Publikace ÚTF

Calculation of atomic integrals between relativistic functions by means of algebraic methods

Uhlířová T.; Zamastil J.; Benda J.

We propose the use of Sturmian basis set for relativistic atomic structure calculations. We describe a numerically stable algebraic calculation of one-and two-particle radial integrals. The method is illustrated on the basis set independent calculation of energies, electric dipole moments, hyperfine integrals and parity non-conserving (PNC) amplitude for Cs in Dirac-Hartree-Fock approximation with frozen core orbitals. The previously reported results for electric dipole moments and PNC amplitude are found to be strongly basis dependent.
journal:Computer Physics Communications
grants:Studium nehermitovských degenerací (tzv. zvláštních bodů) v atomové fyzice prostřednictvím XUV laserových impulzů, GACR 20-21179S; 2020 - 2023;
Výpočet narušení parity v atomové spektroskopii, GAUK 339921 ; 2021;
compphyscom280(220)108490_bendaj - calculation of atomic integrals between relativistic functions by means of algebraic methods.pdf (560.77 kB)

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