204 (2016) 216-2017
Jusko P., Roučka Š., Mulin D., Zymak I., Plašil R., Gerlich D., Čížek M., Houfek K., Glosík J.: Interaction of O− and H2 at low temperatures, Journal of Chemical Physics 142 (2015) 014304
Benda J., Houfek K.: Collisions of electrons with hydrogen atoms I. Package outline and high energy code, Computer Physics Communications 185 (2014) 2893-2902
Benda J., Houfek K.: Collisions of electrons with hydrogen atoms II. Low-energy program using the method of the exterior complex scaling✩, Computer Physics Communications 185 (2014) 2903-2912
Houfek K.: Resonant inelastic collisions of electrons with diatomic molecules, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 279 (2012) 71-75
Čížek M., Houfek K.: Nonlocal Theory of Resonance Electron− Molecule Scattering in , in Low-Energy Electron Scattering from Molecules, Biomolecules, and Surfaces
Tarana M., Houfek K., Horáček J., Fabrikant I. I.: Dissociative electron attachment and vibrational excitation of CF3Cl: Effect of two vibrational modes revisited, Physical Review A 84 (2011) 052717
Fedor J., Winstead C., McKoy V., Čížek M., Houfek K., Kolorenč P., Horáček J.: Electron scattering in HCl: An improved nonlocal resonance model, Physical Review A 81 (2010) 042702-+
Formánek M., Váňa M., Houfek K.: Comparison of the Chebyshev Method and the Generalized Crank-Nicolson Method for time Propagation in Quantum Mechanics in , in AIP Conference Proceedings 1281, International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics 2010, pp. 667-670
Houfek K.: Efficient Numerical Solution of Time-Dependent Multichannel One-Dimensional or Radial Problems in Quantum Mechanics in , in AIP Conference Proceedings 1168, Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics, International Conference 2009, pp. 293

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