Publikace ÚTF

Role of electronic correlations in photoionization of NO2 in the vicinity of the 2A1/2B2 conical intersection

Brambila, D. S.; Harvey, A. G.; Houfek, K.; Mašín, Z.; Smirnova, O.

We present the first ab initio multi-channel photoionization calculations for NO2 in the vicinity of the 2A1/2B2
conical intersection, for a range of nuclear geometries, using our newly developed set of tools based on the
ab initio multichannel R-matrix method. Electronic correlation is included in both the neutral and the scattering
states of the molecule via configuration interaction. Configuration mixing is especially important around conical
intersections and avoided crossings, both pertinent for NO2, and manifests itself via significant variations in
photoelectron angular distributions. The method allows for a balanced and accurate description of the
photoionization/photorecombination for a number of different ionic channels in a wide range of photoelectron
energies up to 100 eV. Proper account of electron correlations is crucial for interpreting time-resolved signals
in photoelectron spectroscopy and high harmonic generation (HHG) from polyatomic molecules.
journal:Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys
grants:Theoretical description of electron-driven molecular processes in plasma, GAČR 16-17230S; 2016-2018; hlavní řešitel: Martin Čížek
phys.chem.chem.phys.19.19673_brambila.harvey.houfek.masin.smirnova.pdf (7551.62 kB)

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