Publikace ÚTF

Autodetachment spectroscopy of metastable D2− and HD−

Marion R.; Čížek M.; Urban X.

This paper reports observations of the autodetachment spectrum of D2− and HD−, resolved in rovibrational levels presenting lifetimes from 1 to 100 μs. The electronic kinetic-energy release was measured using the velocity-map imaging technique, enhanced by coincidence detection of the neutral species produced. The experimental results are compared with theoretical description of the ab initio–based nonlocal resonance model, confirming the main features predicted by theory while resolving the apparent discrepancy between spontaneous dissociation and detachment experiments by revealing the presence of an additional rovibrational level in D2− not predicted to be sufficiently long-lived by theory.
journal:Phys. Rev. A
grants:Electron-driven atomic and molecular processes - development of ab initio methods, GAČR 19-20524S; 2019-2021; hlavní řešitel: Martin Čížek
physreva.107.052808_cizek.pdf (1756.55 kB)

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