Publikace ÚTF

Determination of Resonance Parameters byUse of Padé III Approximation

Horáček J.

Analytic continuation in the coupling constant us studied by means of the statistical
Padé approximation (Padé III approximation). The method is used to calculate resonance energies and widths for model potential, consisting of two Dirac δ=functions, which allows for an analytic solution of the scattering problem. Bound states are determined for a range of coupling parameters and the resonance parameters are then obtained by the analytic continuation. The role of selection of the input data on the calculated resonance parameters is discussed.
editor:T.E. Simos, G. Psihoyios, and Ch. Tsitouras
publisher:American Institute of Physics 978=0-7354-0705-3/09/$25.00

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