Publikace ÚTF

Weakly charged generalized Kerr-NUT-(A)dS spacetimes

Frolov, V. P.; Krtouš, P.; Kubizňák, D.

We find an explicit solution of the source free Maxwell equations in a generalized Kerr-NUT-(A)dS spacetime in all dimensions. This solution is obtained as a linear combination of the closed conformal Killing-Yano tensor h_ab, which is present in such a spacetime, and a derivative of the primary Killing vector, associated with h_ab. For the vanishing cosmological constant the obtained solution reduces to the Wald's electromagnetic field generated from the primary Killing vector.
journal:Physics Letters B
grants:Albert Einstein Center for Gravitation and Astrophysics, GAČR 14-37086G; 2014-2018; hlavní řešitel: Jiří Bičák Centrum Alberta Einsteina pro gravitaci a astrofyziku
physlettb771(2017)254.pdf (206.89 kB)

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