Publikace ÚTF

Electron scattering in HCl: An improved nonlocal resonance model

Fedor, J.; Winstead, C.; McKoy, V.; Čížek, M.; Houfek, K.; Kolorenč, P.; Horáček, J.

We present an improved nonlocal resonance model for electron-HCl collisions. The short-range part of the model is fitted to ab initio electron-scattering eigenphase sums calculated using the Schwinger multichannel method, while the long-range part is based on the ab initio potential-energy curve of the bound anion HCl(-). This model significantly improves the agreement of nonlocal resonance calculations with recent absolute experimental data on dissociative electron attachment cross sections for HCl and DCl. It also partly resolves an inconsistency in the temperature effect in dissociative electron attachment to HCl present in the literature. Finally, the present model reproduces all qualitative structures observed previously in elastic scattering and vibrational-excitation cross sections.
journal:Physical Review A
grants:Towards nonlocal resonance dynamics of polyatomic systems, GAČR 202/07/0833; 2007-2009; hlavní řešitel: Martin Čížek
Fyzikální studium objektů a procesů ve sluneční soustavě a v astro-fyzikálních systémech, výzkumný záměr MSM0021620860; 2007-2013; hlavní řešitel: Jiří Bičák
physreva 81 (2010) 042702 (fedor,winstead,mckoy,cizek,houfek,kolorenc,horacek).pdf (617.47 kB)

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