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Distant Symmetry Control in Electron-Induced Bond Cleavage

Kumar T. P. R.; Nag P.; Rankovič M.; Luxford T. F. M.; Kočišek J.; Mašín Z.; Fedor J.

We experimentally show that N-H bond cleavage in the pyrrole molecule following resonant electron attachment is allowed and controlled by the motion of the atoms which are not dissociating, namely, of the carbon-attached hydrogen atoms. We use this fact to steer the efficiency of this bond cleavage. In order to interpret the experimental findings, we have developed a method for locating all resonant and virtual states of an electron-molecule system in the complex plane, based on all-electron R-matrix scattering calculations. Mapping these as a function of molecular geometry allows us to separate two contributing dissociation mechanisms: a pi*resonance formation inducing strong bending deformations and a nonresonant sigma* mechanism originating in a virtual state. The coupling between the two mechanisms is enabled by the out-of-plane motion of the C-H bonds, and we show that it must happen on an ultrafast (few fs) time scale.
journal:Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters
grants:New mechanisms of damage of DNA driven by electrons and ultraviolet light, GAČR 20-15548Y; 2020-2022; hlavní řešitel: Zdeněk Mašín
New mechanisms of damage of DNA driven by electrons and ultraviolet light, Primus/20/SCI/003; 2020-2022; hlavní řešitel: Zdeněk Mašín
jphyschemlett.13.11136.pdf (4257.21 kB)

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