Publikace ÚTF

An inverse eigenvalue problem for a one-dimensional Schrodinger equation with ¨ varying potential and applications to computing resonance energy of molecules

Bárta, T.; Horáček, J.

The regularized analytical continuation method (RAC) proved to be a very powerful method for determination of resonance energies and resonance widths of several atomic and molecular systems including large systems of biological importance.
For correct applications of the RAC method the knowledge of the asymptotic behavior of the basic ingredient of the method, the coupling function λ(κ), is important.
In this paper we find the correct asymptotic form of λ(κ) for broad class of realistic
potentials and for nonzero values of the angular momentum. To the best of our
knowledge this problem has never been studied before.
sturmliuvilleproblem-submitted.pdf (126.7 kB)

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