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Dynamical analysis of a first order theory of bulk viscosity

Acquaviva, G.; Beesham, A.

We perform a global analysis of curved Friedmann–Robertson–Walker cosmologies in the presence of a viscous fluid. The fluid’s bulk viscosity is governed by a frst order theory recently proposed in Disconzi et al (2015 Phys. Rev. D 91 043532), and the analysis is carried out in a compactifed parameter space with dimensionless coordinates. We provide stability properties, cosmological interpretation and thermodynamic features of the critical points.
journal:Class. Quantum Grav.
publisher:IOP publishing
grants:Thermodynamics of the gravitational field, GAČR 17-16260Y; 2017-2019; hlavní řešitel: Giovanni Acquaviva
2018b - dynamical analysis of a first order theory of bulk viscosity.pdf (2646.85 kB)

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