Publikace ÚTF

Averaging in GR using Cartan scalars

Kašpar, P.; Svítek, O.

Averaging problem in GR and cosmology is of fundamental importance. It is still not
clear how to unambiguously average Einstein equations and the metric tensor (despite some promising
attempts). Here we will present a new approach to this problem using the theory of the Cartan
scalars. After short review of the theory originally taken from the equivalence problem, averaging
procedure is presented and some examples are given.
grants:General relativity and its applications in astrophysics and cosmology, GAČR 205/09/H033; 2009-2012; hlavní řešitel: Oldřich Semerák, doktorandský grant
aipconfproc.1458.548_svitek.pdf (792.81 kB)

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