Publikace ÚTF

On the nature of cosmic strings in black hole spacetimes

Kofroň, David

A new model for cosmic strings (i.e. conical singularities) attached to black holes is proposed. These string are obtained by a explicit construction via limiting process from the so-called Bonnor rocket. This reveals quite surprising nature of their stress–energy tensor which contains first derivative of Dirac δ distribution. Starting from the Bonnor rocket we explicitly construct the Schwarzschild solution witch conical singularity and the C-metric. In the latter case we show that there is a momentum flux through the cosmic string, causing the acceleration of the black hole and the amount of this momentum is in agreement with the momentum taken away by gravitational radiation.
journal:Gen. Rel. Grav.
grants:Thermodynamics of the gravitational field, GAČR 17-16260Y; 2017-2019; hlavní řešitel: Giovanni Acquaviva
kofron2020_article_onthenatureofcosmicstringsinbl.pdf (653 kB)

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