Publikace ÚTF

Existence of horizons in Robinson-Trautman spacetimes of arbitrary dimension

Svítek, O.

We derive the higher dimensional generalization of Penrose-Tod equation desribing past horizon in Robinson-Trautman spacetimes with a cosmological constant and pure radiation. Results for D=4 dimenstions are summarized. Existence of its solutions in D>4 dimensions is proved using tools for nonlinear elliptic partial differential equations.
grants:Gravitational waves in higher dimensions, GAČR 202/07/P284; 2007-2009; hlavní řešitel: Otakar Svítek
Current problems of gravitation, general relativity and relativistic astrophysics, GAČR 202/09/0772; 2009-2013; hlavní řešitel: Jiří Bičák
Centrum teoretické astrofyziky, MŠMT ČR LC06014; 2005-2009; hlavní řešitel: Jiří Horáček
mg12.1075_svitek.pdf (767.53 kB)

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