Publikace ÚTF

Fast and efficient solution of scattering integral equation

Šulc M.;Kolorenč P.;Tarana M.; Horáček J.

In this work we propose a method for numerical treatment of integral equations describing scattering of low-energy electrons with atoms and molecules. The method is based on a combination of R-matrix approach with the Schwinger-Lanczos method proposed by the authors. It is shown on the example of scattering of electrons by hydrogen atoms in the static exchange approximation that the method is very fast, economic and very accurate. By using only 64 meshpoints the accurancy of 9 significant figures can be easily obtained.
grants:Dynamika excitovaných molekulárních systémů, GAAV IAA100400501; 2005-2009; hlavní řešitel: Ivana Paidarová spoluřešitel: Jiří Horáček
Aplikácia teórie R-matice a nelokálnych modelov rezonancie v zrážkach elektrónov s molekulami; 2007-2008; hlavní řešitel: Michal Tarana
Centrum teoretické astrofyziky, MŠMT ČR LC06014; 2005-2009; hlavní řešitel: Jiří Horáček
skth-fessie-08.pdf (1930.34 kB)

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