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Spacetimes with a separable Klein-Gordon equation in higher dimensions

Kolář, I.; Krtouš, P.

We study spacetimes that lead to a separable Klein-Gordon equation in a general dimension. We introduce an ansatz for the metric in higher dimensions motivated by analogical work by Carter in four dimensions and find solutions of the Klein-Gordon equation. For such a metric we solve the Einstein equations and regain the Kerr-NUT-(A)dS spacetime as one of our results. Other solutions lead to the Einstein-Kahler metric of a Euclidean signature. Next we investigate a warped geometry of two Klein-Gordon separable spaces with a properly chosen warped factor. We show that the resulting metric leads also to a separable Klein--Gordon equation and we find the corresponding solutions. Finally, we solve the Einstein equations for the warped geometry and obtain new solutions.
journal:Phys. Rev. D
grants:Albert Einstein Center for Gravitation and Astrophysics, GAČR 14-37086G; 2014-2018; hlavní řešitel: Jiří Bičák Centrum Alberta Einsteina pro gravitaci a astrofyziku
Aktuální problémy teoretické fyziky, astronomie a astrofyziky; 2015; řešitel: Oldřich Semerák
kolari,krtousp-physrevd93(2016)024053.pdf (232.77 kB)

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