Publikace ÚTF

Electron-impact vibrational excitation of isocyanic acid HNCO

Ragesh Kumar T. P. , P. Nag , M. Ranković , R. Čurík, A. Knížek , S. Civiš , M. Ferus, J. Trnka , K. Houfek , M. Čížek , and J. Fedor

In a combined experimental and theoretical study, we probe the vibrational excitation of isocyanic acid induced by electron impact in the energy range up to 5 eV. Experimentally, we report differential elastic and vibrationally inelastic cross sections at the scattering angle of 135◦. Theoretically, we characterize the involved resonant states using a regularized analytical continuation method. We also apply a nonlocal resonance model to calculate cross sections for the vibrational mode that involves the N-H stretching motion. The model reproduces all the features observed in the experiment: efficient excitation at the threshold, sharp cusps in the excitation functions, and the formation of an A' shape resonance. There is a second (A'') resonance visible in the spectra; however, it excites
only selected vibrational modes. The origins of this selectivity are discussed.
journal:Phys. Rev. A
grants:Electron-driven atomic and molecular processes - development of ab initio methods, GAČR 19-20524S; 2019-2021; hlavní řešitel: Martin Čížek
physreva.102.062822.pdf (1046.47 kB)

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