Publikace ÚTF

Science with a Small Two-Band UV-Photometry Mission I: Mission Description and Follow-up Observations of Stellar Transients

Werner, N.; Řípa, J.; Thöne, C.; Münz, F.; Kurfürst, P.; Jelínek, M.; Hroch, F.; Benáček, J.; Topinka, M.; Lukes-Gerakopoulos, G.; Zajaček, M.; Labaj, M.; Prišegen, M.; Krtička, J.; Merc, J.; Pál, A.; Pejcha, O.; Dániel, V.; Jon, J.; Šošovička, R.; Gromeš, J.; Václavík, J.; Steiger, L.; Segiák, J.; Behar, E.; Tarem, S.; Salh, J.; Reich, O.; Ben-Ami, S.; Barschke, M. F.; Berge, D.; Tohuvavohu, A.; Sivanandam, S.; Bulla, M.; Popov, S.; Chang, Hsiang-Kuang

This is the first in a collection of three papers introducing the science with an ultra-violet (UV) space telescope on an approximately 130 kg small satellite with a moderately fast re-pointing capability and a real-time alert communication system approved for a Czech national space mission. The mission, called Quick Ultra-Violet Kilonova surveyor—QUVIK, will provide key follow-up capabilities to increase the discovery potential of gravitational wave observatories and future wide-field multi-wavelength surveys. The primary objective of the mission is the measurement of the UV brightness evolution of kilonovae, resulting from mergers of neutron stars, to distinguish between different explosion scenarios. The mission, which is designed to be complementary to the Ultraviolet Transient Astronomy Satellite—ULTRASAT, will also provide unique follow-up capabilities for other transients both in the near- and far-UV bands. Between the observations of transients, the satellite will target other objects described in this collection of papers, which demonstrates that a small and relatively affordable dedicated UV-space telescope can be transformative for many fields of astrophysics.
journal:Space Science Review
grants:Cat-In-hAT: Catastrophic Interactions of Binary Stars and the Associated Transients, Horizon 2020 ERC Starting Grant 803158; 2019-2023; hlavní řešitel: Ondřej Pejcha
werner_etal_pejcha_s11214-024-01048-3.pdf (7104 kB)

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